went from feeling happy to sad- heres my rant :(

so i have been on this weight loss journey for just over a month now and im feeling really good. i have more energy and just feel good. i have not weighed myself however yet, but i have done my measurements twice now and i have already lost 2.5 inches in my hips half an inch in my neck and 1 inch in my waist so i am pretty happy about this, however today i just feel horrible. so my bestie of besties how is someone that i look up to and admire so much has been really going through a tough time with her family. both her hubby and her daughter are sick so it has been tough. so she called me up today telling me that one of the local radio stations in our city was holding kinda a contest for one of the hosts post stagett at one of the bars this weekend. my bestie got an email saying she had won the package where she gets to hang out with the host and all the radio personal willl be there, and she gets to bring 2 friends. well she wants me to go and i was all happy and said yeah of coarse ill go. however apone thinking about this a little more i feel like i dont belong there with all those beautiful people. like im to fat to go. and i dont have anything to wear that would make me feel better, and i wont have a babysitter for my kids. and i just feel like i failure. and i just dont know how to tell her i am not going. cause i know she wants me to go with her and she deserves a night out more then anyone i know. but i dont belong there with those kinds of people. im not educated or pretty


  • marzinator13
    marzinator13 Posts: 149 Member
    You havta go !!! if you think that your friend needs this then she needs your support and deep down you know going is the right thing. You may not be at your goal weight but you are making progress( think that you wont be this size for much longer). Dont be afraid to do something outside of your comfort zone. Life is to short to look back at all the things you missed out because you thought you werent pretty enough. because when you look back you realize that no one even cares about that stuff and life is just about having fun and making the most of it
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    This is about her, not you. She needs your support. Suck it up and go.

    It's all in the mindset: you were happy at first, now that you've put all these negative thoughts in your head, you've put yourself down. No one is thinking of you the way you think of yourself. Change your perception of yourself and enjoy the evening with your friend!
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    so i have been on this weight loss journey for just over a month now and im feeling really good. i have more energy and just feel good. i have not weighed myself however yet, but i have done my measurements twice now and i have already lost 2.5 inches in my hips half an inch in my neck and 1 inch in my waist so i am pretty happy about this, however today i just feel horrible. so my bestie of besties how is someone that i look up to and admire so much has been really going through a tough time with her family. both her hubby and her daughter are sick so it has been tough. so she called me up today telling me that one of the local radio stations in our city was holding kinda a contest for one of the hosts post stagett at one of the bars this weekend. my bestie got an email saying she had won the package where she gets to hang out with the host and all the radio personal willl be there, and she gets to bring 2 friends. well she wants me to go and i was all happy and said yeah of coarse ill go. however apone thinking about this a little more i feel like i dont belong there with all those beautiful people. like im to fat to go. and i dont have anything to wear that would make me feel better, and i wont have a babysitter for my kids. and i just feel like i failure. and i just dont know how to tell her i am not going. cause i know she wants me to go with her and she deserves a night out more then anyone i know. but i dont belong there with those kinds of people. im not educated or pretty

    Isn't making excuses how you found yourself at a weight you didn't want to be?





    GO, GO, GO!

    And have fun. :-)
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    so i have been on this weight loss journey for just over a month now and im feeling really good. i have more energy and just feel good. i have not weighed myself however yet, but i have done my measurements twice now and i have already lost 2.5 inches in my hips half an inch in my neck and 1 inch in my waist so i am pretty happy about this, however today i just feel horrible. so my bestie of besties how is someone that i look up to and admire so much has been really going through a tough time with her family. both her hubby and her daughter are sick so it has been tough. so she called me up today telling me that one of the local radio stations in our city was holding kinda a contest for one of the hosts post stagett at one of the bars this weekend. my bestie got an email saying she had won the package where she gets to hang out with the host and all the radio personal willl be there, and she gets to bring 2 friends. well she wants me to go and i was all happy and said yeah of coarse ill go. however apone thinking about this a little more i feel like i dont belong there with all those beautiful people. like im to fat to go. and i dont have anything to wear that would make me feel better, and i wont have a babysitter for my kids. and i just feel like i failure. and i just dont know how to tell her i am not going. cause i know she wants me to go with her and she deserves a night out more then anyone i know. but i dont belong there with those kinds of people. im not educated or pretty

    Isn't making excuses how you found yourself at a weight you didn't want to be?





    GO, GO, GO!

    And have fun. :-)

    love this!
  • Andrea_1990
    I think you should go for your friend, we are all are created equal but look different. Your friend is going through a tough time now and you are the one person who she needs to be by her side, and you know about this event BEFORE it's coming up so make plans to also get a baby sitter. You agreed to go and felt great about it at first then after you allowed your thoughts about your self image to discourage you, you then began to make up many excuses. Just be who you are, live life, be happy about the goals you have reached, don't worry about what people might be saying in their thoughts because we all have our own opinions, and don't forget that we are all different. Just smile and be you :)
  • iLikepistachios
    okay. think about it this way.
    what if you died tomorrow?
    would you really care what all those people thought of you?
    so totally enjoy every single moment.
    there's something beautiful inside you.
    be proud of who you are!
  • bashmir
    bashmir Posts: 43
    This makes me sad for you because you sound like you have self hate. I have been there when feeling down about yourself is all you know but it can change. The change can only come from you, so today I a complete stranger challenges you to tell yourself I deserve to be happy. I would never wear a dress because I couldn't find any that fit right so I found a store that made dresses that fit me right. The store is fashion bug and they have really nice cloth there. You can check it out so get yourself a sitter a new outfit and go out with your friend and have fun. Life is to short so don't waist time putting yourself down it isn't worth it, believe me I know this first hand.
  • kristenlees122
    hey now. quit talking like that!
    you are amazing! gorgeous! wonderful! love yourself darling! screw anyone else, dont compare, you'll never match up to every single person in the world, just focus on loving and improving yourself. stop that negative talk RIGHT NOW.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Oh heck yes you should go! You deserve some fun too! And that stuff about the "beautiful people"? Honey..you are beautiful too and just as good as they are. Would your friend have invited you if she didn't think so too? No. Stop putting your life on hold "until".....until will never get here. We have to live now,. Now is all we get!
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    Your gorgeous, just do it n go!!!! Who cares what others think, your happiness shows confidence, dont let that slide by you n go back to being sad GO!!!!
  • baby_doll33
    baby_doll33 Posts: 10
    thanks everyone i needed that kick in the *kitten* !!!!!! when i get down i get really down, i was so excited the other day about loosing 2.5 inches already that i let my insecurities gets the best of me. its funny how complete strangers can give you a good kick in the *kitten* and say smarten up !!! unfortunately cause she only found out about this this event yesterday and it is for tomorrow i still cant go :( dont have a babysitter and my hubby is on nights, so i told her that i will help her get ready and beautiful and help with her hair and make up and all that wonderful jazz :)