Body Fat % - no movement although lots of weight loss

kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
I'm hoping someone can answer my question (or verify my thoughts).

I've lost just on 30kg in the last two years (66lbs). About 12 months ago, I upgraded my scale to one that also measures body fat %. I know that they are nowhere near as accurate as callipers, or other body fat tests.

In the 12 months since I bought the scale, although my weight has dropped, my body fat is still at 50%. I don't strength train as much as I should (average only once a week, sometimes none), but do 30-45 mins of cardio 4-5 times a week. If the body fat % isn't changing, does that mean I'm losing lean body mass as well as fat? A couple of months ago it reduced to 47.5%, but it's gone back up to 50% as of this morning's weigh in, so I know that the scale doesn't always throw out 50% as my body fat.

I still have a fair way to go, but don't want to lose lean body mass now - mostly fat! I suppose I've pretty much answered my question, but I'd like some of you really savvy people to verify....


  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    Do you eat enough protein??
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    It does mean you are losing lean muscle mass. Losing muscle is bound to happen with weight loss, but you can minimize the loss by doing more strength training, eating enough calories, and getting enough protein.

    When I had a trainer last year, we took regular measurements including lean muscle mass. One month although I'd lost 5 lbs, it was all muscle loss! Not good at all. My trainer said that it was because I was undereating and doing too much aerobic exercise at the expense of strength training.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    Bump for later.

    I think I might have a similar prob. :/ I just had my BF done a couple weeks ago and now I'm worried I might be losing muscle instead of gaining it.
  • Could it be that as you lose weight you are losing body fat but because you are losing body mass the % of your smaller body mass is still 50% fat, but its still less fat?
    For example:
    A person who is 100kg and 50% BF would mean 50kg of them was fat. At 75kg and 50% BF then 37.5kg of them is fat. A loss of BF of 12.5kg?

    I guess that would still mean you are losing something else which would probably be muscle? I'd say you need to increase your weight training and protein. I'm training for a half marathon and all that cardio is totally making me lose some muscle mass, i can't do push ups as easy any more and I have NO bum. I've hit my goal weight so I can up my calories, once ive done the half marathon I'll ease back a bit on the distances a bit and put 3 weight sessions in there. Balance out 50/50 cardio and weights and perhaps you'll see an improvement.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Yeah, I need to up my protein (especially after gym) and make sure I get more strength training, more regularly. I'm going to be shaking up my routine as I'm moving house and my work schedule is going to change - so it's the perfect time.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    so if i eat more protein that will help ? I have the same problem right now, i am loosing weight and when i did my number son fat2fit again yesterday, my bf% stayed the same. wasn't sure what to do about it.... i am doing 30ds and Rin30, so i have a bit of strength training ( thought its not huge) but otherwise i get exercise in from cardio, walks, elliptical, treadmill, etc...