cauliflower "rice"

sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
Snack girl sent this out today; and I'm planning to try it tonight.

Have you had it? Is it good?


  • RunningMama1276
    RunningMama1276 Posts: 15 Member
    I have! It is yummy. Throw a little garlic in for extra flavor.
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    yummy cauliflower is awesome
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Mmm, related to this, is cauliflower "fauxtaytoes" - steam up a head of chopped cauliflower, drain, drop 2 oz of cream cheese (FF is great), and mash away as if you were making mashed potatoes. Add some salt and pepper, and it's amazing. That's pretty much replaced potatoes in our house. :)
  • CStone17
    CStone17 Posts: 37
    I make it all the time since I don't eat rice. It's awesome.
  • ElBo58
    ElBo58 Posts: 44
    Cauliflower is a great substitute for mashed potatoes, I don't see why it wouldn't work for rice.
  • HeatherNoyes
    HeatherNoyes Posts: 114 Member
    I am trying this tonight! Top with a little spray butter...hmmm....
  • vreid77
    vreid77 Posts: 2
    its great for having with a stirfry, or with anything saucy that you might normally have rice or pasta with. I've also used it to make pizza crust... steam, add egg white, garlic, and italian seasoning, put in the blender, form into a ball, flatten on buttered (or olive oil) tin foil, bake until its a solid piece. then add your toppings... becareful not to burn it.
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    That sounds...interesting and different.
  • mirfan25
    mirfan25 Posts: 45
    I've made this before, fried the "rice" in a pan with a little EVOO and mushrooms, onions and green peas, garlic powder, fresh cracked pepper and soya sauce to make chinese fried "rice"... delicious!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I used my food processor to chop it up for me.... so easy. It makes a mess, though!!! You'll have cauliflower all over your counter. I used it for chicken curry one night instead of rice. Definitely not as good as using rice for dishes like that, but for the calorie and carb reduction, it is well worth it.
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    Yep, recently used it in a Morroccan Casserole and use it for pizza base for 2 people as follows (cobbled together from 2 recipes):
    1/3 cup cauliflower rice
    1/2 cup almond meal
    1 large egg
    Ground/Dried Oregano or other Italian herbs to taste
    Salt to taste
    Approx 1/4 cup grated cheese

    Mix together, pat out onto baking paper on an oven tray and cook for about 15 mins at about 180-200 Celsius (until golden with browning around the edges). I prep all the topping ingredients while it's cooking then try to let it cool for a few minutes before preparing pizza as normal and cooking for another 10-15 minutes in a hot oven.
  • aekaya
    aekaya Posts: 163 Member
    that looks like a great idea! I'll have to try it, seeing as how I'm a total rice fiend.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Made it -- so easy (albeit messy).

    Served it under baked beans with rotisserie chicken, fruit and asparagus; yum! The kids gobbled it right up!
  • dup32
    dup32 Posts: 68
    Love it!
    Used it in place of real rice in cabbage rolls... Could not tell the difference... Would use it again and again. Yes it can be a bit messy to grate.. larger bowl is helpful.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    I've run cauliflower through my vitamix to "cream up" dishes that usually take milk or cream, like tomato basil soup.
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks! I plan on trying it soon.
  • galaxysue
    galaxysue Posts: 83 Member
    thanks this was great, instead of grating I processed it saving my fingers! then i steamed it and added some cooked smoked haddock and a bit of curry powder, served it with some roasted veg, I thought it had more of a cous cous texture
  • mrsweasley23
    mrsweasley23 Posts: 20 Member
    I am completely converted to cauli rice, as are my bf and a number of friends. Love it!
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    I've tried it. It was just ok for me. It's a nice substitute, but I think I'd prefer the real thing in this case.