Anyone use teeth whiten kits ?

Gionni Posts: 77 Member
Does anyone know of any really good "at home" teeth whitening kits ? I have pretty white teeth now, but I want to step it up! I want my mouth to look like its full of piano keys !


  • saralynn594
    saralynn594 Posts: 321
    I am using the Crest 3D white strips...they are amazing,But they do make me teeth a little sensitive after a few days of use.
  • Gionni
    Gionni Posts: 77 Member
    I used strips before .. Are they a pain to put on ?
  • saralynn594
    saralynn594 Posts: 321
    Nope these are really easy and stay on well :)
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    My dentist recommended the Crest 3D White Strips and also using Sensodyne toothpaste to help with the sensitivity.
  • tbird3077
    tbird3077 Posts: 6
    I have used the Listerine Whitening strips and they are great! Cheaper than Crest 3D and they are easy to work with. My teeth are naturally sensitive so my dentist gave me this stuff called MI Paste. It was $20 or so for the little tube and I still have it after 3 years with a lot left. It helps to replenish the minerals needed to keep your teeth healthy. Every few months I use it and I don't have nearly the sensitivity that I did.
    Sensodyne and other anti-sensitivity toothpastes are only meant to be used for 2 weeks and if they don't help, try the paste!