I hate calorie counting!

Hello, I am Kristin. I'm 25 and I have a handsome 3yo boy & a 2 1/2 old beautiful baby girl. I can't stand the way I look and cant believe how fat I have become. I hate calorie counting, it makes me think too much and eat over my goal and then feel bad about it. I love to exercise but find it hard to find the time for it anymore. I got really toned up after my son but was still not a "healthy" weight. Last May I had to have knee surgery and that really put a damper on things and I gained 10-15 and then i got pregnant again. So, I really want to be fit again and thin and not so self hating.


  • melnmatt
    melnmatt Posts: 4
    I feel the same as you on calorie counting! good luck to you, you can do anything you put ur mind too! you can add me as a friend for support!:smile:
  • twink221
    twink221 Posts: 10
    I hated counting calories too.... However, I realized I would either count calories or pounds... I choose calories. : ) Good luck to you.