
I love pasta and have cut a lot of pasta meals out of my diet after realising how many calories are in it

However I do allow myself to eat it maybe once a week and I am happy with everything in moderation etc etc

my problem is once I've had the bowl of past my weight jumps up by 6lbs - I know this will just be water retention and a bunch of other things but the scale doesn't jump like that any other day of the week, so should I cut out pasta all together, is it hindering my weight loss?


  • amZhn
    amZhn Posts: 26 Member
    Maybe it's the fact that you weigh yourself at different times? I try to weigh myself consistently (in the morning before i've had breakfast). Most of the time it is actually water weight and will drop off the next morning. I dont think you should cut out pasta, everything is okay in moderation I guess. Aslong as you're not having whatever it is that is "unhealthy" everyday or going over your calories consecutively, I think you're fine.
  • kirstyg1980
    kirstyg1980 Posts: 302
    sorry should have said, I always weigh in the morning