What are the small things you do..

What are some small things you do to keep yourself motivated on weight loss while at work...

I'm a smoker (I know, I know.. trying to kick that habit too) - So when I go out for a smoke, I walk up and down the street, and refuse to go back to work until I've walked 1,000 steps. I work at a desk, so this is how I keep my steps up...

I walk to the bathroom that is across the building, not only is it cleaner, but it's an additional 400 steps each way..

I lift weights while reading documents.. I'm not using my hands, so I just do a simple curl, and they are only 5 pound weights, but it's enough to keep me motivated, like I'm doing something..

What about you.. what are some things you do throughout your day to make you feel like you're doing something..

Working full time, the best part of the day is wasted..


  • Salvi30
    Salvi30 Posts: 196 Member
    This might sound silly, but I eat a lot less when I'm at work. I pack a lunch and that's all I get to eat while I'm at work. No snacking, and I love to snack. Sometimes that is why I dread the weekends, because I am home, with free time.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I travel a lot for work in the spring and the fall.

    I have to motivate myself big-time when I travel because it's easy to get lazy when you don't have to cook & clean.

    Mostly I tell myself that skipping the gym would be bad (I've even gone out of my way to find a yoga studio near my hotel). I'm eating out 3x/day and that's tough.

    When in the office there's often homemade treats. I make sure to bring my breakfast and lunch to work. I also do have the treats once in a while like the cookie today (but look closely because that cookie was under 80 calories). :)
  • mfchiumento
    mfchiumento Posts: 32
    Now I'm the opposite, I do better at home with the snacking. At work I snack all day, and have had to plan/limit my options. I work on a big campus and try very hard every hour or so to just get up and walk around. Was going to try the sitting on the ball thing, but doesn't fit in with my office space.
  • This might sound silly, but I eat a lot less when I'm at work. I pack a lunch and that's all I get to eat while I'm at work. No snacking, and I love to snack. Sometimes that is why I dread the weekends, because I am home, with free time.

    Not silly at all! I hate going home from work! I pack breakfast and lunch, because I don't have time to eat in the morning.. I eat so healthy at work, I don't take cash to work with me, because of the vending machines. then I get home and I pig out on crap.. I hate being at home! My husband doesn't understand why I don't want to be at home.. because I eat out of boredom, that's why
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I use the bathroom one floor down

    Has nothing to do with the eye candy on the 2nd floor, nothing I say
  • I use the bathroom one floor down

    Has nothing to do with the eye candy on the 2nd floor, nothing I say

    HAHA That's great!
  • bethhyg
    bethhyg Posts: 209
    When out shopping. I park very far from the door, that way I have to walk it. I also try to lift weights during my day. 10 reps here 10 reps there. I figure, Hey every little bit I do... will eventually count.
  • Salvi30
    Salvi30 Posts: 196 Member
    This might sound silly, but I eat a lot less when I'm at work. I pack a lunch and that's all I get to eat while I'm at work. No snacking, and I love to snack. Sometimes that is why I dread the weekends, because I am home, with free time.

    Not silly at all! I hate going home from work! I pack breakfast and lunch, because I don't have time to eat in the morning.. I eat so healthy at work, I don't take cash to work with me, because of the vending machines. then I get home and I pig out on crap.. I hate being at home! My husband doesn't understand why I don't want to be at home.. because I eat out of boredom, that's why

    Yea I feel ya.. I feel like I have a lot more structure at work. I need to get some structure at my house. =)
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    I totally get the snacking. On my days off, I dread it something horrible because I eat out of boredom so bad sometimes. I'm pretty busy at work so lunch and one snack and that's just about all I have time for sometimes. And coffee. Usually, I will try to do a few extra rounds up and down the hallways of the hospital just to get a few extra steps in during the night.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    I always park an extra level or two up in the structure and take the stairs - never the elevator.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I walk a lap around our office every hour. I work in a pretty large building (it's a beer distributor, so we have a huge warehouse in the back) so it's a nice little walk!

