What about hunger?



  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I'm always moderately hungry. I only allow myself 900 calories a day so I've gotten used to the lingering hunger feeling. But when I get super hungry and my stomach starts growling, I normally pick up a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. I eat the fruit slowly and sip the water in between bites. Afterwards, my stomach isn't growling and I'm back to the annoying faint hunger feeling. My best advice is to drink A LOT of water and if you feel like you want to eat something small make sure you eat it slowly and drink water between every bite because it will fill you up faster.

    :noway: That is NOT recommended !

    Maybe not, but before I joined MFP I lost 20lbs in about 2 months by reducing my daily caloric intake and exercising more. So hey, if it's working for me I personally don't care if it's recommended or not. Sorry to be so blunt about it.

    Do you plan on eating and living like that the rest of your life ? Otherwise you will have that 20 lbs to lose again in 6 months. And you didn't just lose 20 lbs, you lost probably 10lbs of muscle and 10lbs of fat, so you are heading towards a really skinny flabby body....
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm always moderately hungry. I only allow myself 900 calories a day so I've gotten used to the lingering hunger feeling. But when I get super hungry and my stomach starts growling, I normally pick up a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. I eat the fruit slowly and sip the water in between bites. Afterwards, my stomach isn't growling and I'm back to the annoying faint hunger feeling. My best advice is to drink A LOT of water and if you feel like you want to eat something small make sure you eat it slowly and drink water between every bite because it will fill you up faster.

    :noway: That is NOT recommended !

    Maybe not, but before I joined MFP I lost 20lbs in about 2 months by reducing my daily caloric intake and exercising more. So hey, if it's working for me I personally don't care if it's recommended or not. Sorry to be so blunt about it.

    Sorry to be blunt back,. but: you will STALL. I will personally guarantee it. You will start having less and less energy to work out, if you go out for a speghetti dinner you will gain 5 lbs the next day. If you keep at this low of a caloric intake, soon your hair and your nails will start to weaken. We have all seen the stories before. When that happens, come to the group Eat More, Weigh Less. We will be waiting.
  • kristendaae1227
    I'm always moderately hungry. I only allow myself 900 calories a day so I've gotten used to the lingering hunger feeling. But when I get super hungry and my stomach starts growling, I normally pick up a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. I eat the fruit slowly and sip the water in between bites. Afterwards, my stomach isn't growling and I'm back to the annoying faint hunger feeling. My best advice is to drink A LOT of water and if you feel like you want to eat something small make sure you eat it slowly and drink water between every bite because it will fill you up faster.

    :noway: That is NOT recommended !

    Maybe not, but before I joined MFP I lost 20lbs in about 2 months by reducing my daily caloric intake and exercising more. So hey, if it's working for me I personally don't care if it's recommended or not. Sorry to be so blunt about it.

    Do you plan on eating and living like that the rest of your life ? Otherwise you will have that 20 lbs to lose again in 6 months. And you didn't just lose 20 lbs, you lost probably 10lbs of muscle and 10lbs of fat, so you are heading towards a really skinny flabby body....

    "And you didn't just lose 20 lbs, you lost probably 10lbs of muscle and 10lbs of fat" Right...so I lost 20lbs either way you look at it. So if I'm heading towards a skinny, flabby body that's why I can still lift more than I did three months ago? I have my way of doing things, and you have yours. What works for you, may not work for me.
  • kristendaae1227
    @Chrisb: Who doesn't stall when they are losing weight? I have hit a snag but instead of allowing myself to eat more, I workout harder. Ya'll act like I'm eating 200 cals per day. I've limited myself to 300 less than the recommended amount. It's not life threatening. Chiiiiiilll

    Edit: Instead of commenting back on forth on a message board, message me personally instead and I'll be glad to share with you why I only allow 900 cals a day.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    @Chrisb: Who doesn't stall when they are losing weight? I have hit a snag but instead of allowing myself to eat more, I workout harder. Ya'll act like I'm eating 200 cals per day. I've limited myself to 300 less than the recommended amount. It's not life threatening. Chiiiiiilll

    Edit: Instead of commenting back on forth on a message board, message me personally instead and I'll be glad to share with you why I only allow 900 cals a day.
    Personally, I don't care why you are doing it, or whether or not you follow my advice. I am only telling you that you are destroying your body, but...its yours. So have at it.
  • kristendaae1227
    @Chrisb: Who doesn't stall when they are losing weight? I have hit a snag but instead of allowing myself to eat more, I workout harder. Ya'll act like I'm eating 200 cals per day. I've limited myself to 300 less than the recommended amount. It's not life threatening. Chiiiiiilll

    Edit: Instead of commenting back on forth on a message board, message me personally instead and I'll be glad to share with you why I only allow 900 cals a day.
    Personally, I don't care why you are doing it, or whether or not you follow my advice. I am only telling you that you are destroying your body, but...its yours. So have at it.

