3 month NO Coffee experiment results...



  • k_braddock
    k_braddock Posts: 51 Member
    This is fascinating. I used to drink coffee with the fattening creamers. Now I drink it with fat free coffee mate (usually one cup a day). I've started drinking warm green tea and love it. I'm going to give up coffee for a month and see what the weight loss results are. I also have hypothyroidism so the results may surprise me. Thanks for posting!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    People are so crazy about what they believe! If it doesn't work for them, they think it simply doesn't work. Caffeine can cause a ton of problems on the body...maybe not YOUR body, but on other bodies.

    I don't know about calling folk crazy (even though it's true, because we're ALL crazy in one aspect or another--you know the old saying "those that say they aren't crazy are indeed the CRAZIEST ones of them--that's what I believe anyhoo all:laugh: ), but I agree with you that everyone is different--100%. I think I stated that several times too, because it's important to me when I post that I NEVER want people to feel what's good/best for me is good/best for others--because everyone is different. On that same note, I post stuff like this, because it may help others and others opinions (rather they agree with me or not) are ALWAYS helpful to me in one form or another.

    I meant they are crazy in the fact that they just won't believe what hasn't worked for them.

    I didn't mean they should be in the nut house. Sorry I even thought to post here.

    Caffeine is such a shet-stirrer in our bodies. Especially women's bodies. If you have endometriosis, cut the caffeine and see a change. Joint pain? Cut the caffeine and see the change. Period cramps? Cut the caffeine.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I do not understand how anyone can be "loving" this post. Sorry. But the coffee in question may have nothing to do with weight loss or body fat % what-so-ever seeing as how you drastically - VERY DRASTICALLY - changed your ENTIRE diet at the same time.


    :laugh: I'm laughing because the "word" is neither of you guys must have bothered to looked at my food diary (and exercising diary for that matter) before posting this untrue statement(s). If you guys did, you would clearly SEE that I have NOT and in no way have "drastically, let alone VERY drastically changed my diet at all. Not even a little bit:laugh: UNLESS you mean drastically and VERY DRASTICALLY changing my diet meaning how I've added coffee (and/or tea) drinking daily that is :wink:

    Look at my food diary and you will see that my food and exercising have been VERY consistent for my entire journey here. The only thing I've changed was eating my exercise calories back and even then, it's VERY consistent--look at my food diary and you'll see that...but then again, maybe you won't because maybe you don't want to see that. In any case, thanks for posting:wink:

    You cut out meat, sugar, what you deem to be "junk food", etc. at the time you cut out coffee to go from 47% to 31% body fat. That's your own statements.

    Point is, this is not, as you agree, scientific evidence.

    By all means, don't drink coffee if you don't want. But claiming that cutting coffee alone out of your diet reduced your body fat percentage over 15% in three months is not entirely true now is it?

    Uhhhhh, I cut out all that stuff from the BEGINNING of my journey...not just a month ago--"word" :laugh: Also, it's obvious that you haven't read all of my posts here either (and understandably so...that could be quite the "boring read" :laugh: however, if you had indeed read my posts, you would not only NOT come to the "conclusion" you have, you wouldn't have posted so).
    In either case, I have been discovering thanks to this thread such "entire truths" as you question. I still have so much more to learn, but suffice it to say I aint coming to NO conclusions...I'm in the process now in this thread of learning and will evermore be learning as well. :wink: This is a lifetime thing, a learning thing, no one (certainly not me) is closing the door nor reaching a final conclusion about anything, again...had you bothered to read my posts, you'd see that. :flowerforyou:
  • billthekill
    billthekill Posts: 90
    When I stoppped drinking coffee and started eating better, it went down in a few/2+ months from 47% to 30-31% body fat.