    Also, our receptionists bring the mail to our offices, or any supplies we order (paper, pens, etc), etc, so I've actually asked the main one who sorts our mail to hang on to mine at her desk so I go pick it up from her every day, and if I need any supplies I go down to the supply closet with her (she has the keys and it's always locked, so that's why people don't just go get their own stuff).

    I NEVER use the elevator either...except when I was on crutches for a month last year, I think that can slide lol

    ETA I also do my own heavy lifting. I work with mostly men, and they're all pretty much your standard southern men who open your doors, carry your boxes, etc. Well, when my boss needs a case of water or beer or something from the warehouse, instead of having the guys down there get it, I go get it myself :) The warehouse guys are all pretty impressed with me!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I never use the elevators at work, always the stairs.

    I walk everyday after I eat my lunch. Usually 25-30 minutes. The area where our building is is really hilly, so I always try to get in as many hills as possible. (I also make sure I run here at least once a week after work just to "enjoy" the hills)

    I keep a box of chocolate candy (Hershey,s Dark Kisses or Dove Almond Dark) on my desk (for my co-workers, of course ; )...I allow myself one piece before lunch and one piece after lunch. My daily treat.

    The first thing I do every morning when I get up is down a large glass of water. I feel like it gets everything flowing for me and sparks my energy.
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 260 Member
    i work an office job too, so i make it a point to walk on my breaks, and if i have enough energy i walk at lunch too.
    i also take the stairs rather than elevator. :smile:
  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    i pack my lunch bag with 600 calories (using the snack size zip lock bags and lots of variety) and only eat what is in the bag, I have my 10lb hand weight that I use thru out the day to work on my jiggly arms, I work on the 4th floor and take the steps (and sometimes I have to go pretty quick up them to not get passed by the FBI guy on the 5th floor:laugh: ) and during conference calls if I don't have to speak I have a step stool I step up and down on or i do calf lifts. i am the entertainment for everybody else in the office, but I really don't care!
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    great ideas...... i've just recently started doing the daily challenges at my desk that one of mfp pals posts daily.... luv it!
  • numindan
    numindan Posts: 163 Member
    I take the circular route to the bathroom, lunchroom & to fill my water bottle. I work on the 3rd floor and the lunchroom and bathrooms are less than 100 steps from my cubicle. To get there I walk down 2 sets of stairs, walk from the front of the building to the back, walk up 2 sets of stairs on the opposite side of the building, and then walk back towards the lunchroom or washroom. Gives me a good 24-36 extra sets of stairs a day between dropping lunchbag off in fridge in morning, refilling water bottles, grabbing lunch from lunchroom, & pee breaks.

    At lunch, I also walk up and down 10 flights of stairs before eating.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    What are some small things you do to keep yourself motivated on weight loss while at work...

    I'm a smoker (I know, I know.. trying to kick that habit too) - So when I go out for a smoke, I walk up and down the street, and refuse to go back to work until I've walked 1,000 steps. I work at a desk, so this is how I keep my steps up...

    I walk to the bathroom that is across the building, not only is it cleaner, but it's an additional 400 steps each way..

    I lift weights while reading documents.. I'm not using my hands, so I just do a simple curl, and they are only 5 pound weights, but it's enough to keep me motivated, like I'm doing something..

    What about you.. what are some things you do throughout your day to make you feel like you're doing something..

    Working full time, the best part of the day is wasted..

    Try curling more weight than what your purse. If you're not challenging your body, you won't change your body!
  • I use the bathroom one floor down

    Has nothing to do with the eye candy on the 2nd floor, nothing I say

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    When I go pick up my sandwich from the delivery guy in the lobby, I sprint back up the stairs (3 flights). I sort of want to establish a stair sprinting competition here at work..
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I weigh my waste, and track it under the measurements. I've lost so much waste in the last couple of months.