30%BF& P90x w/ extra walking

TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
I am 28, F, 5'6" 166lbs, 30% BF and I am in my 3rd week on P90x Lean program. I really want to lose weight so.... I am adding an hour of walking at 3-3.5mph after I finish the DVD workout each evening also. Sometimes If I wake up early I will get on my treadmill and walk an hour or two hours before I get up for work too. I usually do this 3-4 times a week too. I haven't seen any changes in my weight NOR in my measurments or how my clothes fit. :( Well now we are having a weight loss challenge at work and ...I want to WIN! LOL I want to make sure I keep my muscle AND don't burn thru my muscle from the walking I am doing. But I want to do a lot of cardio so i can burn fat.

Do yall have any advise for me to lose the max amount of body fat and not lose any muscle?? I want to be 136 by August 1st.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Why are you doing so much cardio? Cardio allows you to eat more and maintain the same deficit you could hit from diet alone. this is great if you have trouble sticking to a lower caloric intake, just make sure you are eating the cals back.

    Are you eating your exercise caloires back? If not a lot of your loss is going to be lean muscle mass. Not just fat.

    If your goal is to lower bf% the best route is a small caloric deficit (this can be diet alone or a combo of diet and cardio), adequate protein and strength training, the heavier the better. I would suggest cutting back on your cardio or you may end up losing more muscle then fat during this journey.

    Set your goal to lose 1 lb/week, and eat back all of the calories you burn from exercise to ensure your muscles are properly fueled.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    How heavy should the strength training be? And how low should my calorie deficit be? My calorie goal right now is 1300 and I so eat back my exercise calories ....though I have never acheive weight lose eating them back. :-/ and my heaviest free weight is 8 pounds. I can hardly use it on all the different moves. I wanted more just to tone my arms. I carry the majority of my excess weight in my thighs and hip area. (pear shape)
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    You should see some loss in inches and scale (maybe) on week 4. It might not be big. Most women see the majority of improvement in the last phase.
    If you are doing this much cardio, you probably need to up your calorie intake.
    You should Aldo use weights that allow you to do reps to failure. The last 3 should be difficult.
  • drmryder
    drmryder Posts: 181 Member
    Your calories are too low. Give you an idea of what I am doing with regards to lifting. I am 45, 164 lbs. and 5'7". I am doing the P90X program, not the lean (that will make a little bit of difference on cal burn), but I wear a HRM to make sure I know exactly what my burn is. Today was Shoulder and Arms. I use 10 - 15 pounds weight depending on the exercise, 15 lbs for curls for example. My calorie burn for this was 385. The Ab ripper is after that and I try and pound that one, I do all of the reps, even the last ones and my calorie burn was 104 today (dogging it :). I need to eat 489 extra calories on top of the base listed.

    Aerobic burn is equally good and I used to run everyday and did very little lifting. I now am doing both and it's working.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    How heavy should the strength training be? And how low should my calorie deficit be? My calorie goal right now is 1300 and I so eat back my exercise calories ....though I have never acheive weight lose eating them back. :-/ and my heaviest free weight is 8 pounds. I can hardly use it on all the different moves. I wanted more just to tone my arms. I carry the majority of my excess weight in my thighs and hip area. (pear shape)

    We have the same stats and I eat 2000 calories a day, everyday (I am on fat shredder - P90X recommended - 50% protein 25% carbs 25% fat) For the longest time I refused to believe that eating more meant better results..... FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES in your P90X manual and you will lose weight (it's the only thing that got me out of my rut of gaining 2 lbs and losing them, gaining 5lbs and losing them) Trust me on this one... I am in my 3rd round of P90X and I am seeing solid gains!
  • Kaylarhodes
    Kaylarhodes Posts: 12 Member
    Take a break from working out and do The Ultimate Reset. You will drop pounds like crazy! After the 21 days your diet will be healthier and you will not lose muscle during the reset even though you can't workout.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I am 28, F, 5'6" 166lbs, 30% BF and I am in my 3rd week on P90x Lean program.