    Obviously you care enough to continue commenting.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    People who are eating fewer calories than usual are sometimes hungry. That's the deal if you want to lose weight. But hunger pangs are not unbearable.

    First, try the dietary suggestions to feel more full (more protein, fiber, water). Next, try reading a book like Fast-5 (available for free download online), which talks about talks about different kinds of hunger. and how to get through them. Or look into something like Mindfulness Meditation, which teaches people how to cope with unpleasant feelings in the present moment.
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    I go through this, I drink tons of unsweetened tea and normally the liquid will quell the hunger pangs. Also, I eat every couple of hours (ex: Coffe and granola bar-wait an hour- yogurt and tea-another hour, tea and trail mix- another hour tea and fruit.....)
  • kristendaae1227
    @mf: Thanks for the fast-5, I'm reading it now.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i get hungry at times too. but i've figured out that i am not sure what real hunger is. what i do is try to drink something when i feel that way. i wait about 20 minutes. if i am still feeling hungry, then i will grab something higher protein and reevaluate in a little bit. sometimes what happens when i feel hungry is i will eat too much thinking that i need a lot more when really just a little more will do. i also agree to have protein high, even higher than what MFP recommends because they have it on the low side, and just try and listen to your body within reason. try eating somethign small but filling, wait, and see what your body is telling you.
  • rasp12
    rasp12 Posts: 17
    I found that I was hungry when I started in early January before I joined here. For breakfast, I usually have cooked oatmeal with a tbsp of bran and wheat germ added plus fat free yogurt with fresh fruit and tea. I was really hungry by 10:30am. I suddenly realized that I could try 1/4 cup of cottage cheese and reduce the yogurt to 1/2 cup and increase my protein. It worked very well and I have stayed on top of the hungries ever since.
    There is a drawing in kind of feeling as the weight came off but even that has eased lately as my body adjusted to the lower carb intake during the rest of the day.
    Try modifying your breakfast to see if that eases the hungries first.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    So we know calories in vs. calories out, BMR, TDEE, macronutrients....and on and on. On paper we know what our body needs. But if I am giving my body everything it needs, why am I extreemly hungry at times? Not just emotional hunger....stomach growling, low blood sugar, cranky as hell. What role does hunger play in this weight loss journey? Do we just ignore physical hunger? If I eat more when I'm hungry, I go way over my "magic number" of calories. Thoughts anyone?

    I had the same problem starting out, then I found out I wasn't REALLY giving my body everything it needed. My carbs were too high, and my fats and proteins were too low. I took some fruit out of my diet and reapportioned in some lean meat and cheese to fill that caloric void, and my macros were much closer to being in balance.

    Voila!!!! I'm not a starving hungerbeast all the time, it's MUCH easier to keep within my goals, and I'm losing weight without (too much) discomfort.

    Now, I won't say there aren't days I go over. I do. I won't say there aren't days I'm a bit peckish. I am from time to time. Cinnamon gum helps a LOT.

    EDIT: I just looked at your diary - if you're logging correctly you are VERY short on proteins.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    eat healthy fats. you won't get the blood sugar, hangry feeling
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Could be that your TDEE isn't properly calculated for your activity level, maybe you went on the low side to be safe? Or didn't include your exercise? Or, as some others have pointed out, it could be about the quality of your food - lean proteins and healthy fats are great for helping you feel full longer as they tend to be harder to digest than carbs. (or rather they're processed differently)

    From what you've said about how food is working for you, you sound like me. If I eat a meal of mostly carbs, like cereal, milk and banana slices for breakfast, I'll be starving and woozy in a couple hours. Pretty much all of my snacks and meals contain protein - I couldn't get through my day without it. And, as someone else suggested, swap out things like diet snacks and granola bars for whole foods like fruits and veggies. They tend to stick with you longer and are a more natural source of sugar and fiber.

    My only other suggestion - if you're only eating three big meals, try eating 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day.
    Good luck!
  • Flamenquero
    Flamenquero Posts: 132
    Drink water if you feel hungry. You might actually be thirsty.
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    If I just feel like I have an empty stomach, I drink herbal tea. since it makes me feel full. If I feel crabby, lightheaded and hungry, I eat whether it will put me over my calories or not. If it keeps happening, examine your goals to see if they are too aggressive and look at what you are eating. Eating high carbs without balancing it with adequate protien and fat makes me a starving mess.

    Food is fuel. Compromising your ability to live your daily life by denying your body fuel is neither healthy nor sustainable.