
  • DeeKay2169
    DeeKay2169 Posts: 72 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It's only 28 mins of working out ( my fav is level 3). My thunder things are now toned and do jiggle. I LOVE it!
    Hello, I have been working out for a few weeks now everyday and I just wanted to know if there is anyone out there that can give me suggestions on how to lose my thighs! I'm displeased with the way they look and cant feel comfortable wearing shorts when I take my vacation in July. Is there ANYTHING I can do in the gym that will help tone my thunder thighs? Thanks for Reading!!
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    You should try get 'killer buns and thighs' dvd from jillian micheals. It even rid me of the dreaded saddle bags :)

    Sweet! I'm half-way through and looking forward to leaving mine at the baggage claim!

    love this !!
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    dieting and squats and lunges Lunges work the entire thigh
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    #1 is 30 day shred..i've lost over 5" in just my thighs it really is an amazing dvd. throw in plenty of squats, lunges, leg lifts, wall sits, front kicks, back kicks..and watching your calories is the best advice i can give :)
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    The fat comes off where it wants to. :( My legs actually went first and then lost all over.. but my belly (The area I dislike the most) just hangs on there. I can feel the muscles under it and on my sides! Our bodies can be so frustrating! lol
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Weight lifting and fat loss (and then your body gets to decide where the fat comes from). I have fat thighs and abs. Go figure. But weight lifting and increasing my muscle mass in my upper body helps balance things out. Plus fat thighs with muscle beneath the fat looks better than plain 'ol fat thighs (I think I've typed this a million times).

    If your interested, I'd suggest Stronglifts 5x5. There's a woman's group here, or you can google it.
  • LaVinci
    LaVinci Posts: 7 Member
    Lightning....I like that :happy:
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    This is all great to read - my thighs and butt are without a doubt my problem area. I'm going to try ordering JM's Killer Buns and Thighs, and work harder at sticking with C25K!
  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    I also have extra baggage in the the thighs. Im starting the 30 Day Shred so hope to see results!!
  • lcarr1020
    lcarr1020 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks Guys this is all really good stuff!!!!! :-)
  • I hate people who say you can't spot reduce or whatever. Obviously you can if you do exercises for your butt and thighs. It's not like you are going to do sit ups and all of a sudden you have toned arms. No, you get a tighter core.

    Just do squats and lunges and I promise you will see a huge difference in a few short weeks. I'd also combine cardio though to lose the fat not just tone up. Good luck!
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    Search "keep it moving Fitness" with Kim. She's has a nice lower body, leaner thigh workout.
  • SilviCor
    SilviCor Posts: 110 Member
    Two words: squats, lunges
  • Royaltvii
    Royaltvii Posts: 160 Member
    Bulgarian Squats are best for that. Leg press can help too.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I hate people who say you can't spot reduce or whatever. Obviously you can if you do exercises for your butt and thighs. It's not like you are going to do sit ups and all of a sudden you have toned arms. No, you get a tighter core.

    Just do squats and lunges and I promise you will see a huge difference in a few short weeks. I'd also combine cardio though to lose the fat not just tone up. Good luck!

    Really? You can't spot reduce fat, you just can't. Fat reduces all over, not just in the place that you want it to, that's what people mean by "you can't spot reduce." When you work a muscle group you can streghten and possibly even grow muscle in that area, but you can only reduce fat over all however your genetics work. So, whether or not it bothers you when people say this is irrelevant to the fact that it is correct.

    free weights, squats, lunges, deadlifts are awesome for stregthening your hind quarters and quads.
  • shandirae
    shandirae Posts: 15
    I don't know if anyone has suggested 30 day shred yet but it has really helped me, I am wearing clothes that I could not fit into last fall. I have been using it for three weeks about four times a week but I saw results after the first week!
  • mollsred06
    mollsred06 Posts: 22 Member
    i would try doing machines, leg curls, leg raises, leg press then do some cardio afterwards.
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    I read, and I'm not saying it's true, but I read that women who store most of their fat in their hips and thighs produce a lot of estrogen. It said to eat lots of lean protein and veggies because things like pasta, and I can't remember what all else make the body produce estrogen. Maybe google it? I don't know. My thighs are the bane of my existance and I'm trying to eat lots of grilled chicken and fish and veggies...ON TOP of doing squats and lunges..(which I hate) haha
  • Jadzea42
    Jadzea42 Posts: 20
    Hi My advice would be get yourself a pair of those Zaggora hot pants and get on the "jogger" type eliptical by Precor. 45 mins 3 times a week should do it ,cruising along at 65% of your max speed in fat burning mode. Alternate days with mixing in a little High intensity interval training at about 90% percent of your max speed, 20 mins 3 times a week along with 10 mins of your max. resistance level using the machine in stair stepper mode. That should tighten up your thighs and take a little thunder out of them in 2 to 3 weeks.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    Hi My advice would be get yourself a pair of those Zaggora hot pants and get on the "jogger" type eliptical by Precor. 45 mins 3 times a week should do it ,cruising along at 65% of your max speed in fat burning mode. Alternate days with mixing in a little High intensity interval training at about 90% percent of your max speed, 20 mins 3 times a week along with 10 mins of your max. resistance level using the machine in stair stepper mode. That should tighten up your thighs and take a little thunder out of them in 2 to 3 weeks.

    I like this ^^^^ thanks :)