I need help with calories

So, I'm 19 years old, I weigh 190 pounds and I'm 5'5" (165 cm) and my weight hasn't budged for a while now. I aim for 1,200 calories per day, but reading some topics here, it seems wrong. My BMR is 1,700 and TDEE is 2326 (working out 1-3 days a week)
Should I increase my calories? I'd like to know how much I would have to eat on days that I won't be working out. Also, when having 1,200 calories I don't get hungry (just in case someone says I'm like starving myself of anything)


  • Yasmineh_
    Yasmineh_ Posts: 43
  • Yasmineh_
    Yasmineh_ Posts: 43
  • KaitlynH29
    KaitlynH29 Posts: 4
    I'm no expert... at all but i'm 134lbs, I'm 5'6'' and 20 years old. my BMR is 1454.1. I work standing and walking all day and I work out 3-5 times a week. I'm bring to get down between 122-125 and the gave me a calorie goal of 1,200. I don't know if this helps you at all.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    So, I'm 19 years old, I weigh 190 pounds and I'm 5'5" (165 cm) and my weight hasn't budged for a while now. I aim for 1,200 calories per day, but reading some topics here, it seems wrong. My BMR is 1,700 and TDEE is 2326 (working out 1-3 days a week)
    Should I increase my calories? I'd like to know how much I would have to eat on days that I won't be working out. Also, when having 1,200 calories I don't get hungry (just in case someone says I'm like starving myself of anything)

    If the TDEE of 2326 is from the chart on fat2fit, that is the TDEE based on your goal weight and you should eat at that number, maybe a few hundred less as long as you dont net below BMR.
    You eat the same every day whether you exercise or not. some days you will be slightly under bmr, some days over, but averaged across the week you will end up over.

    If the 2326 is your current TDEE, create your deficit @ 500 cals per lb, without netting below BMR, so I would go for 1826.

    For comparison, I am 5'5, , BMR 1569, TDEE 2632 and eat 2000 / net 1550 to lose 1.5lbs per week.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    BMR 1700, sedentary TDEE 2040, a 500 deficit from that would be 1540 for 1 lb/week setting. Try that.

    On exercise days log your calories of exercise on here and it increases your food goal accordingly. You could eat some or even all of the extra.
  • Yasmineh_
    Yasmineh_ Posts: 43
    I see.. thank you. 1,500 it is then, though I feel fine just eating 1,200. I'll try to slowly raise the calories.
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    Have you tried updating all your info for MFP and see if it changes your calories? I had been set at 1200 calories, but I didn't update any information from when I first signed up many many months ago. I was working out 3-4 times a week for about 45-60 minutes per workout and I wasn't losing anything. I updated my info and it bumped my calories to 1530 per day and just in the last 9 days I have lost 4 pounds. (My profile says 3, but I went up 1 pound from my starting weight so I count 4 pounds instead of 3) The only change I made was that I eat more. Of course I choose foods that aren't full of sugar. I usually eat a protein bar and extra fruit or yesterday I was craving chocolate so I had a sugar free pudding. Anyways, hope that helps!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I see.. thank you. 1,500 it is then, though I feel fine just eating 1,200. I'll try to slowly raise the calories.

    that would be net, so you need to eat exercise on top of this.
    to get your cals up without eating much more food, try these, its easy to do without having to stuff yourself :-)
    50 g nuts = 400 cals
    1 tablespoon olive oil in your cooking = 125 cals
    1 avocado = 300 cals
    1 teaspoon peanut butter = 100 cals
    25g cheese = 100 cals.