    Maybe I am reading this wrong but, going from 47% bf to 30% bf in a few months is not possible. (unless you doing liposuction or something)
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I gave up drinking coffee because I can't stand the taste of it black.
    Well... If you don't like the taste of coffee, why drink it?
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I drink one cup a day and it also supresses my appetite but if I fight that supression and eat I find that it works to my advantage when i need to get up and moving to burn calories. I do get aches and pains if I drink creamer with synthetic sugars. Drinking it black is best but I don't mind the calories of a table spoon of good creamer.

    I used to drink the starbucks sugary and fat filled coffees all of the time and felt absolutely miserable all of the time. It really makes me wonder now how I was so stupid about putting it into my body when the response was so immediate and violent.
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    with all due respect to the OP and to all of you who are suddenly going to ditch the coffee please note that the OP candidly admits that her experiment in no way whatsover can really conclude that black coffee consumption leads to belly or body fat.

    if you love coffee and the effects, you dont need to give it up from fear that it is making you fat. Coffee does not make you fat.

    good luck to all.

    I was thinking the exact same thing as this ^. Fat loss comes from eating fewer calories than you burn and fat is gained when you eat more calories than you burn.

    Regardless, congratulations on your successes and good luck on your journey. (I'm going to go grab a coffee!) :drinker:
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I drink Green Mountain French Vanilla coffee (2 calories per 6 fluid ounces or 3/4ths of a cup) with skim milk (43 calories per half cup or 4 fluid ounces) and splenda (zero calories).

    Anyways, of the symptoms you mentioned, I believe the only one affected by the caffeine in the coffee is the mood swings. All of the other symptoms are more likely due to the cream and sugar.

    Caffeine can exacerbate anxiety and/or depression, so the mood swings may have been due to the caffeine in the coffee. However increased sugar intake can have the same effect, so...
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    When I stoppped drinking coffee and started eating better, it went down in a few/2+ months from 47% to 30-31% body fat.

    Maybe I am reading this wrong but, going from 47% bf to 30% bf in a few months is not possible. (unless you doing liposuction or something)

    Bathroom scale "fat percentage calculators" are very innacurate and can vary from day to day based on a number of different variables.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    When I stoppped drinking coffee and started eating better, it went down in a few/2+ months from 47% to 30-31% body fat.

    Maybe I am reading this wrong but, going from 47% bf to 30% bf in a few months is not possible. (unless you doing liposuction or something)

    Well...you'd have to tell my body that--because that is exactly what happened and also something that happened to put in the impossible record is I also went from a size 20 jean to a size 14-16 jean in just over a month too. Here's the post & pics:





    So....:bigsmile: Ya gonna have to tell my size now/current body & size14's and my size medium tops (from XXL)and my scale and my measuring tape that's that's impossible to do:laugh: --I sitting here right now rocking these size clothes now as I type. I DID regain 5 pounds and dropped my ticker back down to reflect my current loss, but I went from a size 20W to a size 14 and size XXL (1X and XLG in some things too) to a medium top in that time. just by losing 19+ pounds. No surgery no any such thing--Just God, and Him giving me the wisdom, strength and desire to cut out all that stuff. I think it may be better to say that that'd be IMPOSSIBLE for you, but I'm living proof it's possible. :bigsmile: Also, the size 16's I purchased (showing in the pics and talked about in detail in the post link I posted above called: from a size 20 to a size 14 7 16...God is GOOD post, are now too big for me in the waist and legs too:heart:
  • notaperfect10
    notaperfect10 Posts: 48 Member
    :love: Coffee is my non negotiable!! :drinker:
    Just with skimmed milk though, not the sugary creamy yucky stuff.... :bigsmile:
  • Kishsa27
    Kishsa27 Posts: 28 Member
    I thought that this topic was very interesting and also was sceptical of your results... so, I looked it up and it turnes out you are very right :)

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Caffeine makes my joints ache...which causes puffiness that my body puts out to protect my aching joints.

