Italian food!

I LOVE Italian food. Unfortunately, most of it holds a lot of calories! I'm going out for dinner with friends tomorrow, and I wondered what you guys take when dining in an Italian restaurant? Something low cal?


  • surgesilk
    surgesilk Posts: 92
    Shrimp marinara/diavlo...easy on the pasta...olives to start, salad with red wine vinegar...should be around 400 cals total.
    HURLEYX3RO Posts: 269
    I LOVE Italian food. Unfortunately, most of it holds a lot of calories! I'm going out for dinner with friends tomorrow, and I wondered what you guys take when dining in an Italian restaurant? Something low cal?

    Salads no parmesan cheese.

    See if there is maybe alternatives (whole wheat pasta) on the menu.

    If not, I say just enjoy it... I mean how often do you go out to a dinner with friends, and how often do you get to eat the most delicious food in the world Italian? It's ok to treat yourself every now and again.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    any kind of fish, or chicken breast & salad with olive oil & vinegar.....or burn a lot of calories before:wink:
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    I LOVE Italian food, that is why we do not frequent the Italiano restaurants, but if I did go, I would order some grilled chicken breast and some grilled/sauteed veggies.....if you need a little pasta for the tastebuds, still some off your friend's plate.... lol good luck!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I LOVE Italian food. Unfortunately, most of it holds a lot of calories! I'm going out for dinner with friends tomorrow, and I wondered what you guys take when dining in an Italian restaurant? Something low cal?

    If you know the restaurant and it's a chain, chances are their entire menu is either online or already in the database here. Plan your meal NOW, then you can account for it in your calories for tomorrow, which may include some extra exercise or backing off on your other meals a bit.

    If it's not a chain but you can preview their menu, do so, and do your best to approximate calories based on similar items in the food database.

    It's also OK to do some exercise today and plan some for the day after, and maybe back off a few calories both days, so "save up" for the treat.

    This is a long-term lifestyle change, and unless you plan on giving up going out with friends forever, you should continue to make going out with friends part of your life. You have to learn how to work it into a healthy lifestyle sometime, might as well do it now and learn what works for you (and what doesn't).
  • kat65
    kat65 Posts: 124 Member
    Eat half and bring half home.

    Sometimes it is good to eat something different (or to have a splurge meal) because it helps to keep you from plateauing.

    Enjoy your dinner.
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    angel hair pasta with marinara.. some type of grilled chicken.. no cheese on anything (which i don't like anyway!). green salad with dressing on the side. limit amount of bread :)
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    i say exercise a bit before or after and enjoy your meal with friends.. you can still enjoy life a little just make up for it with exercise and lighter lunch.. :ohwell:

    Have fun x
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    I LOVE Italian food. Unfortunately, most of it holds a lot of calories! I'm going out for dinner with friends tomorrow, and I wondered what you guys take when dining in an Italian restaurant? Something low cal?

    If you know the restaurant and it's a chain, chances are their entire menu is either online or already in the database here. Plan your meal NOW, then you can account for it in your calories for tomorrow, which may include some extra exercise or backing off on your other meals a bit.

    If it's not a chain but you can preview their menu, do so, and do your best to approximate calories based on similar items in the food database.

    It's also OK to do some exercise today and plan some for the day after, and maybe back off a few calories both days, so "save up" for the treat.

    This is a long-term lifestyle change, and unless you plan on giving up going out with friends forever, you should continue to make going out with friends part of your life. You have to learn how to work it into a healthy lifestyle sometime, might as well do it now and learn what works for you (and what doesn't).

    ^^AGREED!^^ I had pizza with my family this weekend, I enjoyed every bite!
  • ItsDiana
    ItsDiana Posts: 60
    I'd burn some kcals before if I had the time ;) I usually take the spaghetti al pesto, might take an mozzerella or seafood salad this time then :)

    It's just that I've planned this dinner for tomorrow evening, and I've got one (or two even) barbecues this weekend! My oh my.
  • cowgirlup327
    cowgirlup327 Posts: 58 Member
    A couple of tips that might help you narrow down your choice:

    -Try to avoid pasta (or a large serving of it). I know that when making it at home, a serving size is only 1/2 cup dry pasta, which definitely does not fill me up!
    -I've read that although eggplant is a vegetable *signal "good" food in the brain,* it holds the oil more than something like a piece of chicken, which can add to the calories.
    -Cream sauces are generally higher in calories than red sauces.
    -Be careful about chowing down on complementary bread or antipastos served before your meal.
    -If you're going to a chain restaurant, there may be a low cal section of the menu, or better yet, calories may be printed for all menu items.
    -Ask your server if you can order a lunch size portion.
    -A caesar salad (with light dressing, if available) can be pretty filling if you add grilled chicken or shrimp, and then you may be able to enjoy an appetizer before your meal.

    ...All sort of subjective tips, but hope they help!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I go so infrequently anymore for Italian food since there are no good restaurants around here that I will just pick whatever looks good and pack some of it up to take home.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    1. Have a good workout first! You can free up an extra 4-500 cals to eat :o)


    - Prawn/Shrimp cocktail
    - Mussels in a tomato based sauce.
    - Grilled (not battered/breaded) calamari/Squid
    - Tomato based soup
    - Fish soup

    Then choose

    -grilled (Broiled) fish with veggies or salad
    - chicken/turkey with veggies/salad
    - Pasta in a tomato sauce (Wholewheat if they sell it).
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I don't eat out often, so when I do, I go all out. Baked clams, fried calamari as an appetizer, shrimp parmigiano as a entree, Italian cheesecake with a cappuccino for dessert. In fact, that's going to be my meal on Sunday, can't wait.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    It isn't Italian food, it's calories consumed and lifestyle. Obesity in the USA is around 30% and in Italy it's around 8%.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Avoid cream sauces and get something that is tossed with a little white wine and garlic, or a tomato sauce. When you get your food, immediately ask for a box and put half of it away. Try to limit bread and select a whole grain or whole wheat pasta. Some places also offer gluten free/low carb options for pasta. Parmesan cheese isn't that high in calories or fat, btw, so I wouldn't worry too much about a tablespoon of it...
  • ItsDiana
    ItsDiana Posts: 60
    As some of you said something with olive oil... I might take the pasta with olive oil and red peppers! Or simply tomato sauce. Thanks for the tips guys!!