itsy bitsy sv, HUGE nsv

LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
Ok, I know this isn't huge, but for me, it's huge.I have a hormonal imbalance that is causing symptoms mimicking hypothyroidism, and I've been dealing with losing and regaining the same 2 lbs for over six months now. I'll get down a couple of pounds in a couple of weeks and it comes right back on. This is despite working out 6 days a week, running and swimming (and even spinning for 2 months). This is despite eating around 1800-2000 cals per day, which I know isn't too much, but isn't too little.

The worst part, is that I lost over 100 lbs six years ago, and until this last pregnancy kept it off. However, I had the baby, lost some baby weight, then due to this hormonal issue, packed on almost 20 lbs in just a couple of short months. So, now I've 50lbs hanging on.

So, when I started MFP I was 192. I havent been the best about logging each and every thing into my diary, but I have been diligent about making sure I'm getting way more fruits and veggies, and not so many processed carbs, which I tend to turn to cause I"m tired all the time. IOW, eating like I used to, when I weighed less. And I've been diligent about eating within my cals. After losing all that weight before, I pretty much know the cal content of just about any food :)

So I'd lose down to 190, then back up to 192, sometimes just under 193.

this morning I was 189.4.


I finally, after eating more clean for a month, making sure I'm getting more fruits and veggies, pushing myself to get the water, and using the hormonal cream, have dipped below that 190 mark that's been haunting me for six months.

So while it's not a huge scale victory, it's a huge non scale victory in the sense that things are finally coming together, and I'm able to see some progress for the hard work!


  • carlynn13
    carlynn13 Posts: 281
    YAY! That is awesome :flowerforyou:
  • Ripcode
    Ripcode Posts: 142 Member
  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 202 Member
    Big CONGRATULATIONS to you! That is major!
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    I eat fat for energy personally. :D Make sure you're keeping your fruits in check, while they are better than processed garbage, they are still a bit heavy on carbs(sugars) if you get them in an overwhelming amount. But they are vastly superior to processed food, so that is a great change! Keep up the good work, you'll rock it!
  • Agirard25
    Agirard25 Posts: 154 Member
    Awesome, and definatley encouraging!!!

    I've been playing with the same 2lbs for a month now and I am frustrated!!! I can't imagine how you felt after six months! You DIDN'T GIVE UP!!!! and you beat it!!! I am inspired to keep going, thank you for sharing!!
  • MsMarlaMae
    MsMarlaMae Posts: 144 Member
    I also just broke through the damn 190 barrier, 189.6! So I know just how exciting that is... congrats to you!
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    Congrats! How did you find out about the hormonal imbalance? I've been doing the exact same thing for two years now since my daughter was born. Lost most of the baby weight immediately then stayed at 159-161 lbs. for years now. I'm taking the higher calorie approach, slower losing process this time so hopefully the scale will start moving.
  • graciemom828
    Super job!b:smile: I just want to get down below 170 pounds and stay there. A few years ago I was at my goal for size/weight and put 28 pounds back on, so now the new goal is below 170. What a struggle! I had a metabolism test and the dietitian told me I should be eating more calories than MFP had given me. My metabolism is apparently a hair above normal - hmm...............I want to get to 160 pounds and then go from there but since I can't get below 170 that may never happen.
  • iggymomma
    iggymomma Posts: 6
    That truly IS huge -- congratulations on your victory!!!!! You're an inspiration!
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Awesome NSV! You're hard work has paid off!

    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    If you're not measuring yourself, start, because when the scale doesn't budge, the tape measure does!
  • cakebarn
    cakebarn Posts: 43 Member
    That's awesome!! It sounds like you "broke the seal"...LOL. Congrats go out to all the people that get to that point of their weight loss, and DON'T GIVE UP!!!! Diligence pays off! I am so worried that once I hit that plateau (sp?), that I may just give up and rip open a box of HoHo's. LOL.....I am just starting my weight loss journey, which I should have started a LONG time ago. I feel better already physically and not so tired. Yeah, it might just all be in my head, but oh well....whatever is bouncing around up there (in my head), it must be working.

    I have to learn not to weigh myself everyday. Yesterday, I exercised quite a bit, and I thought for sure that I had lost, but I stayed the same. Put the scale away, Sharon...(that'd be me).

    Anyhoo....CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Great Progress!!
  • susan32958
    susan32958 Posts: 7 Member
    Great! One day at time is the way to go!
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Congrats! How did you find out about the hormonal imbalance? I've been doing the exact same thing for two years now since my daughter was born. Lost most of the baby weight immediately then stayed at 159-161 lbs. for years now. I'm taking the higher calorie approach, slower losing process this time so hopefully the scale will start moving.

    Honestly? Lots of trial and error. Everyone thought my thyroid was whack, I had all the symptoms, included an enlarged thyroid, but not any actual nodules, and my lab tests were optimal. Not just within normal range, but a range that most thyroid patients would kill for. So I started researching. Turns out a lack of progesterone, (which in turn causes an excess of estrogen) mimics hypothyroid symptoms. And it's a domino effect, because an imbalance of estrogen causes the cells to not use the thyroid hormones (T2, T3 and T4) optimally, which in turn causes "thyroid issues" even though your thyroid is functioning fine. And being overweight, fatty tissue causes more estrogen production than lean mass. And with the thyroid hormone issues, you get constipation, which usually, you excrete excess estrogen in your BM's, but if you're having constipation, you can actually reabsorb some of the estrogen through your small intestines.

    It's a vicious cycle IMHO. I've been miserable for almost a year now. this time last year, I was 170ish (after losing the initial 15lbs in the first few months after the baby was born), and then by the end of the summer, was up to 190-195.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I eat fat for energy personally. :D Make sure you're keeping your fruits in check, while they are better than processed garbage, they are still a bit heavy on carbs(sugars) if you get them in an overwhelming amount. But they are vastly superior to processed food, so that is a great change! Keep up the good work, you'll rock it!

    Don't we all eat fat for energy? :D

    Yeah, I actually prefer veggies to fruit, I have no issues reaching my veggies count for the day. Its the fruits I struggle to get even one or two of. Course, I have a huge veggie garden, and only 2 blueberry bushes which arent producing this year yet.
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