OMG gained 4 pounds!!!!!

please help, I have been following this for 2weeks and doing an hours cardio 5 days a week and c25k (3rd week) and I have gained 4 pounds!!!!! Kicked in the teeth! Springs to mind! Please help, what am I doing wrong :sad:


  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    your diary is locked, so hard to give specific help.

    if you are working out so much it might be muscle holding on to water to repair.

    might also be that you have had too much sodium in the past few days.

    or just havent had your bowelmovements :P
  • manda1002
    manda1002 Posts: 178 Member
    It's probably just water weight. Cut your sodium down and keep hydrating and doing what you're doing and you'll be fine. Takes your body some time to adjust to changes.
  • BaristaX
    BaristaX Posts: 151 Member
    Hmm, maybe that 4 lbs gained is from developing muscle? which is not a bad thing
    that's the only thing I can think of.
  • Vgbarash
    Vgbarash Posts: 28 Member
    Don't panic! It sounds like you've gained muscle which may be your answer to the scale readout.:)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    it's more than likely water weight gain. sorry but there is NO way she gained 4 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks.. c'mon people...
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Women also tend to fluctuate if it's your TOM
  • KaitlynH29
    KaitlynH29 Posts: 4
    it's more than likely water weight gain. sorry but there is NO way she gained 4 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks.. c'mon people...

  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Have you done more resistance training or changed up your exercise routine? Is it TOM? Have you had higher levels of sodium than usual?

    Some or all of these things (and many more) can contribute to weight fluctuation. My advice, focus on the process, not the result, and 2. don't sweat what the scale says so much, get out the camera and tape measure - track your progress that way!
  • beautifulblac84
    it's more than likely water weight gain. sorry but there is NO way she gained 4 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks.. c'mon people...

  • jailee813
    jailee813 Posts: 29
    If you haven't eaten 14,000 cals over your normal diet, you have NOT “gained” a single pound (and no, you did not gain muscle). You are holding onto water weight which will fluctuate anywhere from 1-5 pounds easily, especially if you are new to working out. Always remember, it takes an ADDED 3500 cals to GAIN a pound just as it takes a negative 3500 cals to lose a pound. Stick with it, you will see results if you keep going, promise! :flowerforyou:
  • angie73c
    angie73c Posts: 9
    So is it because I don't drink enough water! I know I should but I just don't enjoy it! Are there alternatives?, it's not TOM and my clothes do not feel any different! I know it's early days but I've been working so hard and enjoying it that I was sure that I'd lost something! I am devastated and feel like giving up!, I won't give up though, I k now that something good must come From a ll this hard work!, thank you all
  • angie73c
    angie73c Posts: 9
    My food diary is now unlocked, I would really like some advice on this. Still have my weight watchers head on! Thnaks
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Maybe you're eating too many calories? I hardly ate all my exercise calories back. Seemed counter productive to me. I ate about half if I was extra hungry but tried to stay at 1350 calories a day. It worked for me. Good luck!
  • BeautifulKristen
    please put Sodium in that and do NOt go above the sodium that they ask you too. It can be hard but sodium is very bad for your diet. Plus you gotta drink water if you really wanna lose weight.. Seriously. It isn't that bad. I stopped drinking pop and I drank pop for years. I now drink 12 glasses of water a day!
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    Looks like quite a bit of sugar/salt/carbs/processed foods in your diet. You won't lose as much weight on 1500 calories a day of french fries, white bread, fake butter substitutes, ham, weight watcher's frozen dinners, chocolate and biscuits as you will eating single ingredient foods - lean proteins (chicken, fish, legumes), whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, spelt, healthy fats like nuts and avocados, and lots of fruits and veggies. All calories might be created equal on the MFP calculator - but all calories are not created equal in your liver and your body's metabolism.
  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    If your doing exercise you need to eat more. I found it a little hard adjusting to trying to eat less to loss weight to eating loads and lossing weight because I was running but it works.....slowly but properly. Try not to take to heart the number on the scale I've been on MFP almost 6 months and only lost 18lbs which I was totally gutted with but that is 1lb a week and it has taken a hell of a lot longer to put it on so no over night miracle. Plus do you measure yourself and take pictures? Sounds stupid and initially I didnt see the point but afer the first month of running a 5k atleast 5 times a week I was gutted with losing just 7lb so decided pictures and measurements was the way to go! 6 months on 18lbs down and 20inches overall lost! The pictures aer quite an eye opner too mind.

    As for your food try and up your protein are you using the custom or guided version of goals on MFP?? Did you eat late lastnight? With a week of my TOM makes me gain up to 5lbs? Drink more water for sure...I drink anywhere between 75-100 oz of water in a day. I also read a post on here about an MFP user who did a little experiment with caffine and noticed that when she didnt drink it her tummy fat and weight were lower...I'm cutting coffe out altogether as of today. mmmm can't think of much else atm.

    Dont give up it is disheartening but it's been two weeks so dno;t worry too much right now and just try and find the balance that works for you.
  • BeautifulKristen
    Just to let you know Mabohlale you can eat whatever you want but can't turn into the red from what you said..

    Some people can't afford to buy ingredients for the food that they wanna eat. Which is me..

    I am gonna start eating weight watchers. It isn't BAD for you.. It has everything that you can put in your own meal by buying the ingredients yourself.. Have you ever ever read the ingredients or the facts on them? There not bad.. People have lost weight by eating them. I have. You just gotta watch what you eat and that is it.. You gotta read the serving size and not have more then what the serving size says..
  • jailee813
    jailee813 Posts: 29
    I noticed that you have your weight loss goal set at 5lbs. I do not think you will notice any difference if you lose 5 lbs by doing cardio. If your goals are to get more fit you need to incorporate weight training or interval training as well as cardio if it's something you enjoy. You won't notice a change in the way your body looks by losing 5lbs, but you will notice a HUGE change if you focus on toning verse focus on a number on the scale. I've lost the extra weight that I was carrying around and now I'm going to move into a training regime focusing more on toning up verse trying to lose anymore. I know that I will still continue to lose a few more pounds but now instead of the scale as my goal, I'm changing my focus to inches... new goal is 36-26-38 and i don't care what the scale says when I get there :happy:
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    If you haven't eaten 14,000 cals over your normal diet, you have NOT “gained” a single pound (and no, you did not gain muscle). You are holding onto water weight which will fluctuate anywhere from 1-5 pounds easily, especially if you are new to working out. Always remember, it takes an ADDED 3500 cals to GAIN a pound just as it takes a negative 3500 cals to lose a pound. Stick with it, you will see results if you keep going, promise! :flowerforyou:

  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Us women are cursed especially around the 40 age mark. I am right there with you. It is taking forever to get these last pounds off and is soooo much harder for women than men. Take your inch measurements. When I first started working out, I lost a ton of inches and not much weight if any. The scale is only one indicator. Your diary seems fine, maybe a little more protein. 2 weeks is not enough time to really evaluate yet. I am finally at the 4 month mark realizing I spent a lot of time being impatient and a lot of time chasing my tail. If you are not getting results then you have to tweak it a bit. Maybe you are exercising too much. That happened to me because my solution was always to work harder. If you are working hard, then you have to work smarter. Let your body rest from time to time. Hang in there. Feel free to add me as a friend.