Question about shoes and knees

Hi all,
Well I injured my knees pretty good about a week ago. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with patellar tendonitis and possibly pes anserine burstitis. I was doing the c25k and got about 3 weeks in when my knees started killing me. I slowed down and did some power walking and still had pain. So I've been taking it easy this week just doing some light strength training and stretches and no cardio. My regular shoes that I was wearing when all this happened we're my Asics that I got in December last year so they are about 5 months old. I thought my shoes might have caused the injury, so I went to a place called the walking company and got a pair of shoes and orthotics designed to take pressure off the knees. Well my knees and the patellar tendonitis isn't hurting much anymore but the pes anserine burstitis was killing me today in those shoes. I am thinking that it is because the shoes shift the weight off the knees and perhaps to the tendons below? Not sure, but when I put my old Asics on my pes anserine pain was hardly there. I have 30 days to return the new shoes and since they were 150 dollars, I don't want to keep them if they are just going to aggravate my pain. Should I return them and get an different brand? I was thinking a new pair of Asics or maybe new balance. I think I might stick to powerwalking though and hold off on the running as my knees are pretty trashed, and I don't want to risk more injury, but I would definitely want to continue my walking.


  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    In my personal, non-medical opinion, your shoes shouldn't be the cause of pain. That being said, you're injured, it's possible that no shoes will work perfectly until you are healed. I would certainly take the shoes back, though. If you know they are aggrevating one aspect of your anatomy, don't try to work through it, find something that's heavenly right out of the box.

    I don't wear Asics or NB and I don't have issues with my knees (thank God), so I can't speak to your specific situation, but some of the other runners on the forum are exceptionally knowledgeable and hopefully they will chime in on here. Best of luck to you in your recovery and training.
  • Thanks! I am doing better today and went outside wearing the new shoes but my pain came back but below the knee in the area of the pes anserine attachmement. I've been icing and using heat therapy and only took one aleve today instead of two. I really want to get back to my cardio but really dont want to reinsure myself. When I got home tonight I decided on awhim to put my Asics on, and walked thought the house without a limp, whereas I was hobbling in the other shoes. I'll give it a few ore days, as I only bought them last Saturday, but I think I might take them back.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I'd take them back, and lay off the running totally until your injury is healed. It could be that they are fine and you are just getting the pain because you haven't healed yet, but also they could cause it then you have wasted $150!
    The right shoes for you won't cause any pain when you run, but until you are healed it will be hard to find them.

    I have runners knee (chondromalacia patella), have not been able to run since jan, It drives me nuts but by running now I could possibly make it worse and be unable to run at all :-(
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I recommend going to "real" runner store, usually have them in major cities and Suburbs. I ahd problems with my leg going numb while running. I went to a "running" store, the guy evaluated the way I walked, ran, etc...after about 20 min, he showed me the type of runner I was and why the shoes I was using caused my problems. he didn't pressure me to buy anything, but I bought a pair of shoes he recommended, I've been fine since.

    It's the shoes, go to a place that will evaluate how you run, take it from their

    Good luck
  • Yay got new shoes that are super comfy. Apparently I have a wide width and one of my feet is slightly larger than the other. Anyways I was wearing the wrong size shoe, and apparently I am an overpronator so ended up with the Brooks Addiction 10. Can't wait to try them out tomorrow!
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    I would be cautious about choosing new shoes while injured because you can't know what the injury is masking or otherwise when testing new shoes.

    Best wishes.
  • Yeah I know. I had tried to buy shows when still limping so it didn't help, but now I am probably 95% better. Im not limping and there isn't any pain anymore so I was able to walk normally. Plus I am starting my exercise back up, and the old shoes weren't cutting it.