Anyone tried going vegan?



  • poquosonrn
    poquosonrn Posts: 10 Member
    I read his book recently. So many people eat unhealthy whether they eat meat or are vegan. I really try to meet all my vitamin,minerals,protein etc for the day. I was already cutting out a lot of dairy an meats due to the desire to lose weight so it wasn't such a shock to my system. I don't eat a lot of junk. Lots of fruits and veggies, beans, whole grain breads and cereals,etc. I have only been eating vegan a few months, but I truly feel it is easier for me to stick with because I did it for the animals. My health just happens to benefit as well. I wish everyone would try to eat less junk food and meat for health reasons. I am a nurse and see just how obese americans have gotten. Living healthy should be the focus.
  • poquosonrn
    poquosonrn Posts: 10 Member
    Why is it that people who aren't vegan are so critical of those of us who are? And it's usually overweight unhealthy people being the most critical. I run 3 mile three times a week. My lab work is great. I am a healthy weight and my doctor agrees I am healthy so I will continue to live by example and take care of all the overweight people dying from heart disease, diabetes, hypertension etc on a regular basis
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Me! I went vegan from september to march, but I now eat fish once a week or so. I don't eat any dairy products or meat.
    It hasn't been a problem for me, there's lots of dairy replacements that are much nicer or just as good. I do miss cheese sometimes.
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    I'm not vegan, but my brother is - and he LOVES it. He loves the way he feels now and with some preparation and experimenting, he's now able to eat it quite naturally (going out to eat is a little harder).

    I got my edition of Runner's World this month and there was a long article about ultramarathoner Scott Jurek who is vegan (we are talking 100 mile races here)! If that doesn't convince you that you can eat vegan and get everything your body needs, I don't know what would! :-),7120,s6-242-303-308-14320-0,00.html
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    I tried a Vegan one time, she tasted funny.

    oh man i LOL'd like crazy at this one!!!! :laugh:
  • woopidydoo
    woopidydoo Posts: 79 Member
    I've been vegan for 7 years. It comes pretty naturally to me and always has. After the first month it was all smooth sailing. I never feel deprived of anything.. I hate eggs, milk, and meat so it's great. :)
  • Cara343
    Cara343 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been working on eating a plant-based diet. I feel so much better when I am successful at it, and notice how differently I feel when I eat the standard American diet. The hardest part about following a vegan diet is resisting all the pressure from commercial sources (TV ads, etc.) and even the comments from family and friends who don't follow the diet. But once you commit you don't have to make it a do or die decision. I'm comfortable with choosing non-vegan if that's what I feel like eating. There's a lot of good information out there right now, and I think plant-based diets are becoming more mainstream these days. Best wishes!
  • mncodergal
    mncodergal Posts: 58 Member
    Last night I watched a great DVD, Forks over Knives. It's about how one can lessen or reverse many chronic health problems by eating a plant-based diet. I started about a month ago and though I haven't lost much weight - probably due to eating too many plant-based items, the pain in my hips and knees has lessened, I sleep better and have more energy. Once a week or so I eat organic beef but most of the time I don't crave it. I use almond and coconut milk and enjoy finding creative ways to replace the crap I used to eat with similar tasting recipes. I'm a carb-a-holic so also finding something to "crunch" was important. I went to my local health food store and found some dehydrated veggie "chips" that fit the bill.

    I'm big on finding non-gmo food items too.

    Do your research and find foods that satisfy you. Good Luck!
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I haven't tried going vegan, but I did try a raw food plan earlier this year. I loved it. I just wasn't creative enough to get enough calories in each day. I could only manage about 900 calories because I was so full from the additional fiber. And I began to hate eating nuts for protein. I think I will go back to doing raw food in intervals because in a 10 day stretch I lost 12 lbs that I've never regained, my skin cleared, I slept better (needed less sleep as well) and the "brain fog" disappeared.

    And it's way easier to shop because you don't cruise the whole store. I'm in produce and then at checkout.
  • poquosonrn
    poquosonrn Posts: 10 Member
    You can get everything you need minus B12 from a vegan diet. quinoa is a food that provides those amino acids, etc you described. Many vegans eat that way due to ethics, but it also the healthiest way to eat and the most sustainable for the planet.
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    I'm not vegan, but my brother is - and he LOVES it. He loves the way he feels now and with some preparation and experimenting, he's now able to eat it quite naturally (going out to eat is a little harder).

