Baby belly?

tmkirk01 Posts: 20
edited September 18 in Fitness and Exercise
I am struggling to get rid of my baby bellly. The sad part is that my son is not a baby any more, yet I still have the belly. I can't stand it. Does any one know of a way to get my stomach flat again?? I really need help. I am tired of trying to hide the bulge. Thanks!!!:ohwell:


  • tmkirk01
    tmkirk01 Posts: 20
    I am struggling to get rid of my baby bellly. The sad part is that my son is not a baby any more, yet I still have the belly. I can't stand it. Does any one know of a way to get my stomach flat again?? I really need help. I am tired of trying to hide the bulge. Thanks!!!:ohwell:
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    unfortunately the only way to get rid of the excess aft is cardio which will burn it off. Sit-ups etc will help strengthen your abdominal muscles but this won't make you stomach flat!
  • sonia2
    sonia2 Posts: 154
    Pilates and a heavy cardio program work best. Pilates strengthen our core muscles and keep our 'inner girdle' strong and pulled in. Sit-ups will not pull in or strengthen your 'inner girdle'. Unfortunatley, only women usually have to worry about this as an expanding belly weakens our inner girdle. There are great pilates videos out there and cardio is free. Yes, there is hope for a flat stomach again. Its a long road, but it will happen. I'm on my 3rd pregnancy now. With my first i did not regularly exercise. Five years later, after my 2nd baby , I was exercising (had been for 3 years regualarly), and my flat tummy was just there whne my swelling went down after about 2 weeks postpardum. So, therefore, It is a continuous lifestyle change, and you can not get a quick fix. Just start today and continue and you will reap the wonderous benefits. Its not to late.
  • sonia can u tell me what was ur diet during pregnancy.i mean im now pregnant but still want to make my food healthy not that after delivery i can make my self slimmer and smarter as i was before pregnancy.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Do you mean your belly has an extra layer of fat, or the skin is not tight? Yes, cardio will burn the fat, and strength training/core work will firm the muscles under the skin, but it just takes some time for the skin to regenerate and tighten up (our skin is a living organ, right? so it does renew itself over time).

    So... It will get flat again! After my first baby, it was much quicker to "bounce" back. I've had another baby, and it's not quite a "taut" tummy. I'm working on it! Recently there was an un-retouched picture of Cindy Crawford in a bikini (she's had two kids - about 7 years ago) and her tummy skin was hanging, and stretch mak covered like the rest of us! :ohwell:
  • but friend i want to knw the diet.
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    I am struggling to get rid of my baby bellly. The sad part is that my son is not a baby any more, yet I still have the belly. I can't stand it. Does any one know of a way to get my stomach flat again?? I really need help. I am tired of trying to hide the bulge. Thanks!!!:ohwell:

    There are two types of belly fat post pardum-the kind you can fix with exercise and the kind that due to child birth and genetics ain't going no where NATURALLY. Do you have muscle seperation? Where you can put your fingers into a crease from belly button to pubic bone and feel the actual seperation?If you have that abdominal wall tear, then only surgery can repair it. Plus depending on how mad your skin stretched and again genetics, even ifyou have just loose skin excercise might not fix it. But workout and give yourself several months to see how your body will respond. A good reference point is your own mum:smile: and your dad's mom to see what your body might do.
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    Bellydance it the ultimate for combining cardio and it is just so much doesn't feel like a workout, but you'll feel it the next'll notice results very soon as well!
  • aclausen
    aclausen Posts: 4
    So what about baby belly's after a c-section?
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    So what about baby belly's after a c-section?
    Depends old school c-section were they mutilated and stapled or new school where it's cut and in your pubic and the scar can be hidden in panties-the celeb delivery method of choice (insert sarcastic evil laugh)
    At any rate my cosmetic surgeon says some c-section require repair whereas some cause very little damage and tummies can be flattened with excercise. If you notice your tummy doesnt change with excercise you might want to get a FREE consultation with a reputable cosmetic surgeon. Or resolve to love it and deal with the scars etc. Also they have revisions for the old c-section scars pre-1999 or so and they canmake the scars look like fingernail scratches.
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