5'6 women looking to lose 40+



  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I am 5'6

    I have been on here for over a year now and now at my goal weight, yay! I am just trying now to get into better shape and get some muscles.

    SW around 150
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    5'5.5" do I qualify??


    HW: 208-210
    SW on MFP: 190
    CW: 182.6

    7.4 pounds lost since April 12, 2012

    GW: 135, possibly 130 if I can get there.
  • Dvija
    Dvija Posts: 11
    Evening all! Weight has been an issue for me for a long time but since last year I've managed to really put myself on the healthy track. I want to get to the point where I can attain my fitness goals and whatever weight I happen to be at that point is fine with me. However, I'm guessing it'll be signficantly less than where I am now. I'd love to find some ladies who are motivated and positive about keeping themselves on the path of health, fitness and the positive side effect, weight loss! Friend me and let's support one another.

    SW: 265
    CW: 230
    GW:180 (for the moment)
  • jkpjkp2011
    jkpjkp2011 Posts: 1
    goal: 40
    Just started. I am wanting to lose 40 pounds. I am attempting this with Myfitnesspal AND Fitbit. Anyone else doing Fitbit?? I want some ENERGY!!! This waight has gotten me down and lazy!!
  • jammiezene
    jammiezene Posts: 83 Member
    Starting weight: 183.6

    Current weight: 158.00

    Goal weight: 140 :-)
  • ColtyHan
    ColtyHan Posts: 59 Member
    Started on MFP 1 month ago.

    SW 215
    CW 205
    1st Goal 185 by vacation in August
    2nd Goal 170 by Christmas
    Ultimate goal 150 by April 2013
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I'm 5'6" and have another 40ish lbs to lose. Been at this for a while now and seem to have gotten stuck in my weight loss though.

    SW: 234
    CW: 173
    GW: 134 ish
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    Hello all of my fellow motivated 5'6" MFPers...

    So my most recent starting weight was 178.6 - that was in mid November 2011. (my highest weight on record was 204)
    Current weight 148.0 (size 10, and some larger 8's)
    GW (for now) 143 but this might be changing to 138. However, with that said, I am in the process of changing my workout routines from a higher ratio of cardio to weights to higher ratio of heavy weights and reduced cardio. I have been reading too many compelling reasons and have seen far too many positive results, not to try it for myself. I am hoping to alter my body composition and physique as i have seen others do.... the lifters versus the cardio queens seem to have better success at that! I have to change it up. With that said, my GW may not budge as I expect to put on muscle weight, and hopefully reduce body measurements and fat %.

    I'm up for friending people that want to give and receive support and encouragement with like minded goals. I think my most difficult hurdles to this change in workout routines will be that
    1) I enjoy my Cardio workouts because they are good stress relievers and good for my heart.
    2) I know cardio is good for my health: lower resting heart rate, lower pulse and respiratory rate, easier to climb stairs, etc
    3) mentally it will be hard to let go of those big calorie burn numbers I get walking out of a spin class, despite knowing that muscle burns more calories through the day than fat (increases BMR) and the quick cardio burn is short lived relative to strength building.
    4) I may actually see the number on the scale go up and not down, another mental hurdle.

    If anyone else out there wants to try this along with me, I'd love to share the journey of triumphs and/tribulations with trying something new and stepping out of your current workout comfort zone... Any takers?
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I started here at 232 pounds....and now I'm close to the goal I had set 137 today. I now know that I will want to lose a little more, like maybe to hit 125 I hope I will know when I get to it : )

    Good luck.
  • kbogart1996
    kbogart1996 Posts: 55 Member
    I started in January and have lost half of what I want to. I am starting to do weight lifting and am trying the Eat More lose weight approach.

    SW: 210
    CW: 178
    GW: 155 - 145 (depends on how I feel and what my size is)
  • SmallTownSweetie03
    SW: 199
    CW: 193
    GW: 140

    It does seem like it's such a long ways away! But about a year and a half ago I weighed 221 pounds and I got down to 199 and stayed between 199 and 190 for the last year and a half! And then last month I found this website and decided it was time to get the last 60 pounds off for good! Feel free to friend me!
  • Red7Basil
    Red7Basil Posts: 36
    I'm 5'6"
    SW 198
    CW 163.6
    Mini goal: 155
    GW: 130
  • shoegazer7
    shoegazer7 Posts: 10
    I am 5'5...I started at 175lbs but was down to 169 by the time I joined and now I'm down to 164. My goal weight is 135. I'm brand new here, too.

    Best of luck with your goals!
  • LaurenAnne24
    I have just started too!

