INSANITY buddies?



  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    You should give doing them in order a shot! I'm not the most coordinated but by the second time doing the routine I was getting it down pretty good. He focuses on different muscle groups during the week, with one day of pure cardio and one day of cardio recovery to make sure the body is working at full potential. If you notice, even the really fit people in the video are taking breaks! And Shaun T is out of breath a few times too and he's wandering around to the others. This is definitely a tough work out. Go at your pace and take breaks when you have to. Do you have a HR monitor? I found this helps me a lot. I still have to take a LOT of breaks! But I get my rear back up and keep at it once I get my breath back! One other pointer I would offer is to eat enough! I'm in another support group on BB website and if you dont eat enough you are going to start getting really drained and it will make it harder to keep up with the workouts! You are going find you have soooo much energy! Week 3 you can loose a little motivation, but keep feeling how your body is changing for the better and you will be able to push through.
  • GEE1241
    GEE1241 Posts: 32 Member
    I started on Monday to!!!!!!!!!!
  • GEE1241
    GEE1241 Posts: 32 Member
    Does anyone know how to calculate insanity calories. i'm so confused. I'm scared in how many calories they want one to eat. I'm use to like 1200 calories. I want to lose weight can anyone help me calculate?
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    I burn 450 calories for month one. Being 145 pounds and 5 foot 7 and working my butt off. Month two is more like 600-800 calories.

    The number they have you eating takes into account your exercise calories from doing Insanity so don't worry that it looks high. Always try to eat at least 1300-1400 calories minimum each day. If you don't lose weight or gain after two weeks, play around with your intake, you might be eating too little or too much. (or not eating the right foods :P)
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm only 4'11 and am eating between 1600 and 2000 calories a day depending on my work out. I've lost 4lbs now and over 12" total in one month. I'm not worried about the weight as much anymore, and 1640 cals would be my goal weight maintenance for little exercise. I dont usually come up short on energy either. I feel really good and have the energy for my workouts and the rest of the day......
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    You should give doing them in order a shot! I'm not the most coordinated but by the second time doing the routine I was getting it down pretty good. He focuses on different muscle groups during the week, with one day of pure cardio and one day of cardio recovery to make sure the body is working at full potential. If you notice, even the really fit people in the video are taking breaks! And Shaun T is out of breath a few times too and he's wandering around to the others. This is definitely a tough work out. Go at your pace and take breaks when you have to. Do you have a HR monitor? I found this helps me a lot. I still have to take a LOT of breaks! But I get my rear back up and keep at it once I get my breath back! One other pointer I would offer is to eat enough! I'm in another support group on BB website and if you dont eat enough you are going to start getting really drained and it will make it harder to keep up with the workouts! You are going find you have soooo much energy! Week 3 you can loose a little motivation, but keep feeling how your body is changing for the better and you will be able to push through.

    I guess I'm just really worried. I maybe did 15 minutes of the Plyo DVD. It discouraged me some because I wanted to do the workout so bad, but I was just really tired. I was saying to myself at this rate there is no way I can get any results if I can't do the video. I want to get good results and feel better by 60 days. I have decided to go on with the plan, though. Thanks a lot for the pep talk♥