My weightloss journy from 325lbs

mgrubbe85 Posts: 41 Member
Hello everyone, my name is Michele and I am starting a weightloss journey to see how much weight i can lose. My starting weight was 327 2 days before i started to document my diet. i started april 23 2012 at 325lbs. you can follow me on you tube just look up Michele Grubbe weightloss journey from 325lbs I need all the support and feel free to comment and give suggestions. I am in serious need to lose the weight and i need help from all of you out there. The more people to help the more weight i can lose. So thank you all for your interest in my health and weight loss.


  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    you have mistakenly called it a "diet"

    diets don't work. you need to make it a lifestyle change. that is what i did 3.5 months ago, and it's been so amazing.
  • nirvjuana
    nirvjuana Posts: 4
    Good luck girl!
    I'm on the same page as you, weighing 230 pounds at 18.
    You should add me as a friend if you'd like and we can motivate each other! :)
  • moonbrightt
    moonbrightt Posts: 3 Member
    i just started my weight loss journey May 7th. I could also use as much help that I can get too. So lets be friends