Been stuck since February

Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
I added strength training back into my routine in February and haven't really lost squat since then. I say back into my routine because in August through about Nov I did strength training 3 days a week. I'm anywhere from 228 to 231lbs each week I weigh in... One week it's 229 the next 231 and the next 228... you get what I'm saying right?
I've done one month of 1300 net calories and that did nothing (basically kept me at 230 for 4 weeks straight)
Now (in May) I'm doing 1500 gross (But if I'm hungry I'll eat back some workout calories, I'm just not doing it every day) and 100 grams of carbs... I'm not sure if this is working as it's only been 10 days, but I'm seeing the same numbers (I'm a daily weigher but with what that's been doing to my mind I may cut back...) that I saw when eating net calories. I don't want to hear your net calories verses gross calories debate, I believe it works for some but not all... I'm one it didn't work for.

I drink 128oz of water a day or more (That's one gallon) I try to stay under 2,000 mg of sodium but usually get about 2,500 with the meats I've been eating (low carb but crazy salt!).
I'm at 25/35/40 with my carbs, fat and protein. (94g/58g/150g)
I work out 5 days a week for 30 to 40 minutes at a time usually breaking down like this: 15 to 20 minutes of cardio, every other day 10 to15 minutes of strength training, and 10 minutes of sit ups ending with one really cr@pply done push up.
I'm 5'11" and 23 years old if that has to do with any thing...
I've lost maybe an inch since Feb, I gained inches eating net calories in March/April, so now I'm basically right back where I was in February. So while it's possible the "weight" is muscle, (I've noticed very little definition) I'm worried since not even measurements are changing.

So my main question is: "Could the addition of strength training halt weight loss? Or am I just not doing enough cardio?" I can spend more time at the gym; it's my summer break. Mostly just looking for suggestions. (Without the whole net calories verses gross calories debate, If I wanted to read that I'll just search for that topic.)


  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
  • sid719e
    sid719e Posts: 47
    Change things up. What you're doing right now doesn't seem to be working, so change something. Change your activity level or your caloric intake - do SOMETHING different until you start seeing results again.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I wish I could help, I feel your frustration. I am no expert, so I can only reflect on what has hindered or helped me. Gluten was seriously hurting me and I never knew it so I cut it out. Cortisol was a terrible problem for me so I took steps to balance my endocrine/hormone system. I am a person who gains muscle and then loses fat and weight AFTER I put in the muscle, and running helped me... or it seemed to. I wish you the best and hope you persevere through the difficult times and find yourself at the end - the incredible you that you are creating.
  • Babrao
    Babrao Posts: 152 Member
    I'm basically in he same boat, I was going cardio crazy and lost weight for a good 6 months and then weight loss slowed down so I decided to switch to mostly strength training (Boot Camp) and to up my calories to maybe "reset" my metabolism or something but here I am after 3 months of strength training still stuck at the same damn numbers on the scale. Very frustrating!!!!
  • sid719e
    sid719e Posts: 47
    I'm basically in he same boat, I was going cardio crazy and lost weight for a good 6 months and then weight loss slowed down so I decided to switch to mostly strength training (Boot Camp) and to up my calories to maybe "reset" my metabolism or something but here I am after 3 months of strength training still stuck at the same damn numbers on the scale. Very frustrating!!!!

    Are you changing it up in the gym? Be sure not to do the same things over and over again. Also, if you've been at a certain calorie level for three months, and your not losing, sounds like it's time to drop it a little again.

    But you have lost 65 lbs, so good for you.
  • Babrao
    Babrao Posts: 152 Member
    Yes, I do all different things at the gym, I use to do 2 days Kickboxing and 2 days Elliptical and walk or ride my bike sometimes also and then I switched to 2 days of Boot Camp and 1 day Elliptical or Walking and sometimes a weight-training class. Also, the routines at Boot Camp are always different. Yeah, I think I have eaten more for a while and since I haven't lost more I think I am going to lower my calories again and try to do 3 days Bootcamp and 1 day Kickboxing. My question is this though, I haven't lost "weight" but I have lower my body fat a little and gained more "lean muscle", my "lean muscle" had suffered from losing like 60 pounds through just cardio, so now that I have that back, as long as I keep strength training and cardio I should be ok.
  • sid719e
    sid719e Posts: 47
    Yes, I do all different things at the gym, I use to do 2 days Kickboxing and 2 days Elliptical and walk or ride my bike sometimes also and then I switched to 2 days of Boot Camp and 1 day Elliptical or Walking and sometimes a weight-training class. Also, the routines at Boot Camp are always different. Yeah, I think I have eaten more for a while and since I haven't lost more I think I am going to lower my calories again and try to do 3 days Bootcamp and 1 day Kickboxing. My question is this though, I haven't lost "weight" but I have lower my body fat a little and gained more "lean muscle", my "lean muscle" had suffered from losing like 60 pounds through just cardio, so now that I have that back, as long as I keep strength training and cardio I should be ok.

    Hey, as long as you are changing the composition of your body, don't worry about the scale for now. Good job.