Is there any need to mock?

I have just been reading a thread, and i wont say which one because thats not fair on any of the posters..

But when someone asks a genuine question in the "Motivation and Support" section.. that is what they want, motivation and indeed support.. not slapping down with mockery and sarcasm..

Some people aren't as "aware" of correct terminology, so they may phrase things differently, or even say something that may well be incorrect/in jest


They want help *duh.. you only have to look at the section the thread is in*

They don't want to annoy people, they don't want you to tell them they are stupid, or they clearly don't understand. If they are wrong, or have misunderstood something tell them nicely? Just an idea..

I'm sick of seeing peopld being told "actually, this is wrong so maybe you should read up before making such and such a comment" or "the title of of this post made me laugh BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG AND CLEALY AN IMBECILE!" (obviously I am paraphrasing...)

Help me out guys.. I'm always so worried about posting in case i get something wrong and am subsequently SLAPPED DOWN WITH THE BOOK OF DIET/FITNESS/EXERCISE/METABOLISM/STARVATION MODE law that some people seem to think they wrote!

PLEASE... play nice :) People want help.. give it to them.. don't mock them

*edit.. clearly sometimes you can misunderstand people as it is over the internet.. maybe try and make it clear when you write things*

A x


  • JDKD82199
    JDKD82199 Posts: 106 Member
    I agree! We are here to encourage and support.
  • apvalletta
    apvalletta Posts: 110 Member
    agreed, well said.
  • debloves2ride
    debloves2ride Posts: 386
    I quite agree with you. to many times there is someone trying to get support and is brave enough to try to post something and others (who have usually been on for a while and lost lbs) ridicule and **tch slap the poster. not nice
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Very well said!
  • allysabee
    allysabee Posts: 123
    Definitely agree. Some trolls on here spend their entire day reading through thread after thread bringing people down and making them feel stupid. It's one of the reasons I don't like posting too often. I find it so rude and immature.
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    True story...but there will always be mean, rude people who think their **** doesnt stink. You just have to ignore them...stupidity just cant be fixed! lol
  • livontuesday
    livontuesday Posts: 7 Member
    I totally agree! This is supposed to be a support network! Not trying to point any fingers either but it seems to be mostly guys making poor girls feel like idiots for not speaking "bro-science". Here's a tip guys, girls are really sensitive about their weight! No matter how much they weigh! Making them feel like idiots on top of already feeling fat and you're gonna be in for a fight.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I agree with you to a point. There is a "Search" function on the Message Boards, so I'll get irritated (although I won't post because I'm a nice person) when someone has obviously not even tried to answer their own question before posting yet another topic on how to increase calories because they're full after 200 a day or something ridiculous. But like I said, I get internally irritated and try not to post anything other than "Hey, ya know there's a search function which may be helpful".
  • hobnobler
    hobnobler Posts: 20 Member
    well said. it scares me off posting because of some things i read.
  • steelguy54
    steelguy54 Posts: 90 Member
    Some people feel empowered by putting down others. Usually these people are put down themselves in real life, either in the past or present. They feel they can "hide" online and mock people without anyone really knowing who they are.

    Kinda sad!!
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I totally agree! This is why I stopped posting on the boards, fed up with the sarky comments! I don't need to come here for those, I get plenty of them at home thank you very much! lol
  • Rdahl2
    Rdahl2 Posts: 90
    True story...but there will always be mean, rude people who think their **** doesnt stink. You just have to ignore them...stupidity just cant be fixed! lol

    Totally agree. Unfortunately there will always be one bad apple out of the bunch. I honestly think they are mean to others to make themselves feel better. Its really sad. We all are supposed to be on here for support and advice.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    The great irony being that 99.9% of people found this site/tool because we lost our way, got out of shape and needed help getting back into shape because we didn't know all the answers........3 weeks in an everyone is an expert and some go on to talk down to those still learning.

    There world is full of idiots - the internet just makes it harder to punch them in the mouth.

  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    I'm always so worried about posting in case i get something wrong and am subsequently SLAPPED DOWN WITH THE BOOK OF DIET/FITNESS/EXERCISE/METABOLISM/STARVATION MODE law that some people seem to think they

    This!!! I'm not afraid, I will *****slap back but it pisses me off when I see this, to the point I mostly have to steer clear of the forums anymore... It's sickening...
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    And people say...use the search function blah blah blah. Well, maybe what the member found didn't exactly answer their question, or maybe they were unaware of the search function at all, or maybe they didn't want to hijack some elses thread. It's no skin off your nose to ignore their thread or even (*gasp*) help them out. person will get snarky, and all their friends pile on, making it a thousand times worse and feels and looks very much like bullying.

    Or....just posting a picture ridiculing the OP or posters that were trying to help afterwards.

    Or....telling people to toughen up, this is the INTERNET (which is an internet bully's excuse for inexcusable behavior)

    Or....mistaking rudeness for honesty. It is possible to be honest and be kind. Rudeness is NOT honesty, it is rudeness.

    Oh I could go on and on and on...but never forget, karma really is an ugly b*****.
  • cycleholic
    cycleholic Posts: 119 Member
    The great irony being that 99.9% of people found this site/tool because we lost our way, got out of shape and needed help getting back into shape because we didn't know all the answers........3 weeks in an everyone is an expert and some go on to talk down to those still learning.

    There world is full of idiots - the internet just makes it harder to punch them in the mouth.


  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    I'm convinced there are people here that aren't even trying to lose weight, they're just here for the boards. I always try to be helpful and constructive in my comments and wish that everyone would.

    I know how it feels to be kicked in the face when I'm trying to be helpful. I have been slapped down while trying to be supportive for getting one word wrong in an explanation. So when I see people coming down on someone for asking a question, I try to jump in and be constructive and supportive.

    If you get frustrated because you keep seeing the same questions/problems over and over. Realize it's not the same person over and over. It's probably someone new who hasn't read thru all the postings that came before their time. If you're annoyed, don't answer the post.

    edit ==> changed "knew" to "new"
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Amen! I just posted about that on my wall yesterday (not in the forums cuz I didn't want to get jumped!).
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    We all can live with some more kindness in our lives and nobody needs more putting down, but still there are many bitter people out there. It is sad, that is what it is. :(
  • Shellab1
    Shellab1 Posts: 7
    Hello Everyone!
    I'm new to the boards and forums! :flowerforyou: