Newbie Questions

Hello Everyone.

I have a few questions and would appreciate any help you can give.

1. When is the best time to weigh yourself? Same time every time right?
2. Would like any suggestions for cardio exercises that can be done on the third floor? (I have downstairs neighbors and don't want to irritate too badly)
3. How can I use the food dairy to best help what kinds of food to eat?

Thank you


  • riadastfu
    riadastfu Posts: 69
    For the cardio, walking outside your building is a good one. Or if you really don't want to leave the building, try walking up and down the stairs (unless your knees are really bad).
  • aspenwind
    aspenwind Posts: 26 Member
    I find it best to weigh in right after I wake up and before I eat or drink anything. Make sure you keep the amount of clothing the same for each weigh in also to keep the results a little more accurate.
  • aspenwind
    aspenwind Posts: 26 Member
    As far as logging I'd start out just logging what you're currently eating then look at the numbers. You'll quickly see what you can and can't fit into your daily calories and decide that some things just aren't worth it. Change your eating slowly or it will be really hard to stick with it.

    It's easier for me to eat less of things I like then to switch my entire diet out at once.
  • IL2012
    IL2012 Posts: 8
    I only weigh myself once a week, this way if your weight doesn't chance for a few days, it doesn't get as discouraging. Also, the best exercise is still walking and it's free. If your looking for indoors stuff, I hear the Wii is a great way to get some in.

    Hope this helps.
  • Azgurl00
    Azgurl00 Posts: 8
    Thanks. I have days when my knees hurt but I have been trying to walk my stairs more than coming and going for work.

    I thought that would be a good time to weigh in but also had a small thought says it was cheating, haha. Thanks.

    Anyone do any of the Jillian Michaels workouts? Which is best for beginners?
  • gigimarie66
    1. Weigh yourself in the morning. Your weight is the lowest at that point. :) I only weigh myself once a week...every Thursday.
    2. Yoga is great. If you have Video on Demand through your cable company, you can find all sorts of different yoga workouts. Also lift light weights. I do weight work out that consists of doing 5 different exercises for your arms and shoulders. Do them all in a row. Then I'll do 25 squats and lunges with the weights. Take a small break between (like 1 or 2 minutes), then repeat this 2 more times. Walking up and down the stairs is an excellent work out as well. Do that for 10-20 minutes and you'll get in great shape in no time.
    3. Good question. Fresh and homemade is always better, so i stick with that as much as possible. That way I control the amount of fat, sugar, and carbs that go into any dish. If you don't have time, Lean Cuisine frozen meals are great. They have no preservatives and pretty well rounded as far as meeting daily protein and carbs. Moderation is always the key. I don't deny myself things, i just make sure i only eat a small amount. For example...I love Hershey's Special Dark Nuggets with nuts, but i only have 2 a day. It's tough, but enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. ;)

    Good luck. Contact me if you need any more advice or support. :)
  • robbail
    robbail Posts: 11
    I find it best to weigh in right after I wake up and before I eat or drink anything. Make sure you keep the amount of clothing the same for each weigh in also to keep the results a little more accurate.

    Same here. I weigh myself right after I get up in the morning.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Thanks. I have days when my knees hurt but I have been trying to walk my stairs more than coming and going for work.

    I thought that would be a good time to weigh in but also had a small thought says it was cheating, haha. Thanks.

    Anyone do any of the Jillian Michaels workouts? Which is best for beginners?

    I like the 30 Day Shred. It has modifications for beginners and I don't disturb my sleeping family when I do it early in the morning. I always weigh myself first thing in the morning because you will be heavier in the afternoon after eating and drinking all day. I would keep track of everything you put into your body right now and you can adjust that as you move along. Good luck!
  • tweetybaby69
    tweetybaby69 Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks. I have days when my knees hurt but I have been trying to walk my stairs more than coming and going for work.

    I thought that would be a good time to weigh in but also had a small thought says it was cheating, haha. Thanks.

    Anyone do any of the Jillian Michaels workouts? Which is best for beginners?

    I have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I started 05/01/12, so I don't have any results to give you as yet, but it is a good 20 minute workout. Its tough, but you can get through it.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. Good Luck!
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member

    It's easier for me to eat less of things I like then to switch my entire diet out at once.

    Thats really all I've done so far- portion control! You pretty quickly learn what is and isn't worth the calories.
    I weigh myself about once a week, on Friday mornings, but it's really up to you. As long as you're pretty consistent with when, what scale, and what you're wearing, you'll be fine.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    I have a few questions and would appreciate any help you can give.

