New and looking for some friends!

beckye93 Posts: 27 Member
Well, I joined MFP via my iPod Touch a few months ago. I only just realized that it was an actual website. So now that I know, I'd liek kto be more active and stuff on here, and maybe make some friends who know what it's like to have to go through smoething liek this. I want to lose about 120 pounds. I'm starting at 260. -Sigh- this is going to be a long, but worthwhile journey.

So! Does anybody have an exercise tips? Tips on staying motivated? Tips on not snacking when you're bored, or just because you had a bad day? Stuff like that would be very well appreciated! Thanks and I hope I make some friends very soon :D


  • barbie0114
    barbie0114 Posts: 2
    Hi Beckye93! I am certainly feeling your pain however, I am just trying to maintain my current weight. I am a mother, grandmother and will soon (around May 23rd) become a great-grandmother. I had three of my children via C-section some years ago and have gone up and down with my weight. Although I am not looking to drop so much weight, I do have a problem with snacking. That is my biggest downfall, aside from the fact that I LOVE all types of food. I have been retired for 12 years and spend a lot of time on the computer so the "rear" takes a hit with my weight gain and my hips are wide. I realize that I cannot lose the hip size without cutting off my! But, I do exercise a bit each day. I usually turn on some dance type music and do 30 minutes of cardio exercising each get the heart pumping. I do work up a sweat. I take a short break and ride a stationary bike for another 30 minutes. Then comes Yoga. I have hip arthritis so the yoga really helps keep my hips from hurting. I try not to overdo anything such a lifting or putting great strain on my back and hips. It is hard to do as I enjoy spending time with my grandkids and they are extremely active...I keep moving for me and for my family. Exercise in any fashion is good for you...especially your heart. The blood pumping and working up a sweat equity can really help in weight loss. Some of my friends buy the dance tapes for the Wii but I don't own a system like that. I just use the radio and exercise that way. My husband tells me all the time that he's happy that I'm staying healthy and he's proud of me. You really need someone behind you to keep up the motivation is so important! You can have snacks, just make healthy choices...carrot and celery sticks, low-fat or no calorie waters that are fruit flavored. My favorites are the Sobe brand and the FUZE ones. They taste great and are very inexpensive. I look for low-fat chips (if you really need to snack). I eat a lot of yogurt and breakfast bars instead of huge breakfasts. Drinking an 8-oz. glass of water before meals helps to fill you up and you will not eat as much. This really works. It was great giving you some tips. I don't get on this site each day but I hope I can, starting this week. I just joined recently because a friend said that she lost 35 pounds just from being on this website. Hope it works for me and YOU too!