"No Pain, No Gain"

I finally know what people meant when they said "No Pain, No Gain". Since I've started Insanity I've definitely felt the pain, and have seen the gain. Or rather, loss. My sides have completely changed shape, whereas before I started, I wasn't even intending to get them in shape. I wanted to focus on my thighs and belly. Well, now it's really understand that when you're making a change, it's truly needs to be for the right reason. When I started in January I didn't really know what my goal was. I wasn't thinking about my boyfriend, or my family and friends (Well, maybe a little). I just knew I needed to make a change and do something for myself. The other thing I really believe is that if you want to make a change, and make it stick, is to change your lifestyle. Hunger won't kill you, it just sorta sucks when you're used to stuffing your face when you're hungry (or slightly hungry, bored, lonely, and for some, sad). That was my biggest obstacle. But another thing that Shawn T (Insanity) taught me is that if you don't understand something, slow it down and break it down. Show your feet what to do, before you expect your arms to do something different at the same time. With that analogy I began my current change of eating habits. I started with 1200 calories a day and cut out all EXTRA salt, sugar, and fat. If the body doesnt need it to function, I wasn't eating it. I filled my body with fruits and veggies and lean meats, and made sure to pack enough food, but no extras. I did that for one week and can honestly say my focus was not on my weight, but my body's health. Now at this point I'm allowing a few of our country's yummy treats into my diet, but no sodas, pure sugar candy, and absolutely no fast food.

The point is that this is hard, and although I'm only 20 years old, I have to say this is the hardest thing I've probably ever done in my life. It takes a lot of disicpline, but if you don't concentrate on the bad, and focus on the good, you can do it!

My only other thing to add to this little summary is that I know some may think to themselves "This girl doesn't understand hardship, she's too young". In my 20 years I've been diagnosed with many different things, but my most current diagnosis is Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hereditary Neuropathy with Pressure Palsy, and Ovarian Cysts. I've made it through these things with the goal of a semi-normal life, you can acheive your goals as well. Best of luck!


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Nobody lives anyone else's life so it's don't worry about how other folks think or that you have to justify. The person in the mirror is the one to whom you have to answer.

    I will mention, you do need fat to live, not tons, but you need it so I hope it is one of the things you are adding back into your diet.

    And finally, congrats on your lifestyle changes!!! You rock :glasses:
  • Yeti1083
    Yeti1083 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes I have :) just that first week as a detox. And thank you very much!
  • robinskv
    robinskv Posts: 107 Member
    I know a lot of 40 year olds who haven't learned this yet, so no worries. You can inspire no matter what your age!