New Guy

One of my friends just recommended this site to me because I am preparing to try out for the SWAT Team. I work out alot but I'm a heavy guy and would like to slim down. I have never tried logging my food intake and I am gonna give this a shot. I am amazed at how many people I see on this site. Any advice would be considered. Thanks!


  • _Triple_S_
    _Triple_S_ Posts: 214 Member
    I recommend downloading the app on your phone if you have a smart phone. It has a bar code scanner which makes it alot easier to track your food more accurately. Good luck. Add me if you want.
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    I've been on here for awhile now and find it really motivating. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Welcome. I think you found the right place to get started. I agree about the phone app, it really comes in handy.
  • mitchmp2005
    I just downloaded the app. Couldn't figure out the bar code. Where do you look to see if you are on track for the day. As in a comparison of your goal versus what you actually took in each day.?
  • smhammons
    smhammons Posts: 115 Member
    The phone app is where I started and it is so awesome.... even when you go out you can type in the name of most resturants and fast food establishment and there menu is already accounted for in this system with the calorie count this is a great tool..
    Love it.:glasses:
  • smhammons
    smhammons Posts: 115 Member
    in the My Diary is where you are able to see your calorie count for the day.....and for the bar code hit the add button then push which ever meal you are adding to and beside the search for a food look up bar is a blue box with squiggle lines that is the bar code push it and scan....
  • butterflync105
    butterflync105 Posts: 29 Member
    I thought I was doing really well on my own cutting back until I started logging here! I was amazed at how much I was still overeating. The best advice is to log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth EVERY day. Make sure you drink and log your water. You will be surprised what a difference it makes. When you are comfortable with it you can open your diary for your friends to see. They will give you lots of feedback. I NEVER thought I would post my actual weight but it didn't take long for me to realize that we are all in this together. We keep each other motivated, call each other out when necessary and most importantly, we support each other through everything. Be committed, be honest, be there for your friends and you will see that this works. It's not an overnight fix, but we are doing the healthy and permanent way! Welcome aboard!
  • mitchmp2005
    Good deal, I will try the scanning thing tomorrow when I'm out and about with my phone. Thanks!
  • mitchmp2005
    Thanks for the kind words. I think this site is very cool. Sort of like a facebook for fitness.