    GW:143 (for now)

    At the moment I am going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week where I do weight training and then 40 minutes on the elliptical. I feel like I need to start switching up my routine a bit though from what I have been reading of other people's experiences.
    I am loving MFP as it is really keeping me on track. It is good to see infront of me what i have consumed in the day rather than just eat something unhealthy and pretend it never happened.
    I hope we can all support eachother as that is a really big motivator for me too!! Good luck to everybody out there-WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER!!
  • aprild2010
    aprild2010 Posts: 4 Member

    I'm 5'5" 37 years old.
    SW - 181
    CW - 180
    GW - 145
    I have never been overweight until the birth of my second child. He will be 7 this summer and I am still obsessing over the same 30-40 pounds! I have been on here for forever and have tried too many things. My biggest obstacle is following through with 1 plan. I have become confused and go back and forth with what eating plan to follow exercise regimen, etc., Sometimes I think Weight watchers is the way to go but then I tell myself I have MFP.
    I go back and forth on following P90X to trying to run 3 days a week doing the couch to 5K. I really need a support group to follow and get recipe ideas and keep my motivation up. This current struggle to even lose 10 pounds has made me depressed and I want to be healthy and happy...
  • lizzielou67
    lizzielou67 Posts: 35

    I'm 5'6" (although I've probably begun to shrink as I'm 45!)

    I've been trying to "get healthy" since January (with my Hubby - he's lost 28 lbs!) and I'm struggling. I'm a Type 1 diabetic and that insulin I take can play havoc with weight loss. While the scale isn't moving much, I do have some pants that are getting too big and my measurments are changing (although slightly). So, I know it's working. And while I want to lose weight, my ultimate goal is to be healthy and spend many years with my Hubby doing all the fun things we've planned for the future. I want to climb the stairs without feeling like I'm going to pass out etc.

    SW - 227
    CW - 220
    GW - 160 (in reality I feel like I'd rather be closer to 140 but we'll see)

    We can all do this!! I hate exercise and that's one thing I occasionally slack on. We usually get to the gym 6 days a week (2 are yoga for me) but I'll sometimes get home from work and say "I don't feel like it." We try not to fll prey to that too often but it happened last night!
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    Agreed! I've been here since august, but need to 'freshness' in my life. lost 40+ from Aug to December, and have been plateaued since then.

    I'm in a similar boat! I started last April (so just over 1 year ago) and lost 20lbs from April to Aug, been maintaining ever since (various reasons/excuses :P). I need to get back on track!

    I have 3 boys, ages 5, 3, and almost 2 (in Aug), so I work out at home - no time or money for the gym - but I'm ready to pull off the next 20+! When I lost the first 20 I felt so much thinner and healthier...for awhile. Now I'm feeling my weight again, even though I've kept that 20 off, so I'm hoping that means I'll be motivated to keep going toward my goal. But I can always use support :)

    SW: 204.6
    CW: 185
    GW: 145ish :)
    5' 5.75" (never quite hit 5'6" :P) - I'm 32
  • misspatrice562
    misspatrice562 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm RE starting for like the 10th time! lol . . . but here are my latest stats.

    I'm about 5'6" and 1/2

    SW: 242.5
    CW: 232
    1st Goal: 227.5 (15 lbs before my NYC trip on 5/23!)
    2nd Goal: 199 (under 200 lbs.)
    Ultimate Goal: 160-170 lbs

    Feel free to add me any/all . . . I NEED motivation and will gladly give it as well. I don't want to give up (this time! lol) :)
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    lol I need to get back to hanging out on the forums more! :) Knowing there are SOOO many other women out there like me is motivating. :)

    Looking back it seems like the first 20 lbs came off relatively easily (I WAS working out hard, but I was in a groove and it didn't seem like too much work). I took a break to just maintain when my life/work got crazy last fall and I've just been having SUCH a hard time (mentally) getting back to it. I keep finding myself with thoughts of "the scale will never break 185" and "what if I can't lose any more than this?" but I don't WANT that to be true b/c I'm not happy with the way I feel/look. I DO have more energy than before, and I LOVE that, but my own doubts have been doing me in.

    Not anymore, though! There are women here who've done what I need to do, so I can do it too! I just need consistent friends who help me remember that this WILL take a long time, and that's OK - that I WILL plateau, but all plateaus can be broken.

    I started a group if you want to join - I thought it might be an easier way for us all to keep up with each other and figure out who to add as friends. :)

    Group Name: 5'6" and Sensational
  • sbj1993
    sbj1993 Posts: 4 Member
    This is a great page for me!

    SW: 180
    CW: 168 (i've been stuck here for a while...)
    GW: 125 (though i'd be good with 135)