    There's the first issue. Do the Classic Program. P90x was designed that way and that is how you'll get the best results. It is not a weight lifting program, it is a circuit training program. You move pretty quickly from one exercise to the other and that keeps your HR up. My resting HR is in the low 50s and I've gotten it up to 150 from doing the Back and Bicep workout.

    I implore you to do the Classic routine.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    How heavy should the strength training be? And how low should my calorie deficit be? My calorie goal right now is 1300 and I so eat back my exercise calories ....though I have never acheive weight lose eating them back. :-/ and my heaviest free weight is 8 pounds. I can hardly use it on all the different moves. I wanted more just to tone my arms. I carry the majority of my excess weight in my thighs and hip area. (pear shape)

    When I did P90X I was lifting 10, 12 and 15 lbs to failure ---- since I have started X2 I have had to decrease the weight because of balance issues .... but I suggest you get heavier weights!
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I am 28, F, 5'6" 166lbs, 30% BF and I am in my 3rd week on P90x Lean program.

    There's the first issue. Do the Classic Program. P90x was designed that way and that is how you'll get the best results. It is not a weight lifting program, it is a circuit training program. You move pretty quickly from one exercise to the other and that keeps your HR up. My resting HR is in the low 50s and I've gotten it up to 150 from doing the Back and Bicep workout.

    I implore you to do the Classic routine.

    THIS ^^^^ I did doubles
  • dwiebe85
    dwiebe85 Posts: 123
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    I wanted to lower my bf% too, when I started I was 15% but wanted to get cut and get it down to under 10%. I went on the Fat Shedder phase and it has been working for me. But I agree with some of the others when I say it looks like your calorie intake is low. I am at 2100 calories per day. = 50% protein, 30% Carbs and 20% fat

    Send me a friend request if you like. Once I am finished Insanity I am going to be starting P90X2.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I am 28, F, 5'6" 166lbs, 30% BF and I am in my 3rd week on P90x Lean program.

    There's the first issue. Do the Classic Program. P90x was designed that way and that is how you'll get the best results. It is not a weight lifting program, it is a circuit training program. You move pretty quickly from one exercise to the other and that keeps your HR up. My resting HR is in the low 50s and I've gotten it up to 150 from doing the Back and Bicep workout.

    I implore you to do the Classic routine.

    I'll try the Clasic program on my second round.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Do you still run every day? Or get another form of cardio exercise every day along with p90x?
  • coachbeav
    coachbeav Posts: 40 Member
    I agree...switch to the Classic program. It is the best! It helps you gain more muscle which in the end helps burn off all that goo :)
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I am 5'5" and 207lbs and I am in week 4 of P90x Classic. This is my second time around. Just keep going with it and make sure you are eating back all of your exercise calories. I upped my daily calories to 1500 plus my exercise calories. It works if you keep with it. Don't give up on it!
  • muskett83
    muskett83 Posts: 12
    hi i am interested in doing this and think i need the classic 1 for less impact (knee injury) but i can only find the extreme home fitness dvds is there a different one? as people keep saying 'do the classic one' but which one is which?
  • redcat17
    redcat17 Posts: 267 Member
    If you want to maintain and build muscle while you lose weight, don't do too much cardio. My personal trainer has my cardio goal set to three 30 minute interval sessions a week and lifting 4 days a week. Also, I keep my calories around a 20% below my goal weight TDEE. I have 25 pounds to lose and I'm losing about 1 pound a week with this program.

    Cardio burns calories, but too much may mean that you'll lose too much muscle while dieting.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    hi i am interested in doing this and think i need the classic 1 for less impact (knee injury) but i can only find the extreme home fitness dvds is there a different one? as people keep saying 'do the classic one' but which one is which?

    They are all the same package. In the extreme home fitness dvds you choose which program you want to do. There is Lean, Classic, and Doubles. I have a knee injury and I modify anything that I know will hurt it.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Thanks every one!