maybe some of you can help!

Jess22207 Posts: 11
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been having some issues with weight loss since I came back from vacation in May. Before I went I was doing so good! I had lost 15 pounds all together before I went and didnt gain any when I was there! Now I'm home and I keep trying to keep myself motivated but when I see bad numbers on my weekly weigh in it drives me crazy.

Does anyone have any tips that keep them motivated?

Some simple breakfast ideas..becuase i'm never hungry until 11!

I dont go to a gym...i think spending the money is crazy when i can just work out at home...for free.
Does anyone have any good work outs to help burn calories and fat at the same time?


  • Latenight
    Latenight Posts: 2 Member
    Walking, Walking, Walking... it's works!!! You will be surprise how fit you will become by simply parking your car further away when you are shopping and when you go to work. It's amazing that the one thing that we do everyday can be so beneficial to your weight loss. Also, while you are watching tv, try walking in place every time a commercial comes on!! You will be surprised at how many commericals come on during your favorite tv program. Good Luck!
  • Kanderson47
    Kanderson47 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, Have you ever tried Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds Dvds? I have and I like them....I have lost lbs doing them....Good Luck! :happy:
  • LOL I know the feeling.
    I have a couple of DVD's I use.....
    I know it sounds lame, but I have started doing Tae Bo. My mom gave me her "Billy Blanks Tae Bo Amped". It's got 2 workouts. "Jump Start Cardio" and "Fat Burn Accelerator" one is 41 min and the other is 52 min. He's very motivational. He actually gets in there and does it with you.....I love seeing the sweat drip off his head! LOL

    The other I just started is "Core Rhythms". It hardly feels like exercise and Jaana Kunitz's body is SICK! The motivation here is looking at her and thinking that I'll get THERE one day! I also crank up the stereo while I clean house and just dance like crazy, my 2 year old LOVES to dance with me!

    Other than that, i keep a food diary and write down EVERYTHING i eat and drink. I include my "Before" picture, workouts i pull from magazines, inspirational pictures of healthy, strong, women and random stuff like that. I call it my "Fitness Bible".

    Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have the same breakfast problem as you. One the weekdays I get up at 7.30am and I have a hard time eating before 10 or 11. I eat half of a banana with about 1tbs of "natural" peanut butter around 8-8.30 and it keeps me full, but not sick full, for a few hours. Then, I snack on raw fruit or veggies around 10.30-11 when I finally actually get hungry. A piece of fruit and a small amount of cheese work well in the morning, too. Basically, I think in terms of some type of fruit for carbs in addition to some type of protein. An egg and some berries, apple and PB, fruit and a serving of nuts, etc., pretty much any good carb + protein combination. This works well for me and is also what my doctor recommended several years ago when I mentioned I never ate breakfast; it took a couple of years to sink in, I guess.

    For the exercise, I bought a used stationary bicycle that works arms & legs at the same time for $45 on Craigslist. It's the only exercise machine I've ever had motivation to use consistently & I use it almost every day. I actually enjoy it because I can get a really great workout while I plug headphones into my TV & watch a movie or whatever. I also just discovered the On Demand Exercise TV so I'll be doing some workouts on there. If you have digital cable or satellite, you probably have it, too. I take my dogs on long (3-5 mile) brisk walks by the canal most weekends and I do several stretches inspired by Hatha Yoga. For strength training, I use resistance bands (which cost like $10). I'm way too cheap and embarrassed to go to a gym but I've been getting a really great workout at home for basically free.
  • I've been having some issues with weight loss since I came back from vacation in May. Before I went I was doing so good! I had lost 15 pounds all together before I went and didnt gain any when I was there! Now I'm home and I keep trying to keep myself motivated but when I see bad numbers on my weekly weigh in it drives me crazy.

    Does anyone have any tips that keep them motivated?

    Some simple breakfast ideas..because i'm never hungry until 11!

    I dont go to a gym...i think spending the money is crazy when i can just work out at home...for free.
    Does anyone have any good work outs to help burn calories and fat at the same time?

    I just went through the same thing as you. I lost 17 pounds from May to July. Then I lost nothing in August and half of Sept. I just started Jillian Michaels new weight loss supplements and I finally lost two pounds in 5 days. I eat healthy and exercise 3 to 4 times a week. but it just so happens that I was sick this week and did not get to work out for a few days. This has given me the motivation to try even harder.

    I also do not go to the gym. I use DVD's and I go to aerobics twice a week at the local school. My favorite thing to do is the Leslie Sansone Walking videos. She is also on the fitness channel for free. I have also done Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It is how I lost the first part of my weight.

    Breakfast is another huge part in this. I always hated eating breakfast and notice that I do not lose weight when I skip it or wait to many hours to eat. I eat oatmeal about an hour after waking up. I use different flavors and sometimes add frozen berries and cream on top with slivered almonds. I use a combination of foods from the Biggest Loser cookbook, Jillians website, my own recipes as well as a new book I just bought called 200 recipes under 200 calories. Or something like that. Very helpful!!! I weigh everything in advance and put it in it's own Ziploc so there is no excuses to overeating or to feeling lazy. It's already done. I also use the Biggest Loser Protein Powder. I add a scoop to fruit smoothie that I make and sometimes have this when I don't want a regular breakfast or I have it after a workout for a snack.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. It's great for us to keep each other motivated. I have a great recipe for a banana smoothie. I will have to post it sometime.

    Good Luck!!!!:drinker:
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    2 cups Multi Grain Cheerios + 1/2 cup 1% milk + 3 med. strawberries (chopped) = 292 calories
    2 eggs + 1 piece of regular white toast = 247
    2 slices of french toast (2 slice white bread, 2 eggs, 1/8 cup 1% milk, 1 tsp vanilla extract) + 1 pat butter + 1/8 cup lite syrup = 393 (this is my workout day treat sometimes. lol)
    1 medium banana (sliced) + 6oz Tillamook Marionberry Yogurt = 285

    Yum. I never ate breakfast before, but not that I've started, I've learned to really enjoy it. :flowerforyou:
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