    I got my edition of Runner's World this month and there was a long article about ultramarathoner Scott Jurek who is vegan (we are talking 100 mile races here)! If that doesn't convince you that you can eat vegan and get everything your body needs, I don't know what would! :-),7120,s6-242-303-308-14320-0,00.html

    Rich Roll is a vegan ultramarathoner too - amazing!
  • Voww
    Voww Posts: 39 Member
    You can get everything you need minus B12 from a vegan diet. quinoa is a food that provides those amino acids, etc you described. Many vegans eat that way due to ethics, but it also the healthiest way to eat and the most sustainable for the planet.

    Been vegan 3 years now, think you can get B12 from yeast extract spreads but most either love or hate it (I love it on wholemeal toast). It's also found in some fortified cereals and soya products. I take a daily multi-vit/mineral mainly for the minerals and that supplies 100% of the recommended daily amount of B12.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    I've tried and failed but will probably try again. The hardest thing for me is that none of the rest of my family is the least bit interested in eating vegan. Unfortunately, I find cooking meat appetizing, so it's hard to resist.

    But I'm eating as vegetarian as I can.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I'm vegan in between meals.
  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    I became vegan in mid-September 2013. for the most part, i really enjoy it. i love exploring cooking and eating all kinds of plant foods. it's only difficult when i go to get-togethers, parties, or road trips where finding stuff to eat that's not just a plain fruit or vegetable (i'm not always in the mood for that!) is more difficult. but there are great vegan options out there and you can eat plenty of non-"boring" food -- pastas, burgers, pizzas, burritos, and desserts for when i allow myself a "junk" snack or meal, and grains, legumes, nuts, soups, salads, stir-frys filled with all colors of the rainbow and all kinds of different textures and tastes. and there's always lots of yummy thai or indian food that you can get vegan. i'm finding it pretty fun. i take a vegan multi-vitamin and get extra protein if i need it from a vegan protein powder. oh, and it (in combination with MFP) has DEFINITELY helped me lose weight! almost 40 lbs. i never thought i'd be able to give up meat, eggs, dairy and honey, but it surprisingly wasn't as difficult as i thought it was going to be! and you get used to it over time as well, and cravings decrease or disappear. overall i'm quite satisfied with it.
  • misdreagus
    misdreagus Posts: 30 Member
    I am vegan and it's super easy here in the UK :)
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    I was a vegetarian for 11 years. Went back to eating meat for a year and came down with intestinal issues (IBS, ****ting blood, severe constipation for days and random diarrhea), extreme facial breakouts, hair falling out, weight gain, sleeping over 12 hours a day.
    Rediscovered veganism through YouTube (during the days my TV stopped working) with bite sized vegan, Freelee (found through researching all my digestion issues because my health care sucks), vegan zombie, black metal vegan chef, just to name a few.
    Now I'm a high raw vegan. And eat twice the calories I used to eat.
    I've seen people go vegan and fail. I don't blame them. The key is to educate yourself and to get away from mainstream broscience and high protein.
    I find it best to stay away from processed food as much as possible. Eat a lot of fruit. Eat a lot of veggies (2 pounds worth if you plan on going high raw). Also eating enough calories.
    Also check out
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    ...Judaism, Christianity (historically)...

    Well this is interesting. As someone who has been a Christian my whole life (31 years) and someone who is quite familiar with Judaism... This is all new to me.

    Please point out in the Old or New Testament where it states that followers of either covenant should be vegetarians please. I would love to research your selections when I get home from work today.

  • ShraddhaOm
    ShraddhaOm Posts: 10 Member
    happy healthy vegan for years here, with a happy healthy vegan husband, son, and sister too. we take b12 but that's it for vitamins/supplements. i really learned to cook when i went vegan (7 years ago) and everyone says the things i make are delicious, some of the best food they've had. i just follow the recipes. ;-) the "oh she glows" blog is a great place to start in finding some healthy vegan recipes and tips.
  • loves3sons
    Just bookmarked the "oh she glows" site, love finding new recipes, especially those that don't have soy. I do eat Tofu/Soy products quite a bit during the transition, but I would like to reduce the intake as time goes by and I build up my recipes. Recently Vegan since January (5 Months now) It was a little bit harder than going vegetarian 14 years ago. But I do not regret it for a second. My husband who eats meat, as well as my sons, are very supportive of my choice as long as I keep cooking meat. He is always the one who tells any waiter if we are out, that I am Vegan. My body just can't handle dairy products anymore. I feel great and love the choice I made for myself. :love: