What are the small things you do..



  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I walk a mile during my breaks & at lunchtime. On my way back from break, I pick up the mail, distribute it and then go back to my desk. I take the stairs always! Instead of emailing a reply, I walk to their desk.

    I also pack a lunch, I try to pack 4-5 servings of fruits & veggies every day. Today I packed a banana, granny smith apple, grape tomatoes & sliced cucumber. I do try to keep my lunches relatively healthy (salads, pita pockets, the occasional lean cuisine, etc...)

    I keep a 32 oz cup @ my desk and fill it up twice a day to keep myself hydrated. I have a plastic water bottle that I fill up before I leave work.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I don't park in the closest spot.

    I always take the stairs.

    I always walk from building to building for meetings instead of driving, unless I'm really really busy, then I just have to drive.

    I drum with my feet all day long. I'm sure my co-workers love it. But, no one has said anything, so...

    I tighten my abs a lot while I'm just sitting or when walking around.

    I get up and go talk to people instead of calling or emailing.
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    I do push ups and squats and various weights using kitchen appliances while waiting for food to cook.
    I take two steps up (or down) the stairs and down one (or up). You look a bit silly but it gets me moving.
    I deliberately forget things up or downstairs so I have to make two trips.
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    -I take stairs as often as I can.
    -In the morning and afternoon, I take a brisk walk outside for 10-15 minutes. Nice way to get some sun too!
    -I'm beginning to pack my lunches and snacks. I weigh out my snacks so I don't have to worry about overeating almonds or other things that are healthy but high-caloric
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    When out shopping. I park very far from the door, that way I have to walk it. I also try to lift weights during my day. 10 reps here 10 reps there. I figure, Hey every little bit I do... will eventually count.
    I park far from the door as well - but that was mainly because I'd gotten a new car last year and didn't want door dings. Now the extra steps make for a nice little bonus.

    I also have a tendency to pace when I'm on the phone. So when I can, I go for a walk around the building (if I'm at work) or down the street (if I'm at home).
  • Just10thistime
    Wow thank you for all the great ideas guys!!
  • angeliis02
    angeliis02 Posts: 103 Member
    I've started cleaning up my dinner dishes as soon as we're finished eating. I trash or put away any leftovers immediately. That way I don't go back and eat one more bite of this or that but that's not at work...maybe I should read the whole post first,, oops

    at work I try to drink at least 100 oz of water but I only drink 20 oz at a time. I have to get up and down to go refill my bottle and I have to get up and down to pee! I used to spend days at my desk and only get up once or twice. Now I'm up a few times an hour.
  • Cassandraemilyann
    Cassandraemilyann Posts: 12 Member
    I work a desk job, but my desk sits fairly high so I try to stand most of the time.. Totally silly but I'll stand on one leg and balance myself as often as possible. When I have a few minutes I'll do arm workouts (sit at the edge of my chair and push myself up and down) I put reminders in my phone to remind me throughout the day to stand up straight. I do my teeth whitening strips at night so that I won't be tempted to mindlessly snack. The passcode on my phone is 0009 to remind myself how I only have 9 more pounds to lose. I wear 4 rubberbands on my wrist and take one off every time I drink a bottle of water so I know how much I still have to drink. And as lame as it may sound, I put an old picture of myself before I had my son on the fridge to remind myself where I'd like to be again. ;)
  • jhm57
    jhm57 Posts: 11 Member
    My biggest weakness vis a vis weight loss is snacking at the office. The lure of the vending machine usually gets to me twice daily. When I do have success (which is rare) it is when I log in the calories BEFORE I make the trip downstairs. Then I mentally compute how much exercise time will be necessary to burn off the unnecessary snack calories. I have also tried to defeat the cravings by leaving my cash in the car, that usually doesn't work, I snack when I go out to lunch. If I can defeat this problem 99% or my weight issues would disappear.