PC Gamers?



  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    X Evercrack junky here also. I got it christmas of 99. Played up till couple years after Wow came out. Had both for awhile but ended up letting Eq go.
    Lol since its free to play now I've reinstalled it to just run around on sometimes though.

    Yeah, it sucked me back in too
  • Nyodra
    Nyodra Posts: 40
    I used to play Everquest back when kunark was first released and around 5 years intermittently after that. I played wow for just about the same amount of time, on and off aswell. I've played Rift, And Aion, Lord of the Rings Online and heeps of the asian flavored grind fests. I'm not sure what it is about mmos that are so.. inciting.

    With so many moving over to the free to play model, things are looking up for my bank account - Though, I hope they continue to move towards not disabling the free players and enabling ones with cash to burn. Its one of the reasons the idea behind basic ascetic purchases in GW2 that I adore. I don't have to spend money, aside from the initial buy, to compete in the game. Cause I do love me some pvp!
  • Xelliz
    Xelliz Posts: 1
    Mostly been on the Xbox360 for a while now, but Minecraft on a friends private server has gotten me back on the PC for now. Of course Diablo 3 would have done that shortly anyway.

    I've played quite a lot of MMO's over the years...Yserbius, The Realm, Asheron's Call, Lineage 2, DDO, WoW and Rifts to name a few.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I used to play Everquest back when kunark was first released and around 5 years intermittently after that. I played wow for just about the same amount of time, on and off aswell. I've played Rift, And Aion, Lord of the Rings Online and heeps of the asian flavored grind fests. I'm not sure what it is about mmos that are so.. inciting.

    With so many moving over to the free to play model, things are looking up for my bank account - Though, I hope they continue to move towards not disabling the free players and enabling ones with cash to burn. Its one of the reasons the idea behind basic ascetic purchases in GW2 that I adore. I don't have to spend money, aside from the initial buy, to compete in the game. Cause I do love me some pvp!

    I spent more money on Runes of Magic (f2p) than I ever did on Everquest, WoW, Guild Wars, or RIFT lol.