help me plan my work out please

Hello, I am pretty new to my fitness pal. here is my situation.
i am 33, mother of 2, most recent kid is almost 4 months old. I breastfeed exclusively and plan to for around a year so the calories associated (I guess about 400 a day) with that will be around for another 6 months.
i weigh about 114 lbs and am 5'2" tall. before my last baby i was about 105 lbs but the definition of skinny fat. i didnt work out at all.

so yeah I am post baby flabby but am on day 17 of the 30ds which is what has sent me here in the first place to get more "into" working out and wanting to tone up. I really dont need a lot if any weight loss imo, but I would like to look tighter, more toned.

I am a pear shaped woman. I dont need a 6 pack but I do need some stomach inches to go.

I have access to these weights -> Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells (my husband's, i didnt just go out and buy those, lol) and I want to get a kettle bell.

I have pretty crippling social anxiety so I dont see myself going to gym, which is why I want to know, in detail if anyone would like to help me, what I can do at home to lose flab from my thighs and stomach, and generally get toned.

any DVD suggestions, links to you tubes or explanation of weight work and a schedule to do so would be greatly appreciated. I admittedly dont know much about reps vs weight, off days, and stuff like that.

oh and i also have the JM thighs and buns dvd coming soon, does that one have any good weight training in it?

I have read around the boards for a few days and it seems like while I definitely know how to get my cardio in, I need a lot of help with the weight bit.

again,. many thanks to whoever wants to help or suggest things here for me.


  • squiggles409
    squiggles409 Posts: 50 Member
    Congrats on the most recent baby!! Jillian also has a DVD called shred it with weights. That one is definitely a good one to use around the house! since you have access to a bowflex, I suggest the site for learning some basics on lifting and building muscle. Really, you can google search "weight lifting plans" and get a plethora of info. It's the sifting through and educating yourself that might take a little time. Just remember, for women just to tone up, lighter weights and more repititions!! Happy lifting! :wink:
  • jenga727
    jenga727 Posts: 185 Member
    I am 5'2 as well and weigh a little less than you do, 100 pounds! When I first started out one of my first goals was to start gaining muscle and toning my arms and legs! All I have done since starting have been workout DVDs at home! My first workout DVD that I absolutely loved was the SWAT: Rapid Tone and Firm! Look it up on youtube or something! It works all the major muscle groups and has a bonus session for your core! It is perfect for beginners! and after that DVD you can work yourself up to something like P90X which I am currently doing for my strength training!
  • lowbpoint
    lowbpoint Posts: 20 Member
    thank you so much, those pages are good reading on the matter. I will need to figure out what lifting or strength training I can do at home from those lists. i am still kind of confused on the how many times a week vs rest days but I think I will just keep on reading. :)

    thanks again