Help! ..I can't stop eating out of the jar!

I need advice!! I have a huge problem with eating things straight out of the jar--peanut butter, pumpkin butter, cool whip, you name it! I'd be fine if I was able to stop after one finger full.. but I don't know what happens to me! Today I ate about 1000 calories worth of peanut butter! I tried keeping things like this out of the house, but I end up eating my roommate's :-/ This is ruining my diet! Does anyone have any tips?


  • genma1987
    genma1987 Posts: 43 Member
    I empathize with you...eating peanut butter out of the jar is a big weakness for me. I've started to just make sure I have a couple of snacks that include a tablespoon or two of peanut butter (celery, apples, sandwhich, etc.) and it seems to help. Much better than eating right out of the jar with a hershey bar!
    too soon to know if it really works or not, but so far.....
  • kokonutmama
    :) do something else instead. Drink water, do pushups, take a shower, check your email... anything but pick up the spoon. I've soooo btdt, and for me it was usually (a) my roomate's peanut butter and (b) because I was trying to cut calories too far down.
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Besides the obvious - "don't do it" - I find that if I look at the calories on an item and measure out exactly one serving and put it away before I eat that serving I have better luck stopping.

    Example - peanut butter - a tablespoon is usually a serving size. Get out a tablespoon and measure the peanut butter and make sure the jar is completely back in the cupboard before you eat the peanut butter on hte spoon. And, if you can, go someplace other than the kitchen to eat it. That way you are completely removed from the temptation of wanting more.
  • erodriquez
    drink a big glass of water BIG this will help. I hid the Peanut butter from my BF when he was on his weight lost journey. LOL he would go to the store grind the peanuts there and bring that home uggg!! If you can't stop exercise the calories off.
  • horndave
    was going to suggest the same thing as epoeraven
  • igmom
    igmom Posts: 90
    Eat some protein every three hours so that you won't be hungry and tempted to grab something impulsively. Plan all your food at the beginning of the day in MFP, and then you'll be more likely to stick to the plan.
  • vraehn
    vraehn Posts: 1,008
    Sounds like you feel extremely hungry by the time you get to the peanut butter jar--maybe just getting home from work? I suggest when you are done with your breakfast, you fix the serving size of pb you want to eat in a bowl along with a vege to go with it. Put the pb in a cabinet--out of sight. When you need that snack, get your 1st bite, chew very slowly --25-30 times. Then drink some water. Next bite, chew slowly, drink etc.

    Maybe that will help--surely won't hurt.

    Good luck!:smile::wink: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • aHappierMe
    Thanks so much! I feel like I have some strategies now :-) ..definitely the putting the jar away after I measure a portion and leaving the kitchen should help. (Then I just need to not let myself back in the kitchen). I don't really do it because I'm hungry, but if I go a little overboard(like on PB), I tend to feel guilty and just give up on my goals all together--stupid I know. I think that having support will really help! I've never really used these message boards before, and I'm glad I did! Thanks!
  • Sparklene
    Sparklene Posts: 38 Member
    Maybe this will help me. I just raided the PB jar; infact, I had PB on two slices of WW bread. And I followed that with 2 oreos! Geez, I just blew it, but it sure was good!!!!