Bodybugg users !!!!

Im lost. Just when I think I've got it, I doubt what I'm doing. Have seen people say eat 300-500 under TDEE. But it varies right? TDEE is how many cals burnt for the day (?) so you don't really know til towards end of evening what your number for the day will be so then do u start slamming chicken breasts at 9pm? Or is TDEE the set # Mfp have me 1984? My bugg TDEE varies from 2179 to 2503. My deficits (diff between cal burnt & actually eatn-assuming bodybugg is factoring exercise cals-that's WHY I'm wearing it) are between 750&1000.per day. The bugg rep I talkd to tonite is just a tech supp guy. no more fitness pro counselors like they used to have : (. Anyone got advice? I know I'm all over the place...i'd appreciate it !!!


  • MOMOvation
    MOMOvation Posts: 2
    There really isn't a short answer to this so here goes:

    1) The science of losing weight is simple Burn more calories then you eat. So you take your TDEE (What you burn all day including exercise) - What you eat = your calorie deficit. If you want to lose 1 lb per week, that deficit should be 500 calories per day. If you want to lose 2 lbs per week, that deficit should be 1,000 calories.

    Yesterday I burned 2,584 calories - 1,600 that I eat = 984 calorie deficit. If I keep ths up I would lose around 2 lbs this week.

    2) There is a huge difference between the BodyBugg program and myfitnesspal. When you setup MFP, it calculates your deficit, based on the information entered including how many lbs per week you want to lose. The net calorie amount has a deficit built into it. That is why it let's you eat back your activity points. However, in my case, this would only give me a daily deficit of 1,000. That is because it won't let my net go uner 1,200 calories.

    Eating 1,200 calories has a 500 calorie deficit for me based on RMR and my sedentary job. If I exercise and burn 500 calories and eat 1,700 for that day, I will only lose 1 lb per week versus my calculation in number 1.

    There is a way to make it work with MFP. You would just need to adjust your net calorie figure but rely on your BB for calories burned. Thus not adding or eating back your exercise calories. If your goal is to lose 2 lbs per week, you need to make sure your deficit is 1,000 calories per day. Not sure what model BB you have, but if you have pretty much the same routine, you should be able to tell after a week or so, what you would burn based on exercise, your job and daily activity.

    I do like the larger food database in Myfitnesspal. But in the BB program, I like seeing Calories Burned, Calories Consumed and Deficit. Also, when you upload throughout the day, the BB program tells you if you are sedentary the rest of the day this is what your total for the day will be.

    So if you want to lose 2 lbs per week and you burn 2179 - 2503, you could plan on eating 1200-1300 and if your have more than add an evening snack or eat more at dinner. 2200 calories burned - 1200 calories eaten = 1000 calorie deficit. If you have more questions you can email me Hope this helps.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Thank you so much for helping. I think time will help me figure it out too, like u said, getting averages of what I'm burning each day. So you may hear from me again ! Thanks for your info !
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    When you plug your BB into the computer you know that bar that shows you how many calories you've burned for the day? Well, hover your mouse over to the right where the bar extends out further but is a lighter shade of blue and it will give you your estimated total calorie burn for the day. Pretty sweet, huh?

    Now for sure if you check it at noon the BB has no way of knowing if you are going to do a kick-butt workout after work or something. But I have to say (I've had mine for about 2.5 months now) that it's pretty darn accurate at predicting your daily burn based on your average habits. I generally plug mine in sometime in the early evening - sometimes before dinner, sometimes after to see where I'm sitting for the day and adjust my final meal/snacks for the day on that.

    But truly, your body doesn't care about a specific 24 hour period so if you find yourself too far over or under one day, just adjust a bit the next.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Thank you so much for helping. I think time will help me figure it out too, like u said, getting averages of what I'm burning each day. So you may hear from me again ! Thanks for your info !

    Also, you can just look at your graph when you upload your data and see how many calories you burn at rest. I burn about 1/min. So since it is 10:30, I will burn about 90 more calories tonight. And honestly, little activities like brushing my teeth and doing my dishes won't have much of an effect on this. I'll prob burn 90-100 cal rest of this night.

    How I have mfp set up right now: goal of 1500. On an average day, I burn about 2000 calories (more if I do cardio, less if I do nothing). So I try to be around 1500/day unless I burn way more than a normal day, when I'll eat until I'm no longer hungry