Introducing lil ol' me

Hello all!

My name is Rei and my friend just got me onto this site. I figured it certainly couldn't harm anything trying to find like minded individuals who are trying to lose weight and be healthier. I'm 30 years old and mom of three. I've always been on the heavier side but recently it's getting out of control. I figured I need to get back on it and try to lose weight and get healthy for myself and for my kiddies. I'm hoping to make some new friends on this weightloss journey and look forward to cheering everyone on.



  • anglfrmylvr
    anglfrmylvr Posts: 11
    Hi Rei, I just started using this sight after 3 years decided to get back in to counting calories and eating healthy if you would like to add me or want me to add you that would be great the more the merrier..