going on vacation

I have been doing AWESOME lately. I have stayed within my calories. I havent eaten out. I have planned. I have gotten my workouts in.

In two weeks Im going on vacation with my husbands family to the outer banks.

I have eating issues - I tend to binge when I give in a bit. We go every year and its a massive amount of food ALL day long. Big breakfast, grilled lunches, big dinners and awesome desserts. Not to mention all of the alcohol consumed to be able to stand my inlaws for an entire week.

I KNOW Im not going to be able to do what Im doing at home 100% while there. It just isnt realistic and I know I wont have the will power.

So Im working on plan B and any suggestions would be helpful.

Here is what Im aiming for
1. Im logging EVERYTHING I eat on here - even if its a day I give in to EVERYTHING. Every bite gets logged.
2. Im running a half marathon the week after I get back so I will be still needing to get my runs in and plan to bring my insanity videos with me for a daily workout.
3. Im not a huge breakfast person and really dont NEED the pancakes and what not so while I may have breakfast one day with everyone, I think the rest of the days I will make my basic breakfast that I eat at home all the time.
4. I plan to roast a whole bunch of veggies and a speghetti squash on day one to have as half my plate for dinners - the rest of the plate I can enjoy what everyone else is having.
5. I am in love with the 20 sec sugar free flour free mug choc cake. Im bringing all of that stuff and will have that with fruit some of the nights while everyone else is having what they are having so I dont feel left out.
6. No soda.

What else can I do to help?
What are the best alcoholic drinks calorie wise?


  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    Careful - just an observation but when i read your list it almost sounds like you are already prepping for and justifying a failure. Read it again yourself and see if you come up with the same conclusion?

    You can do this! You just need to approach it with a little different angle - what can you do not to need the alcohol to deal with the in-laws? How can you make YOUR choices and eat the way YOU want in the face of all that temptation?
  • swthrtsmrf
    swthrtsmrf Posts: 384
    Just exercise control with your food intake. You can still have what you want just be cautious and use portion and moderation control. If you give in to the temptations and consume the alcohol like you are already expecting, then they win. Do not let them get to you like that.
    Wow I should take my own advice

    Hugs and enjoy the vacation with the hubby and while you can the family!
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    well there's those really low carb beers if you drink em. Vodka seems to be the lowest liquor. Good luck with the inlaws. :drinker:
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    I don't think she's looking at it like she's going to fail. I think she's being realistic. If she overindulges every time she goes on vacation, what would make this time any different?

    Here's my take - do the best you can, and whatever happens can be undone. If you slip up and overeat on a meal or 2, you're not going to gain back 20 lbs. You may come back 5-7 lbs heavier, and that can be lost - again. Take it all in stride. This one vacation is not the be-all, end-all. Try to stick to your plan as much as you can, and enjoy yourself instead of obsessing.