Hungry much

let2nd Posts: 1 Member
Can someone please explain to me how I have to force myself to eat 1200 calories one day and then there is always one day a week that I could eat the whole house???


  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    subscribed. :)
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Not so unusual I think. I always want to eat more when my routine is broken, so usually the weekends suck for me as far as wanting to go overboard.
  • diletta24
    diletta24 Posts: 91 Member
    that's the black or white mindset: (meeee).
    Anyway sometimes, maybe that's your case, it is physical. More exercising, poor sleeping (it affects me a lot), PMS,...
  • Livingbalanced
    Livingbalanced Posts: 84 Member
    Personally? I'd say EAT if you're hungry! Your body is telling you something; just make sure the choices you're making are ones you can live with. Listen to your body, it knows best :)
  • yoopergirl
    yoopergirl Posts: 41 Member
    I am having probs finding foods for quick snacks. I sit at a desk 8 hrs +/day & am getting tired of naked almonds. I love crunch.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I am having probs finding foods for quick snacks. I sit at a desk 8 hrs +/day & am getting tired of naked almonds. I love crunch.

    How about rice cakes? They have a lot of crunch for only 35 cals. (also puff rice will work I think).

    Toasted wheat crutons (homeade)

    Umm, trying to think, crunchy, crunchy, how about celery or carrots - lots of crunch there.
  • jared767
    jared767 Posts: 76
    There's a whole lot of crunchy foods here with nutrition information. Check it out
  • lalonde1980
    lalonde1980 Posts: 3 Member
    Sometimes it's WHAT you are eating that induces your appetitie to want more and more. Wheat and grains can stimulate your appetite. Try to eat more fruit and vegetables and protein throughout the day and skip the wheat. I have been wheat and grain free for 7 days and i am not nearly as "ravished" and "starving" as i was when i just cut down calories. Try it for a week and see if you feel less like "eating the house"! Works for me!