weightloss fears



  • mamaking2012
    mamaking2012 Posts: 13 Member
    Im afraid alot of this extra skin wont go away once I lose the weight...My husband is afraid im going to leave him once i lose the weight.
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    I'm afraid I won't like the way I look, that I'll have too much loose skin, saggy boobs. Well. SaggiER.
    I'm afraid of the way people will treat me. I've always been heavy, so when people like me, I know it's because of *me* (or so I have always told myself).
    I'm afraid I will suddenly want a lot of clothes that cost more than the $10 t-shirts I buy on the internet.

    And probably other stuff. But I will be less afraid of being bitten by a zombie, so that is pretty good.
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    I'm not liking my stretch marks, but it's nothing I can't live with. Battle scars I guess. :) I am worried about loose skin though, particularly around the midsection. :/

    I do get worried about gaining the weight back, especially if I decide to have kids down the road.

    But, as someone already mentioned, the positive far outweigh the negatives. :D I can live with all my fears if it means being healthier, feeling good and being happier about how I look.
  • Finding_Fit_Me
    Finding_Fit_Me Posts: 21 Member
    I'm actually very afraid of a couple of things. I'm afraid of having a bunch of extra skin that will have to be surgically removed - that is not a cheap procedure and I can't afford it, not to mention I don't want the scars that come with such a surgery. I have enough scars and marks on my skin, I don't want any more. I'm also afraid that my goal weight won't be enough, and that I'll turn into an unhealthy fitness nut that keeps going until I give myself a complex/eating disorder. :(
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    Im afraid alot of this extra skin wont go away once I lose the weight...My husband is afraid im going to leave him once i lose the weight.

    That's it, keep him on his toes!
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one with some kind of fear :(. It's just worrying that after facing this problem, I might come head to head with another.
  • I'm kind of nervous about having extra skin once I lose the weight! Its been crossing my mind this whole week. ):
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Do you have any fears for when you've lost your weight?
    Recently I've been plagued with this fear of not liking my face when I lose the weight. I'm used to having very soft features, I've grown to love my face and I'm terrified that I'll lose the weight and be happy with my body, but hate my "new" face.
    Any similar situations?

    Ohh I know what you are saying...when I lost a ton of weight a few years ago my already prominent cheekbones stuck out like crazy! I had family members asking me if I was sick lol
  • i feel the same way!
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I'm afraid this back fat will never go away :sad:

    SAME HERE!!! I have never had a good back and always had extra "grabbage" in my back...it sucks!

    My other fear is not being able to maintain! I know I need to change the lifestyle but, I just worry that LIFE and people around me will force me to gain it back or eat like i used to.

    I also have some loose sking from being preggers and I worry I wont get ANY of the stomach muscles I had back that I used to have before.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Another vote for fear of loose skin and needing plastic surgery. But as a couple posters pointed out, the positives far outweigh the negatives.

    /needs some man spanx :smile:
  • bashmir
    bashmir Posts: 43
    I'm afraid that my heart wont get healthier, that all the work will be for nothing and my heart will just continue to get weaker. I'm doing this for a healthier longer life and I just hope that I will be able to achieve it.