I'm suck in a plateau.. HELP!



  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    You need to change up your routine... you can probably even drop your work outs down to every other day.... your body is use to what you are doing. I was stuck for about a month, then changed my routine..... I'm currently working on toning and not so much looking at the scale.... working out more is probably putting muscle on you and you know the deal with muscle it weighs more. up your cardio work outs, stay away from a lot of strength training.... for now... hope some of that helps:flowerforyou:
  • adswillis27
    adswillis27 Posts: 76 Member
    Shop the perimeter of the grocery store for fresh foods. Try not to buy boxed stuff that has a long shelf life (i.e. junk food). Canned soups/veggies are ok on occassion but they have a lot of sodium in them. If you really like soup try making a huge pot that you can freeze using fresh/raw ingredients where you control everything that goes into it.

    Learning about food and nutrition is tough. Make small steps and do lots of reading and research and you will continue to lose weight and become healthier.

    As hard as it is, don't get discouraged. Know that you are making better choices and remember that EVERYONE hits plateaus. It took me 8 months to lose 37 lbs and then another 6 months to lose 8 lbs.

    Also, go to freedieting.com and calculate what your caloric intake should be based on age, weight, height, and activity level. It isn't perfect, but it is a starting point and guide that will help you determine how much you should eat each day.
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    This is an excellent discussion thread. I've been near the same weight for 2 months after losing almost 30 lbs.

    It's been frustrating. I'm following a low carb/high protein way of eating (The 4 hour body by Tim Ferriss) and wonder if I should be doing things differently. Before I was on MFP, I ate what I ate (following the prescribed eating menu), didn't track calories and the weight came off. Now I'm exercising every day, tracking calories and even drinking protein shakes to get in 30g of carbs within 30 mins of waking (as the book recommends).

    Maybe someone savvy in this thread could form a group so we could all support one another? If not, anyone who wishes to friend me, I'm happy to follow along this journey with you.
  • adswillis27
    adswillis27 Posts: 76 Member
    You need to change up your routine... you can probably even drop your work outs down to every other day.... your body is use to what you are doing. I was stuck for about a month, then changed my routine..... I'm currently working on toning and not so much looking at the scale.... working out more is probably putting muscle on you and you know the deal with muscle it weighs more. up your cardio work outs, stay away from a lot of strength training.... for now... hope some of that helps:flowerforyou:

    I wouldn't advise to drop the strength training. Muscle burns fat. It might make you hate the scale, but you will be smaller because a lb of muscle is smaller in size than a lb of fat. (i.e. 1 lb of muscle is more dense and takes up less space in your body than 1 lb of fat).

    I do however agree that changing a routine is good, but don't change things too often. Stick with a program/schedule/guide and remember this is a lifestyle change not a quick fix.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,334 Member
    Those processed foods like soup and frozen meals and hamburger helper are SUPER high in salt (sodium), which can cause water retention and is not good for you in general. Go to WebMD or Mayo Clinic and research salt. You need to stay between 1500 and 2000mg a day. That can of soup was probably enough for your entire day's worth of salt. Be careful. This is where hypertension starts and cardiovascular disease.

    Also, are you weighing and measuring everything you eat, including meats and juices and milk? You may be consuming several hundred extra or not enough calories if you aren't measuring everything.

    1,200 to 1,300 cals a day is not enough. I agree, up your calories. Just go back to your Goals here, and be more realistic. Use an activity level that is honest.

    Eat the calories you earn by exercise.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    A lot of good information in here. I highly suggest looking at your diet first. Change up the macros (percentages of Fat, Protein, Carbs) you are eating. From there, change your exercises.
  • indiepops
    indiepops Posts: 96
    personally i think the plateau is nothing to worry about, i know that sounds easier to say than live with as its annoying when you dont see anything come off with the scales or tape measure. you have lost weight so you are doing the right things, keep switching up ur exercises and try cal shifting if you havent before. whatever you end up doing stick at it and u will see a loss soon, ur body maybe just getting used to losing the weight xx
  • kjs78
    kjs78 Posts: 1
    My husband and I both are at a plateau...we decided to give eat more to weigh less a try. He lost 50 lbs and now unfortunately my husband has gained like 20 lbs. He is not going over is calories. In fact he is usually under. His BMR is 2036. He averages between 1800 and 2300 calories a day. There is exercise in there to offset too. So what gives? He is really frustrated and scared to continue with eat more to weigh less cause it is not working. Is he just at that point where his body is hanging onto every calorie because he has been in a deficit for awhile??? Any suggestions??
  • saugonda1
    saugonda1 Posts: 145 Member
    up your calories a little 300-500
  • mollsred06
    mollsred06 Posts: 22 Member
    try doing more weight training....also and im sure most ppl have said this already switch up your exercise routine, join different classes, yoga, zumba, cycling...there is alot of stuff out there that you can try and its fun! it also keeps you more motivated when your doing something new and fun. i know ppl say to keep a well balanced diet but when that happened to me i stuck with fruits and veggies and tried to stay away from carbs. (try to just eat raw everything, processed foods are BAD, even the things that are "low fat" including diet drinks and such- stick with water) i know its almost impossible to do but thats just my advice from experience
  • hazymary
    hazymary Posts: 190 Member
    wow....thanks...I'm one of those who are pouting because I've lost 44 lbs and the last 10 just seem to be going soooooooooo slow! Plateau...a 1/2 pound.....plateau...another 1/2 pound......I've recently added lifting and now I fear I'll gain....Lord why am I so bound to that friggin scale to gage my success? I'm 54 years young, wearing a size jeans I've never been in and yet not happy because I haven't reached my next scale victory of being under 150. I know part of it is the damage I've already done to my body and it will never recover, I have crape paper inner thighs, a sagging belly and eewwwhhh triceps. But thats what I focus on...NOT that I ran 4 miles for the first time in my life and can kick butt in ZUMBA....Oh well.....I still see the FAT girl in the mirror. I guess it's time for some positive thoughts. Maybe post some daily confirmation to my desk and fridge.

