I could really use a bit of direction with my workout

I joined a gym just under a month ago. I've been going around 4 times a week. I spend about half an hour on cardio (elliptical mostly) and half an hour on machines. It's been completely aimless, though; I jump from machine to machine, trying to target as many of my "problem" areas (namely stomach, triceps, and thighs, but who am I kidding, all of my areas are problem areas) as possible in my limited time. Every few workouts I try to increase the number of reps that I do and/or the weight. I've already noticed a difference, but I hate feeling like I'm winging it. My aim is to slim down and get toned, while avoiding bulk at all costs- I'm pretty stocky already and I have somewhat broad shoulders that I really don't want to accentuate.

I just don't know where to start. Help?


  • scottstephens79
    scottstephens79 Posts: 77 Member
    Keep on the weights, they will up your metabolism (which runs 24/7) whereas cardio machines won't up it at all. Just remember you didn't put the weight on in only one month, it will take longer than one month to burn it off. Keep at it, you can do it :)
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Sounds like you're doing a good mix of cardio and weights. But it will take some time to find a routine that works for you.
    Don't worry about bulking up, as a woman we don't have the testosterone to turn into a bulked up muscle man over night (nor will men!!) You will tone. Keep the reps between 12-15 and the last 2/3 should be a real struggle. This advice is what Tony Horton goes on about for toning on P90x and has worked for me.

    Just remember to mix it up every now and then so that your body doesn't get used to or bored of the same routine. Once your confidence builds and you see results so will your confidence in the fact you're doing a great workout.
  • I agree with scottstephens. I alternate cardio one day and weight the other so focus on both, and I found that I end up doing more reps with the weights or lifting more because I'm not as tired from the cardio. Don't try to target anything until you get close to your goal weight/size, you really can't choose where the fat comes off.
  • janey1306
    janey1306 Posts: 83
    Can you get a trainer at the gym to do a programme for you? I did this at my gym, and there was no extra cost. I do mainly classes, legs bums and tums, core workout, zumba, aerobics and pilates. On the days there wasnt a class to fit in with when I could go, id aimlessy go to the gym too and was doing cardio. I was losing 2 lb a week, not sure if its just a coincidence, but the first week I did my programme, which was 10 mins warm up on the eliptic then all resistance machines I lost 3 lb. The programme takes me about 45 mins
  • lyndzilla
    lyndzilla Posts: 2 Member
    Keep on the weights, they will up your metabolism (which runs 24/7) whereas cardio machines won't up it at all. Just remember you didn't put the weight on in only one month, it will take longer than one month to burn it off. Keep at it, you can do it :)

    Thank you! You're absolutely right, it took me nine months to put it on, haha. My son is going to be a year old this weekend and I'm about 3lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Before I got pregnant I had about 10lbs I wanted to lose, so at this point I'm hoping to lose around 13lbs. On the other hand, my weight has hardly budged since I started working out but my clothes are fitting better, so obviously the numbers aren't everything!
    Sounds like you're doing a good mix of cardio and weights. But it will take some time to find a routine that works for you.
    Don't worry about bulking up, as a woman we don't have the testosterone to turn into a bulked up muscle man over night (nor will men!!) You will tone. Keep the reps between 12-15 and the last 2/3 should be a real struggle. This advice is what Tony Horton goes on about for toning on P90x and has worked for me.

    Just remember to mix it up every now and then so that your body doesn't get used to or bored of the same routine. Once your confidence builds and you see results so will your confidence in the fact you're doing a great workout.

    Thank you so much for the tip on reps, that's exactly the sort of advice I was hoping for. I've been doing 15-20 reps but I'm never sure how many sets I should do.
    I agree with scottstephens. I alternate cardio one day and weight the other so focus on both, and I found that I end up doing more reps with the weights or lifting more because I'm not as tired from the cardio. Don't try to target anything until you get close to your goal weight/size, you really can't choose where the fat comes off.

    It sounds like alternating days is a good idea. I don't like feeling like I have to rush to do a full cardio/weight workout in the one hour that I have. I'm 10-15lbs from where I'd like to be so working on toning seemed like a good idea, haha.