


  • keb03053
    keb03053 Posts: 4
    I've found that, for me personally, fiber intake is a bell curve. Too little, and things stop moving, but also if I get too much, the works shut down and I'll be in severe pain (I have slow motility and bouts of wicked IBS - my GI specialist has actually encouraged me to limit raw vegetables because of this. I can have as many well-cooked veggies as I want, but they don't tend to taste as good so I cook them to my liking and then deal with the symptoms). Stool softeners help some, but I've found the most effective remedy is frequent exercise - even just 30 minutes a day will help things stay moving. Drink plenty of water, and if you're really desperate, try some coffee. That always does it for me.
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    I can totally relate to this! When I eat crappy with lots of junk I'm fine, but then when I start eating lots of fibre, water and exercise I'm totally opposite! The only thing that works naturally for me is prunes! I can't stand prune juice but the actual prunes aren't that bad, although I hate having to use 100 calories every day on them, it's worth it to be regular. I think it has more to do with the sorbital in the prunes than the fiber.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I take Konsyl everyday and it works wonders.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    i take senokot and colace. have used benefiber as well. i eat fiber one cereal and ground fax in am...have no prob now... it tis a bugger tho...
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I went through the same thing and the only things that have worked for me are as someone suggested upping fat... but also dropping caffeine and keeping my high fiber carbs higher than I had been. I find apples are the best help for me. Apples and air popped unsalted popcorn and almond butter or unsalted cashew butter. I swear by those for a good day!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Lots of water and lots of fiber!
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Maybe I missed this...but I didn't see anyone mention to drink more water....Should be drinking way more water now that you are working out...

    I saw benefiber mentioned...yup...make sure to have a nice high fiber diet.

    Well the above poster submitted while I was typing this...typical me
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Lots of water and lots of fiber! beat me to it
  • dup32
    dup32 Posts: 68
    I to use Miralax and it is working well... thank goodness!
  • PandaHerber
    PandaHerber Posts: 43 Member
    Suffered from IBS-C since I was 10, so I probably know more about this "crap" than I care to. Miralax daily helps. Water is crucial and exercise. Fruits and fiber are very good too. I'm not a big coffee drinker but I do have 2 cups of green tea every day and I think it helps. I take Fish Oil in liquid form - but I can't say that it's been overly helpful or not (as others have stated) - i just haven't noticed a difference. However, other things you can try are magnesium, aloe vera or cinnamon. Be careful on the gluten & sugars. While the fats and such are important and of course carbs for your energy, you have to be really careful about the type you are putting in. So make sure you add in the healthy stuff. If you've recently just did a major change in your diet, really take a look at what you were eating vs what you're eating now. You might found out you have a food intolerance that you never noticed before.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eating the proper protein and getting enough water is essential.
    Avoid soy based protein when possible.
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    When I first started I also had this issue, but since I started drinking tea daily (at least 3 cups) I find that I have returned to normal. I also eat plenty of raw fruits and veggies so that may also be helpful. If all else fails, it could just be your system and so you could use the Smooth Moves tea that was suggested (I have tried it and it works)
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    MIRALAX! works great! I have contant problems, wondering if its too much protein, not enough iron? idk, have never been really regular in years! I asked the pharmacist the other day if miralax was safe to take on a daily, regular basis, he said doctor recommended. I just dumped the mother load yesterday after taking this for a few days, it really works! (sorry if that was Good Luck! I hate that feeling! I was literally doubled over last Friday/Saturday with pain....

    you shouldnt recommend can become dependant on them.

    If anything, Psyllium Husks is a much more NATURAL fiber supplement to take.

    You should try to get at least 30g of fiber a day, and remember - the more you exericse, the more fiber you need.
    Water is helpful. And typically, upping your fat intake for a day and clean you out.

    If I were to eat MFP's recommended 17g of fiber - I WOULD NEVER POOP (i'm prone to constipation). So I set mine for 30g, and try to exceed it.
  • TiredandReadyForLoss
    TiredandReadyForLoss Posts: 41 Member
    Ground flax....I put it in cereal, or my tuna fish and it has zero flavor or prune juice or prunes....those are the only things that help my 15 year old daughter after her surgery....hope it helps!
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    In the morning before you eat or drink anything else, a glass of warm water followed by a cup of hot water with a squirt of lemon juice. Real lemon juice is recommended, but I use bottled and have great results!

    Also Metamucil every night.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I totally know what you are going through- I have been dealing with it for over 2 years. I would say the best thing that has helped me is taking miralax every day along with senokot. This has helped more than anything else. I drink tons of water, eat fruits, veggies, and fiber and get my exercise....but I was still constipated. The two meds have been a life saver!
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    MIRALAX! works great! I have contant problems, wondering if its too much protein, not enough iron? idk, have never been really regular in years! I asked the pharmacist the other day if miralax was safe to take on a daily, regular basis, he said doctor recommended. I just dumped the mother load yesterday after taking this for a few days, it really works! (sorry if that was Good Luck! I hate that feeling! I was literally doubled over last Friday/Saturday with pain....

    you shouldnt recommend can become dependant on them.

    If anything, Psyllium Husks is a much more NATURAL fiber supplement to take.

    You should try to get at least 30g of fiber a day, and remember - the more you exericse, the more fiber you need.
    Water is helpful. And typically, upping your fat intake for a day and clean you out.

    If I were to eat MFP's recommended 17g of fiber - I WOULD NEVER POOP (i'm prone to constipation). So I set mine for 30g, and try to exceed it.

    I was going to post something like...this...but didn't want to get my head blown off...Miralax should not be used for long term cures to do indeed become dependent on it after longterm use...Which would suck
  • wtdia
    wtdia Posts: 68 Member
    Hi...I take Activia every day. One usually works well enough for me, but I think some say to take 2 yogurts per day. Because of the lower fat intake since watching my calories, I would say I'm not having a bm everyday, but I do not feel constipated and usually go every other day. Coffee usually works when I have it with eggs, go figure....We usually have a family breakfast every Sun morning with eggs and a pot of coffee (and I have my Activia)....after we have all visited and I'm cleaning up, it's like clockwork....I usually 'gotta go'.

    My mom had serious constipation after a recent surgery and her home nurse told her she takes Miralax everyday. So, my mom has taken that when she has problems and does take a stool softener everyday. I think she feels it is no longer a problem...even as before the surgery when she had occasional bouts with it.

    Good luck...Hope all the advice helps you.
  • knittermom07
    knittermom07 Posts: 94 Member
    If you are like me and don't want to resort to over the counter tricks, my advice is to try to get into a habit of having a couple prunes everyday. At first it didn't make any difference but once it became a routine I've not had much trouble. And as for the increase in fiber for me it too is a bell curve, too little and I stop, too much and ouch! I drink tons of water at least 8 cups but try to exceed 12 everyday. I only use a laxative if I am in a lot of pain or its just been far too long...
  • marigold77
    marigold77 Posts: 11
    I have used "Dieter's Drink" -- which is basically an herbal laxative tea found at the Chinese grocery stores -- it has Chinese Mallow and Senna Leaf. This is what the box looks like: Just plan to spend a day at home. I wouldn't do this more than once a month though -- I imagine that people would build up a dependance otherwise.

    After you're all cleared out, Benefibre in low-cal yoghurt once a day before bedtime is great. I would also recommend 2-3L of water, and a massive orange a day -- these usually help keep me regular...