Wedding Diets ;-)

:love: Getting back in shape for my honeymoon and myself


  • malkb27
    malkb27 Posts: 40
    I'm getting married next month, but we're taking our honeymoon on our first anniversary! Weddings are a great motivator, for sure!
  • DanyelleKimberly
    DanyelleKimberly Posts: 45 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I have tried myfitnesspal before and got bored when I didn’t have any success. I have renewed motivation with my recent engagement!

    What type of exercises and/ or routines are you guys trying? I started the 30 day shred. The first day kicked my butt. I have been doing better but I’m only on day 3.
  • getfitbesexy
    I'm not the bride but i am the maid of honor! ;)

    A few of the bridesmaids and groomsmen are doing the 90 Day Challenge to get ready for the wedding :) It's awesome motivation that we all as a group are doing it together and keep each other accountable.
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    I was trying to get healthy long before I met my fiance, but having a wedding next month is definitely an extra motivator. I've been doing a lot of workout dvds, mostly Jillian Michaels. I want to tone up my arms/shoulders/back for my strapless dress and I really like JM's No More Trouble Zones and Bob Harpers Pure Burn Super Strength for that. Otherwise I run, stay in my calories, etc. and will continue to do so after the big day.
  • lancelot12
    lancelot12 Posts: 50 Member
    I`m the mother of the bride and the bride is a tiny size 6! Do not want to look like a big blob on the photos.Wedding not till next April so hope I can lose 4 stone by then,
  • Starklover
    Starklover Posts: 57
    I have an October 2012 wedding and am trying to lose some of the weight I accumulated with my two darling daughters. Mostly I am walking- i am a SAHM and my fiance works 12 hour shifts, so alot of the time I have to take the girls with me on walks. I am also doing Pilates, at least 30 minutes a day. I have a video for the Pilates that has 5 different ten minute segments and I mix and match them- Day 1 I do Abs, Buns and Thighs, and stretching one. On Day 2 I do Stretching, sculpting and calorie burn. So far its working and I have lost 6 pounds! Only 40 more to go! I am having my dress custom made, and have to do all the measurements in July so I am hoping that I can lose a decent amount before then!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    51 days till mine :) getting anxious ... I have been doing Jillian Michaels 30DS almost through with Round 1 and will be starting another Round right after. Nervous about my dress though I have my 2nd to last fitting on the 18th and I don't want it to be too big. It fit perfectly just needed length alterations. So I guess I will see on the 18th
  • mcott1012
    mcott1012 Posts: 27 Member
    Let me tell you, I was not having ANY success losing the weight until I got engaged. Thankfully the wedding itself is not until September of next year, but I pledged that I would lose 40lbs before I allowed myself to try on dresses and then a further 20lbs after that (60lbs in total before the wedding). One of my biggest motivators is that I have taped pictures of my favorite wedding gowns around my kitchen as a reminder that I really don't want that extra cookie or second piece of cheese. In terms of exercise? I walk the dogs, swim, go to group fitness classes and Wii Zumba. Last week I splurged and bought myself a beautiful bike which I take out several times a week (often with my dogs running beside me) and that has been great! The biggest thing I have learned so far is to be patient and keep switching things up so that you don't get bored!! Good luck to you and congratulations!! :flowerforyou:
  • lesanncan
    lesanncan Posts: 70 Member
    The wedding is in a year (next MAy) so i have time to kick but It would be awesome to lose 10 + dress sizes!!