Feeling like giving up after 9 days...

I started this MFP on 9/11 weighing 148 ( i was 153, 3 weeks earlier). Anyways my first goal was to lose 1 1/2 pounds by this past friday. and well i didnt, i was 1/2 a pound more than id like to be, and for some reason even though i lost 1 pound i got so upset and ate like crap all day yesterday, now I'm 148.5...

in 9 days It took me a week to lose 1 pound and in 2 days i gained 1 1/2 back. I feel like crying and just giving up. I go to see my boyfriend who is in the Army in 4 weeks and 3 days and i was hoping to lose 10-12 pounds by then now i feel like i never will.

Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in 4 weeks or am i just wishful thinking?


  • columbus27
    columbus27 Posts: 178 Member
    what does your diet look like? Did any of you measurement go down?
  • msmeghan
    So sorry, believe me I know how tough it is. It seemed like around day's 7-9 of changing my eating habits/counting calories, I got REALLY hungry and was so miserable and crabby. It feels pretty miserable to feel that way and not see any results, believe me. So I kind of messed up for a day or 2. Anyways what motivates me is all the success stories. So I am back at it again today. Good luck to you. You can do it!!!
  • HOLLEE85
    Don't give up! I have been going through the same prob. It's alot harder to loose the weight after you've already lost quite a bit just keep at it keep working out and eating healthy.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    I know we all worry about the number on the scale. But it's just a number...people can actually be quite small, and weigh a lot. concentrate more maybe on how you feel...are your measurements getting smaller? clothes fitting looser? do you feel better, stronger, healthier?

  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    I know we all worry about the number on the scale. But it's just a number...people can actually be quite small, and weigh a lot. concentrate more maybe on how you feel...are your measurements getting smaller? clothes fitting looser? do you feel better, stronger, healthier?

  • LydiaJay
    LydiaJay Posts: 30 Member
    it is possible, but you need to have the will power and keep focussed.

    So you had a bad day and gained? That is in the past, look to the future, try to keep to your daily MFP goals and do 1 hours worth of any exercise a day as long as it gets the heart beating faster and even makes you sweat a little!

    It IS possible, if you don't see the results you want, push yourself that little bit harder every day and you will get there. Your man will see a fantastic confident new you in 4 weeks!

    I wish you all the best of luck, go girl!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I think you are focusing on external things and allowing your weight to define who you are. From your comments, it sounds as though your biggest issue is not your weight, but self-esteem. First of all, you are setting yourself up for failure by starting off with unreasonable goals. For someone your size, 10-12 pounds of fat loss in a month is unrealistic, if not impossible. 5 pounds would be a tremendous achievement. Right now, your biggest problem is not that you "never will" be able to lose weight, it's that you cannot do it according to the artificial schedule you set for yourself.

    I certainly understand and sympathize with how you feel. I think we have all been there--either at some time during our programs, or during the many times we started and stopped in the preceding years. One of the hardest things is to have confidence in what you are doing in the beginning when the results are not always quickly apparent.

    From a practical standpoint, I can only advise you to look at yourself honestly and try to set up some behaviors that will give you the best chance for success. The first is to set up a routine that you can follow consistently. It is easy to start off with a "heroic" program when you are really motivated that is too difficult and cannot be sustained. Come up with an effective and realistic routine of cardio and strength training and focus your efforts on staying with it.

    The same with your eating plan. Set up a 1200-1400 calorie plan and use MFP to stick with it. If you know you are susceptible to "emotional snacking', figure out ways to make that behavior less "damaging" by snacking on raw veggies, cutting things into smaller pieces, using small bags and containers for portion control, etc, etc. You need to do whatever you can to get you off square one so that you have some confidence--but that takes work.

    I suspect your boyfriend will be so happy to see you, a few extra pounds won't make any difference. He will, however, notice someone who is confident and happy about the positive changes she has made to her lifestyle, even if they are just starting to show results.
  • christahollis
    It's not possible for you to gain 1.5 lbs in two days...unless you eat 4500+ EXTRA calories on top of your basic needs. It IS possible to retain an extra 1.5 lbs of water from high sodium intake, TOM, or other factors.
    So don't stress out about the scale. Keep with it, it will come....or perhaps I should say "it will go".
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I think you are focusing on external things and allowing your weight to define who you are. From your comments, it sounds as though your biggest issue is not your weight, but self-esteem. First of all, you are setting yourself up for failure by starting off with unreasonable goals. For someone your size, 10-12 pounds of fat loss in a month is unrealistic, if not impossible. 5 pounds would be a tremendous achievement. Right now, your biggest problem is not that you "never will" be able to lose weight, it's that you cannot do it according to the artificial schedule you set for yourself.

    I certainly understand and sympathize with how you feel. I think we have all been there--either at some time during our programs, or during the many times we started and stopped in the preceding years. One of the hardest things is to have confidence in what you are doing in the beginning when the results are not always quickly apparent.

    From a practical standpoint, I can only advise you to look at yourself honestly and try to set up some behaviors that will give you the best chance for success. The first is to set up a routine that you can follow consistently. It is easy to start off with a "heroic" program when you are really motivated that is too difficult and cannot be sustained. Come up with an effective and realistic routine of cardio and strength training and focus your efforts on staying with it.

    The same with your eating plan. Set up a 1200-1400 calorie plan and use MFP to stick with it. If you know you are susceptible to "emotional snacking', figure out ways to make that behavior less "damaging" by snacking on raw veggies, cutting things into smaller pieces, using small bags and containers for portion control, etc, etc. You need to do whatever you can to get you off square one so that you have some confidence--but that takes work.

    I suspect your boyfriend will be so happy to see you, a few extra pounds won't make any difference. He will, however, notice someone who is confident and happy about the positive changes she has made to her lifestyle, even if they are just starting to show results.

    Well said! :flowerforyou:
  • LindaMee
    Hi. I am new to this site and only have limited information about calories and what's good an what is not, but I can tell you that the best thing I just did for myself was join the lofal YMCA. It is very reasonably priced. Where I live it costs us for a family of 6 (unlimited use of facility) $53.00 per month. For a sigle person it was about $19.00 per month. I just started using their treadmills and simple equipment. It is easy, fun and so worth it! Just cutting calories or dieting without getting your body in shape and changing your way of life doesn't always work. You need to get your head in the game by moving your body with others who feel the same.

    Join an exercise group or the local YMCA. You have a month to lose the weight you want to. You an do it. I ate 340 calories for breakfast and by the eveing will have burned more than 400 calories by spendng 1 1/2 hours at the Y. So breakfast is gone and the healthy choices I will make for lunch and dinner will only help me.

    You can do this! I am 47 and raising 4 kids, one is homeschooled. My metabolism has slowed greatly over the last 2 years and this is jump-starting it. I have already lost 2 lbs over the past 2 weeks sinec I began this new way of living. I am sticking to it, even when my tired, old self doesn't want to! And for more inspiration...I visited a low-impact aerobics class and I was by far the youngest one there...The women outdid me by a mile!!!!! They were in such great health and shape (although they were of many sizes). They were so fit, I felt like the old one. If they can do it, you and I can for sure!

    My goal is to lose 25 lbs in total and to keep it off. This is my way of doing it. I hope I have elped to inspire you. Kepp pushing forward and don't look back!

  • vitabella
    vitabella Posts: 34 Member
    thank you so much everyone for the comments. it means so much to me that i have other people taking the time to help me with my crisis...everyone here on this website is so encouraging, amazing and i feel so blessed.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Listen to Azdak. Follow his advice. Honest. :smile: