30 Day Shred

Ok, so I bought Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred at the end of April. I planned on using it Mon-Fri throughout May and into June. I have literally done like 4 nonconsecutive days of it and cannot keep myself motivated anymore. I am so sore I could fall over! The second day I tried the DVD, I re-injured a muscle in my back (I fell down the stairs twice several months ago and severely injured muscles and nerves in my back). So it took me days to get moving again and now I did two days in a row and just feel terrible. I have been regularly exercising for months now, but this DVD is kicking my BUTT! I knew that it was not going to be easy, as no new exercise program is, but goodness! Lol. To all of you who have done this DVD, or any other one for that matter, how the heck did you keep moving forward and keep motivated??? Half of me wants to give up and the other half is telling me KEEP GOING. So frustrated. :/


  • jtotheno
    jtotheno Posts: 123 Member
    Lol, I know what you mean! I did it for a week 2 years ago, and tried it again yesterday and went NOPE! lol. For me, it's too much right now, so I am doing Zumba Kinect until I get the stamina to do the shred! I really want the weight lifting, so I hope to be able to do it soon, but I am starting smaller with the Zumba, which on beginner 20mins still leaves me DRENCHED in sweat! lol
  • bramsde
    bramsde Posts: 1
    Keep going, it gets better. Keep your body moving, you'll loosen up!
  • arctiknitter
    arctiknitter Posts: 119 Member
    Just keep going. It gets so much better. Truth is, I've never made it past level two, but I go back and do either level when I only have 20 minutes. Recently I've been trying to fit No More Trouble Zones into my evening.
    I cannot tell you what a difference doing the DVDs has made in my overall fitness level. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't lived it. Of course losing weight along the way helped, but sticking with 30DS is what really did it.
    I have found that I can't do all the moves, so I make sure I just keep moving. When I get to a move that I can't do, I do one of the others that I am able to do.
    Best of luck!
  • kswift85
    kswift85 Posts: 56 Member
    The first few days are definitely the worst, but I kept pushing through it...modifying certain moves until the soreness eased up a bit. It does get better and I've seen some pretty amazing results...I say try pushing through! And trust me, I know it's easier said than done!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    modify, modify, modify. That's what I do around all my injuries... so I modify a lot with the 30ds. The most important part for me is to not stop, not quit. By hook or by crook- beg borrow or steal, I am not quitting. But I do not do it every day- I go 2 days on and 1 off if I am sore. I do a long hike on the off days. So, when I injured my left knee doing the lunging exercises, I switched to doing the same exercise in the 'horse' (squat) position. Instead of jumping with the jumping jacks, I do a side to side toe touch step. I have a few injuries from Army training, so I have learned that it isn't worth it to push beyond what my body is telling me. But I don't cheat, either, if it is strength, I modify with a different strength exercise, cardio for cardio, abs for abs. Even better is to do a physical therapy type exercise (for your injured parts) in the place of the exercise which aggravates it. Add good stretching or yoga to loosen and strengthen your injured areas. Best of luck. Don't give up, go around it, keep going, go through it, find a way don't quit!
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    When I was doing it regularly it did get easier except on my knees. I tried doing it this past Sunday after two months off of it and I couldn't get through Level 1. And my knees are killing me again. I'm doing a 5k saturday and don't want my knees to be all messed up so I will try again after that. I think I need an exercise mat though. My house is on a concrete slab and I am thinking that might be why my knees are killing me.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Take a day off if you need it, then get back on the horse. When I hate it and don't want to carry on, I go look at the success thread for 30DS and feel inspired all over again... Go for it!
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    I ordered the Shred via Amazon a couple of days ago and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. I own the P90X, but it's WAYYY too hard for me with the crazy jumping moves (I have pinned/plated ankles), and am hoping the Shred will be hard but still doable for me. I told my 18yo daughter that I'd ordered it, and she's not a DVD-user at ALL, but she loves the Biggest Loser and said she might actually do the Shred, because she knows it works.

    I'm hoping I'll soon be able to post success photos of how it helped me...and I'm guessing I'll be asking for similar "OMG HOW DO YOU KEEP GOING??" questions once I have the workout in hand. ;)
  • LadyG33
    LadyG33 Posts: 46
    It is definitely HARD in the beginning to even get started or stay motivated. I found that when I felt like "quitting" I would just walk in place during that part and then start back in when I felt comfortable. The main thing is just don't STOP or QUIT. Keep your heart rate up even if you have to march in place. Keep up the good work!
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    It is rough...but its only20 min so u know it will be overquick! Sometimes not to quick lol! Ive never finished the whole dvd but ive done level one so many times througout the past 2 years that its now easy which is huge for me, nowive been doing level 2 for a little whileand it stillkills me...i cant do the whole thing without a few small breaks its getting easier thoand believe me imscaredto go to level3!!! I see everyones amazing results and that makes mewant to keep going so i can have great before and afters! I can feel my muscles in my arms getting harder and stronger which is super exciting!just keep it upbutu dont wantto hurt yourself so if theres something ucant do just do anothermove to keep ur heart rate pumping!!!:happy:
  • charming72
    charming72 Posts: 37 Member
    You can do it! Just push through....I am on Level 3 Day 9! I am really happy with this DVD. Believe me there were days I wanted to just skip it and I got my butt up off the couch and did it and then I felt better :-) I am going to start Ripped in 30 next week! I heard that is a real butt kicking! I'm looking forward to it :-)
  • LOL Do not give up...take a day or 2 off but keep going.
    I am on Level 2 day 8- and not taken a day off.
    To be honest i have not been that sore but had done Zumba for a couple of months before starting the 30 day shred.

    Good Luck !!!!!!
  • hellotina
    hellotina Posts: 147 Member
    keep going & modify even more if needed for some moves. you can do it!!!
  • Jillian130
    Jillian130 Posts: 174 Member
    Like the others said, keep going. Even if you can't perform all the moves as quickly or as long thats ok. Take it slow. Do the modifications. If you can only do 3 pushups thats ok. Maybe next week you'll do 6 and so on. The point is to keep moving. Don't knock yourself out trying to keep up or perform as many reps as they do. The more you do and the more often you do it you will gain the endurance and the strength.
    I actually started it this week and yes its tough. At some points I will jog lightly in one spot, especially when she does the side lunges with lateral raise. I just can't get co-ordinated to do that yet. I'll do a couple and then do my jogging in place, just so that I'm moving until we can proceed to next exercise.
    Yes its tough, but like Jillian said if we want to see change then we have to do things that we are not comfortable with. I'll do and try what I can, and what I can't do I modify or repalce with something that I can do, just so that I'm MOVING. Keep the heart rate up.
    Keep going, and remember that we are here too, struggling and getting through the same dvd lol.
  • Arperjen
    Arperjen Posts: 108 Member
    I was sore after the first few days too. Holy mama, I could barely walk after Day 2 of Level 1. I came across this, and oh man has it helped with the pain! I can only hope this is something worth trying out for you.

    I'm starting Day 8 now, and I've been feeling fantastic! Don't give up!


    Edit to add: As for your pre-existing pain, just push through what you're able to; if you can't bend down as far as JM, go as far as you're able. You could potentially build your strength back up, just by going a little at a time.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    If you need motivation to keep going, do a search for all the success stories/pics that people on here have had with it. (usually) works for me! In fact, I think I will do it tonite...
  • Looking at the 30DS Success stories in the Success thread is what keeps me motivated. Every time i think about not doing it that day, i go look at those threads and i'm suddenly motivated again. I want to be a success story that i can post on here.

    Also, it's ok that you don't do it every single day. Right now i'm on track to finishing it in a 40 day period instead of 30 due to life stuff getting in the way. :)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I have shelved it till I can get in shape enough to do it. I injured my back the last time i tried it too soon. You can also do your own version of it. When you are able to accomplish it you will know your body has changed. I love a new hurdle but I don't injure myself to get over it. I circle it till I am ready.
  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    Take a day off if you need it, then get back on the horse. When I hate it and don't want to carry on, I go look at the success thread for 30DS and feel inspired all over again... Go for it!

    That's what I have been doing, is looking at everyone's success photos! Lol! I know I need to keep going. I can do it. I'll just have to swear at the tv for the entire 20 minutes is all! Ha. It's just so darn hard!
  • BCsurvivor1962
    BCsurvivor1962 Posts: 78 Member
    I have been doing mine, I am on day 2. I love it so far! Believe me, it is TOUGH! But that is because I haven't moved my body in years! With the jumping jacks and having a bad knee, I typically can't do all that the trainers do BUT I keep moving if I can't keep jumping and that is working for now.

    I am going to keep at it for the 30 days and see how I do.

    Good luck and keep going!!!
  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    Like the others said, keep going. Even if you can't perform all the moves as quickly or as long thats ok. Take it slow. Do the modifications. If you can only do 3 pushups thats ok. Maybe next week you'll do 6 and so on. The point is to keep moving. Don't knock yourself out trying to keep up or perform as many reps as they do. The more you do and the more often you do it you will gain the endurance and the strength.
    I actually started it this week and yes its tough. At some points I will jog lightly in one spot, especially when she does the side lunges with lateral raise. I just can't get co-ordinated to do that yet. I'll do a couple and then do my jogging in place, just so that I'm moving until we can proceed to next exercise.
    Yes its tough, but like Jillian said if we want to see change then we have to do things that we are not comfortable with. I'll do and try what I can, and what I can't do I modify or repalce with something that I can do, just so that I'm MOVING. Keep the heart rate up.
    Keep going, and remember that we are here too, struggling and getting through the same dvd lol.

    Thanks! :) I know I have to push myself. I definitely will try to modify some of the moves or reps! It's nice to hear that others are going through the same thing or feeling the same way. Lol. Jillian is one tough chick!
  • Try her "No More Trouble Zones" instead. It is the same concept but not nearly as tough. I can complete the level 2 and 3 workout on that dvd but the level 1 on the 30 Day Shred just about kills me.
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    it defo takes alot to stick to the full 30 days... i gym on and off and i've done this only once.. i will be making another start tonight hopefully and stick to it.. i really want to see results as all the results i've seen on here have been super positive and amazing pictures..

    i tried to tell myself i can do this as a morning work out before work but in the morning when the alarm goes off, i just hit snooze.. :frown:

    i will try to make a start tonight.. and then every morning from tomorrow on wards (hopefully)

    i want great results:love: so going to have to kick myself out of the bed for 30days in a row..:ohwell:
  • Heathert24
    Heathert24 Posts: 17 Member
    I just finished 30ds about a week ago. It kicked my butt, but I just told myself to modify where I needed to and stop when I needed to. I lost a bunch of inches and weight, even though I didn't do it every day (I was just not in good enough shape). Now I'm starting again and committing to finishing it in 30 days with minimal modifications. I had not worked out in years when I tried this for the first time, so if I can do it , anyone can!! Stick with it and you will see results.
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    I am on day 19 of the 30DS and am about to advance to level 3. I will say, it's still a struggle every day to complete it. Some times I fly through it and feel amazing, other days I muster up whatever energy I have and do what I can. Either way, I do it and I am seeing the results! It gets easier once you reach the halfway point. Once I got to day 15 I thought, there's no way I'm stopping now!

    Good luck! :)