Would anyone mind?

Would anyone mind taking a look at my diary for the past two days and let me know if I'm getting enough calories and nutrients for the day. I'm new to the whole dieting thing and eating healthy. I'm used to being able to eat a bag of skittles and red bull for dinner and not gain a pound haha. Thanks =]


  • carrie31023
    carrie31023 Posts: 17 Member
    I dont think it's bad. Take a look at mine. I have lost 23 lbs so far. 13 with MFP and 10 with weight watchers.
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    For a 21 year old at 145 lbs, you're not eating enough at 1200 calories.

    For the past 5 days, you're averaging 1123 calories - 64g protein, 143g carbs, 42g fat

    Find out your body fat % here:

    Then see what the chart says here:
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    Maybe more veggies and more protein. I can't imagine the Special K bars are particularly nutritious but it doesn't look like you eat too much junk.

    I think the longer you stay on here the more your diet evolves and you end up eating healthier foods. When you get into the habit of tracking you start to notice what all your macros are an how certain foods affect them.

    BTW - if your protein is at the default it's quite low, I've changed mine as have lots of others. Might be worth looking into.
  • QueenCatlady09
    QueenCatlady09 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I was wondering why I'm always going over protein, I thought protein was pretty good for you. My main problem is that I am a terrible cook and I'm way too busy to cook things. Thats why I grab things like Special K bars and Lean pockets that I can take on the go. If you have any suggestions I'm open to them all.
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    Bananas are great for on the go and if you want more protein on the go a whey protein shake is great too