Why is it so hard?

I know I should not eat that last piece of cake, and I won't for atleast a few hours, but eventually I eat the cake!!!! It does not matter if I have it in the house or not because I will drive to it!!! I have ZERO willpower, any suggestions on how to solve this problem?


  • mawiggins
    mawiggins Posts: 20
    I know I should not eat that last piece of cake, and I won't for atleast a few hours, but eventually I eat the cake!!!! It does not matter if I have it in the house or not because I will drive to it!!! I have ZERO willpower, any suggestions on how to solve this problem?
  • sportsmomof2
    To be honest...I am a huge throw away person now...If it will tempt me beyond control..to the trash it goes...

    Good luck and remember you are amazing and you will do it!
  • stacy83084
    I am exactly the same as you. I can try my hardest but I give in eventually.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Its weird - for me it was like a switch went off in my head. I don't really seem to have an apetite for sweet things anymore, which is weird because I use to stash a whole bunch of junk food and then go on massive binges. I wish I knew how it happened because I would share.

    Then again, i don't really have any sweets around in my apartment, just the basics that I'd need for a few day's meals. But even that - I used to go through a box of nutrigrain bars. Now I have one with breakfast and thats it.

    One thing that HAS helped me is to keep myself busy. I'm rarely at home now, I'm always out doing stuff with friends, or walking in the park, or something.

    My only weakness that I've found so far is guinness. One pint just isn't enough :)
  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm with sportsmomof2--I chuck it! It may seem like a waste, but your body doesn't need it either, so it's wasted anyway--if you eat it you have to wear it!

    It's no longer tempting if it's in the trash...:wink:
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    When changing your lifestyle you need willpower. I know you have it you just need to push yourself to stay true to the things you want in life.

    Remember: you control food, food does not control you. Throw it away and do something constructive to pass the time.
  • lenmana
    lenmana Posts: 171
    Maybe you need to figure out why you eat it...maybe it really isn't the cake you are wanting? I don't know I'm an emotional eater and one day after someone ticked me off at work it hit me. Are you going to let them have that effect on you??? SO now...I don't ever stop for the hamburger on the way home. I guess like everything else you have to figure out what you can live without and what you are willing to do or cut to make up for it.

    I LOVE CAKE...if there is a party with cake...I'm having it. But I've given up cokes, white bread or any other product that isn't WHOLE WHEAT. Sooo...I get to have my cake and eat it too :) Just don't give up...I've failed a million times...eventually it will stick...I'm down 20 lbs now! Good luck!

  • Cassia
    Cassia Posts: 467 Member
    I chuck it! It may seem like a waste, but your body doesn't need it either, so it's wasted anyway--if you eat it you have to wear it!
    REALLY REALLY good thought :wink: i like it so much! that is my new motto for healthy living
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    swap it out for healthier things. I NEVER in my life imagined that I would dig sugar free cake with a lil cool whip on it but it is absolutely yummy and at around 90 or so calories for a small pice count me in!!!! I go for diabetic desserts all around, that way I still get to be a little "bad" but still be GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    swap it out for healthier things. I NEVER in my life imagined that I would dig sugar free cake with a lil cool whip on it but it is absolutely yummy and at around 90 or so calories for a small pice count me in!!!! I go for diabetic desserts all around, that way I still get to be a little "bad" but still be GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So true! :happy:
  • butterfly2008
    i was the same as you in the beginning , i got better fhrough the support i got here i made myself accountable . If i ate it i had to count it and if i had to look at it later i felt bad and then that lead to posts that i feft horrible . ppl are really supportive here and i felt if they took the time to help me feel better i owed it to them to do better and it worked!!!
    sorry for the typos i have horrible vision and no contacts today sorry
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Mrs. Freshley's Snack Away selections may be for you. You can find them next to the Hostess and Little Debbie stuff at WalMart - other stores. There are several yummy snacks for 100 - 150 calories. My favorite are chocolate cupcakes. I think they have 130 or 140 calories but 9 GRAMS OF FIBER!!! I know there are peanut butter wafer thingies, too. Some Twinkie spin offs as well.

    Anyway, my point is, find a substitution so that you won't feel guilty. I'm not gonna lie - a day rarely passes when I don't have sweets - fat free jello, sugar free pudding, 100 calorie packs, the Mrs. Freshley's Snack Away things, I even found 100 calorie ice cream cups.

    When I started eating right in January, I knew I wouldn't last one week if I deprived myself. 31 lbs later, I have very rarely felt deprived - and that's only when everyone else is eating Big Macs and I'm eating a tuna sandwich. Factor your sweet tooth into your day. And I'm tellin' ya - - Mrs. Freshley knows her stuff!
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    Its weird - for me it was like a switch went off in my head. I don't really seem to have an apetite for sweet things anymore, which is weird because I use to stash a whole bunch of junk food and then go on massive binges. I wish I knew how it happened because I would share.

    i was the same way! i used to stash stuff up in the cupboard just for me(my kids didn't know it was there and my hubby very rarely has a sweet tooth). but now it seems the more i keep it out of my diet the less i want or think about it. except around that time of month, you know:wink: actually i've noticed that my appetite has really decreased since i've been keeping my cals down and my energy has gone up! my advice to you is take it slow it will get easier, and if you crave it, have some, depriving yourself only makes it worse and more tempting! and if you do go over your cals for the day don't sweat it! wake up and start new! good luck!:heart: ~cheyenne
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    I am going to try substituting dark chocolate with almonds, or sugar free chocolate. Either way, you get the antioxidant support from the chocolate (ooo and the seratonin too... great stuff.) But I know, white cake with buttercream frosting is my favorite dessert, the one I can't seem to pass up if it's around!
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    My Secret to Temptation?

    I take it all to work with me! I tell myself that I am doing something nice for my co-workers by sharing! They love it when I bring sweets in and I secretly know that it is all for me!!