  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Way low in the calories and protein!!!

    1200 min net that is after exercise!!!

    The only time you should be under is if you are under Dr.s orders.

    You may have lost weight before but it would have been muscle not fat burned.

    When you don't give you body enought fuel it burns muscle and holds onto the fat!!!

    Lots more protein, water and fiber should be added as well!!!

    Best of luck!!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I've been doing my research. There a place here called "eat more, lose more". I am skeptical of what they say, but they describe the exact situation everyone is talking about. I have been plateaued for 6 months. They discuss this, and why it happens. And, how to reverse it and get on a better path to weight loss, and it is really about eating more. Now, I do not have evidence that it works, as I just started. I'm just saying that if anyone wants to try something different, head over there.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I've been doing my research. There a place here called "eat more, lose more". I am skeptical of what they say, but they describe the exact situation everyone is talking about. I have been plateaued for 6 months. They discuss this, and why it happens. And, how to reverse it and get on a better path to weight loss, and it is really about eating more. Now, I do not have evidence that it works, as I just started. I'm just saying that if anyone wants to try something different, head over there.

    Been there. I've upped my net calories to 1750 to see if that works. Its been about 2 wks since I've done that so we'll see how the scale looks later this week. I really hope it works.
  • deeelsden
    deeelsden Posts: 3
    muscle weighs heavier than fat :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I've been doing my research. There a place here called "eat more, lose more". I am skeptical of what they say, but they describe the exact situation everyone is talking about. I have been plateaued for 6 months. They discuss this, and why it happens. And, how to reverse it and get on a better path to weight loss, and it is really about eating more. Now, I do not have evidence that it works, as I just started. I'm just saying that if anyone wants to try something different, head over there.

    Been there. I've upped my net calories to 1750 to see if that works. Its been about 2 wks since I've done that so we'll see how the scale looks later this week. I really hope it works.

    That still sounds low. Did you use the fat2fitradio method? That's what I'm doing. It increased my cals by 1000, which makes sense to me. I plan to gain weight for the first 4 to 6 weeks, and then start shedding after that. They describe this and why it happens.
  • nicholjenny
    nicholjenny Posts: 74 Member
    Great posts from everyone! Looks like they have it all covered so I'm just gonna say... Good job sticking with it and asking for help! You will break through the plateau, just keep up your good efforts. :smile:
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    you arent eating enough so your body will not release fat.
    you are netting as low as 300 cals some days, mostly from processed foods.
    The goal MFP sets you is NET (total calories consuemd - exercise calories burned) so for example yesterday you should have eaten 1330 PLUS your 646 exercise cals.

    Try eating to your goal correctly, and replace the processed stuff with lean meat, at least 5 a day fruit & veg, dairy, whole grain carbs etc. To increase cals without eating much more add nuts, avocado, olive oil, nut butter, full fat dairy. Low fat is generally high in sugar, low sugar is full of chemical sugar substitutes.
    Drink plenty of water, and increase your protein to at least 25%.
    My diary is open if you need any meal ideas :-)

    For comparison, I weigh 201, started @ 244 and lose 1.5 EVERY week eating 2000 total / 1550 net. which is pretty much bang on MFP's allowance for me to lose 1.5. I have a high day on a saturday, but I plan for this by setting my cals 100 lower than they should be, so I can have an extra 700 on the weekend without actually going over my allowance.
    I havent had a plateau in 7 months, and Ive only ever had 0.8 gain which was due to an injury and being unable to exercise. If you fuel your body correctly, it will do what you ask it to :-)
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    You've lost a huge amount. Why not try a couple of weeks at maintenance and then restart to give your body a bit of a surprise? Worked for my sister. She had 2 weeks off and then lost 6lb in one week when she restarted.