    I'm a totally believer in this...as i've said BEFORE I cut it out cold turkey, I had achy constant joint pain in my hands. Once I stopped the coffee for 3 months, it completely went away. Once I took it back up last month...back came the joint pain. Coincidence? Maybe...I dunno, just reporting.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :heart: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I am going to try this with soda and energy drinks. My excuse for drinking them is that I'm a college student and need that boost to get me through my days. Luckily, I don't like coffee, so that doesn't bother me.

    Hopefully I have great results with no soda!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    People are so crazy about what they believe! If it doesn't work for them, they think it simply doesn't work. Caffeine can cause a ton of problems on the body...maybe not YOUR body, but on other bodies.

    I don't know about calling folk crazy (even though it's true, because we're ALL crazy in one aspect or another--you know the old saying "those that say they aren't crazy are indeed the CRAZIEST ones of them--that's what I believe anyhoo all:laugh: ), but I agree with you that everyone is different--100%. I think I stated that several times too, because it's important to me when I post that I NEVER want people to feel what's good/best for me is good/best for others--because everyone is different. On that same note, I post stuff like this, because it may help others and others opinions (rather they agree with me or not) are ALWAYS helpful to me in one form or another.

    I meant they are crazy in the fact that they just won't believe what hasn't worked for them.

    I didn't mean they should be in the nut house. Sorry I even thought to post here.

    Caffeine is such a shet-stirrer in our bodies. Especially women's bodies. If you have endometriosis, cut the caffeine and see a change. Joint pain? Cut the caffeine and see the change. Period cramps? Cut the caffeine.

    Yep!!! you're right:heart: Also people saying "that's impossible" too--because it doesn't work for them or sound correct. I am so not in that group that because things "seem" impossible or "the experts say...thus it must be true" camp. But to each is own and variety is the spice of life and without people like this, this world would be one BORING place, right? :flowerforyou:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    When I stoppped drinking coffee and started eating better, it went down in a few/2+ months from 47% to 30-31% body fat.

    Maybe I am reading this wrong but, going from 47% bf to 30% bf in a few months is not possible. (unless you doing liposuction or something)

    Bathroom scale "fat percentage calculators" are very innacurate and can vary from day to day based on a number of different variables.

    That is so TRUE--however...my scale showed these numbers CONSISTENTLY--that's why I posted. It wasn't a mere fluke of bouncing back and forth when my body fat was 44-47% (before going on my new lifestyle change of thining, eating, drinking, and living--that blasted fat percentage WAS between 44-47 percent. As I started my weight-loss/lifestyle journey of eating, drinking, exercising and living. That funky number dropped consistently. My bodyfat percentage has stayed at 30-31 percent consistently until I started drinking the coffee/tea a month ago--now it's UP consistently 32-34%.

    Also, important note: I weigh and weighed myself everyday as well, so when I say consistent...I mean it.
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member

    WEBMD quote "Helper: Black Coffee

    When you need a shot of caffeine, coffee is a better choice than soda or energy drinks. Black coffee is calorie-free and rich in antioxidants. Studies have shown that consuming moderate amounts of coffee (about 3 to 4 cups a day) may improve mood and concentration, and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and several types of cancer."

    quote comes from here
    http://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-skinny-sipping it's just a short slide show type article on things that are good to drink, bad to drink etc...when trying lose weight.
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you for posting (how brave!). I'm giving up my Yerba Mate with flavored creamer tomorrow for a month and we'll see what happens. I switched from Coffee to Mate about 6 months ago and it's definitely helped reduce incidents of morning indigestion, but I still feel like the caffeine and creamer need to go.

    Everyone is different. Great job doing the detective work.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    this has been one of the strangest threads I have ever posted on. With zero actual correlation between coffee and body fat, the OP has apparently been able to convince several people to suddenly quit drinking coffee. kind of sad and kind of scary in a way. I guess this is why so many new companies are created every day selling a new weight loss pill or gimmick.

    what is really strange is how so many people are saluting the thread as if it is the gospel truth. Very strange. I will continue to drink my coffee.
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