Disappointing Weigh In Today



  • ryvenna
    ryvenna Posts: 83 Member
    figure out what your bmr is and try to net that many cals per day. i'm pretty sure your bmr isn't 1200 cals, and you're not even eating back your exercise cals! however, the "not eating enough" makes more of a difference when you have less weight to lose: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/TrainerRobin/view/myth-or-fact-calories-in-versus-calories-out-3500-calories-one-pound-and-should-i-eat-my-exercise-calories-62012

    good luck :]
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    You are 52. I will assume you're 5'5". I will assume you weigh 250 pounds and so losing 110 would get you to 140.

    At 52, 5'5", and 250 pounds, your basal metabolic rate is 1800 calories, i.e., lying in bed watching TV all day, you burn 1800 calories.

    1200 calories IS starving yourself and hurting your body, and will only make things much WORSE. Whatever information you put in that got you 1200 calories back out, is incorrect.

    Start eating healthy foods and target at least 1800 calories to start. Exercise frequently - - nothing crazy, just walk around the block, further daily, a little faster, lift heavy things for no reason around the house a few times a day. Start gradually and you'll be a fearsome goddess before you know it.
  • Longtobeslim
    Longtobeslim Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks everyone. I talked to a couple people at work also, one is a personal trainer and one is a former sports therapist and they both told me I am not eating enough and probably have my body in starvation mode. The sports therapist said it only takes about 24-48 hours to put your body in starvation mode. I told her I had been doing this for 9 weeks.

    She suggested I move my calories up to 1400 to start, see how I lose next week and adjust up more from there if I need to. The personal trainer said she never advises her clients to eat less then 1,500 calories when they are working out.

    It is going to be hard, mentally, for me to increase my eating but I know it makes sense that at times we have to eat more to lose more.

    Thanks for all the comments. Good luck to everyone.

  • jackielora
    jackielora Posts: 13
    well what I would do is chane the number to 1400 and do not add exercise becuase it changes the amount of carbs fats sugar protein you can eat in a day
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    I definitely think you should be eating more. 1200 cal/day with 110 lbs to lose sounds incredibly low to start with. I'm 5'2" with 18lbs to lose and they have me at 1200/day? And, I used to agree with your husband until I understood weight loss. Unfortunately, it isn't as simple as "eating less means losing more". It's not a completely inverse relationship like that. There is a threshold at which your body will say "oh no, she's starving me, I better hang on to every single calorie she puts in my body in case she always eats so little". Of course this level is probably different for everyone based on fitness, age, weight, etc. So on the days that you are doing quite a bit of activity, say your BMR is 1500 (calories you need to just exist in a coma), you're only eating 1200, and then you burn 400. You're giving your body a net of 800 calories to do what requires it 1500 to do. So it's hoarding the calories/weight. If you gave it the extra 400 back, and let it keep 1200, you're still set to lose. Say your TDEE is 2000 (what it would take on a normal day of activities to sustain yourself), and you're eating 1200/day, that's 800 calories a day x 7 days a week = 5600 calories per week which equates to a loss of 1.6/week (3500 cals/pound). The 1200/day already takes into account your loss. You need to eat exercise calories back in order to not set off the alarms in your body to retain what you're giving it. Does that make sense? You should be netting to 1200 every day in order to lose. I know it sounds weird to eat more to lose more. Also, I had to start looking at exercise not as a means to lose more weight, but as a means to be more healthy, fit, happy, and energetic (and a way to eat more!). Once I made that mind shift, it's been easy for me to lose the weight! I ate back all 3,000 of my exercise calories last week and lost 3.7 pounds. trust me, it works!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I get excited when I lose .6 lbs :)
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    well what I would do is chane the number to 1400 and do not add exercise becuase it changes the amount of carbs fats sugar protein you can eat in a day

    What? It's supposed to do that! If you are burning a ton of calories doing cardio, chances are your body needs more carbs to fuel the workout...and so on. (there are other examples, of course). There is nothing that has calories that doesn't have the other stuff, too....it may be low in fat but still have carbs (fruit / veggies), etc....
  • MrsORourke
    MrsORourke Posts: 315 Member
    I would say you should re-evaluate your intake. Bump up those calories, eat back what you burn.

    Oh - and GO PACK!!! :heart: the green and gold!


    Best of luck!
  • Longtobeslim
    Longtobeslim Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks everyone. To answer a few of the questions asked. I drink plenty of water, so I know that isn't a problem. I do know that I am losing inches because I have gone down two sizes in shirts and pants. I do feel MUCH BETTER and have TONS more energy.

    The reason I weigh once a week is because a bunch of us are doing a "Biggest Loser" type contest so I have to do an "Official" weigh in. The reason I wasn't thrilled with a .6 loss is because for our contest we had to set a fitness goal and a weight loss goal for each week. If we don't make both of those goals we have to pay for the week.

    I am thankful for the wonderful results I have seen so far, but was just a bit disappointed as this is the first week I didn't make my goal. I was more concerned about whether I was eating enough or not.

    As to how I came up with the 1,200 calories a day I put in that I was lightly active and wanted to lose 2 pounds a week (since I have so much to lose) and 1,200 calories is what MFP told me I should eat in order to achieve that goal every week.

    Everyone had great advice and encouragement. I will do some experimenting with eating more and hopefully I will see bigger losses again.

    My smallest loss so far has been 2.4 pounds. Thanks again, everyone you have been a big help.

  • 10bri10
    10bri10 Posts: 16 Member
    Something else you could potentially try, is mixing up your workouts a bit more? Instead of doing the same thing 3 days a week, try walking or calisthenics or videos. Adding Zumba is a great shake up. I know if I get into a workout rut, so does my weight.