    1. When is the best time to weigh yourself? Same time every time right?
    2. Would like any suggestions for cardio exercises that can be done on the third floor? (I have downstairs neighbors and don't want to irritate too badly)
    3. How can I use the food dairy to best help what kinds of food to eat?

    Thank you

    1.Majority says to weigh first thing in the a.m. after you have "emptied bladder" and before you eat anything. I typically weigh once a week, if more than that you can DRIVE YOURSELF CRAZY!!
    2. Walk outside the bldg and around the complex. Only thing I can think of as being a quiet exercise, possibly yoga or lifting cans
    3. Search the database, you will find anything and everything you want. I plan my day and log everything in the day before, as I am logging and I see by dinner time I am about to go over my sodium goal for the day, I regroup and change up something. Whether it be my breakfast or lunch, I pick something with less sodium.

    Feel free to add me as a friend for support :) I am somewhat a newbie too. I have been logging everything and following the plan as set forth on MFP for about 2.5 weeks now
  • Azgurl00
    Azgurl00 Posts: 8
    Thank you all for the feedback!! I really appreciate it. I believe my stairs are going to be my new best friend. ☺
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I find it best to weigh in right after I wake up and before I eat or drink anything. Make sure you keep the amount of clothing the same for each weigh in also to keep the results a little more accurate.

    Same here. I weigh myself right after I get up in the morning.

    I have found this not to be true for myself. Once, to test the theory, I chose a day and weighed myself right after I woke up (after I peed though) and then weighed myself about 3:00 pm that same day and weighed less @ 3 pm than I had that same morning.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    I have a disk that spin/turn. I turn my music on and stand on it and twist the day away. I do not make noise at all. I swing my arms while twisting my body and burn baby burn. The harder I swing, the more I sweat. I think I got the disk from Walmarts years ago for under $10.00. Good Luck. You can also get a cordless jump rope and swing it while lifting your feet up high with out jumping, keep one foot on floor at a time alternating.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    You can also buy dancing workout dvds and do the routine or simply put on your favorite music in the house and dance, dance, dance. I like to put on soca because it is up tempo. Good Luck.
  • MrsVerhaeghe
    MrsVerhaeghe Posts: 46 Member
    Thats happened to me too. But if you keep it consistent then you should notice a difference.
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    Jillian Michaels also has a dvd for beginners. I haven't done it, but I love her other dvds. If you try 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30 (very similar, but new and more variety of exercises), but find it too challenging at this point maybe try one of those. Yoga is great too, although it doesn't burn as many calories as cardio, so be careful to log it accurately. It's great for balance and core strength, which will make your body able to handle more strenuous work better.
    As for the log, find some friends with open diaries. It helps get ideas for new foods, how people spread out their calories differently, etc. You can friend me if you like.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    Thanks. I have days when my knees hurt but I have been trying to walk my stairs more than coming and going for work.

    I thought that would be a good time to weigh in but also had a small thought says it was cheating, haha. Thanks.

    Anyone do any of the Jillian Michaels workouts? Which is best for beginners?

    forget the scale for now. take before and after pictures and do measurements. the scale may discourage you, pictures don't lie and the measuring tape do not either if you do it in the same place each time. the scale was not moving for me, but the measurements were going down and the pictures show a slimmer me.
  • lmandarae
    lmandarae Posts: 5
    This is what I do and my pals on MFP

    Weigh time: Once a week - Wake up, go to the bathroom, no clothes, before shower and weigh in.
    (I have a calendar in my room where I pencil in my weight because sometimes I get curious throughout the days between to my MFP weigh in)

    Excercise: Walk!!!
    Use the mapmytracks app (avaialble in iphone) to record your speed/distance and log it into MFP.
    If you can find friends or neighbors to go with you - do it! You will need their accountability!
    -Or- Do a meet up with friends at the school track - and walk!

    Food Diary: Treat it like you bank account! Ask yourself - Can I afford to eat this?
    (You have so many calories a day - dont spend them all at once.)
    If you know you may have to go to a lunchwith family, look up the restraunt or like meals and see what your best choices are BEFORE going. The recipe function is great too! Doing this is EYE opening! i.e. Cheesecake Factory can eliminate your daily calorie intake for one sitting if not making wise decisions!

  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    I have a disk that spin/turn. I turn my music on and stand on it and twist the day away. I do not make noise at all. I swing my arms while twisting my body and burn baby burn. The harder I swing, the more I sweat. I think I got the disk from Walmarts years ago for under $10.00. Good Luck. You can also get a cordless jump rope and swing it while lifting your feet up high with out jumping, keep one foot on floor at a time alternating.
