What was your breaking point?



  • jbb86
    jbb86 Posts: 39 Member
    My breaking point is well... I have many!! 4 years ago after splitting with my ex-husband I lost 70 pds. After finding my soulmate and having our beautiful lil girl, I breastfed and lost another 30! But being in a happy & healthy relationship his eating habits became mine and well, I gained every pound back.

    I get so tired of hiding from cameras when I use to love them, and not being able to be as active as I would like with my daughter.

    Also I use to love wearing heels, I have a closet full of them but since I don't feel comfortable enough to wear anything but loose fitting clothes, I have nothing to wear them with.
    So here I am giving it my all!!!!
    Open to any friend request, looking for support & motivation and I will also give it in return!
  • xlpavenged7x
    mine was when I realized I was eating so unhealthy and I started to gain a lot of weight, and I hap to fit in my prom dress!
  • Danielle2344
    It seems like there's been a build up of things till I hit the breaking point this time. I lost weight 4 - 5 years ago and I was down to 118 lbs. I then got pregnant with my 3rd child. I continued to eat healthy and to exercise till I was 6 or 7 months pregnant, so I didn't gain much at all. After I had her, I only had 10 lbs. of extra weight on. I worked out and ate right and lost those 10 lbs. and got back to 120 lbs. Now, fast forward 4 years.....I've slowly put back on 10 lbs. I have excuse after excuse as to why I can't eat better, why I don't exercise, why it's just easier for me to not do anything about it. Then a couple of weeks ago, a lady I work with gave me a picture that was taken sometime before I lost weight. I looked terrible and I can't believe I was really that big! I was darn near 150 lbs. and it made me feel so bad seeing that picture. I cut the picture up and threw it away. Then, last Saturday I weighed myself, which I normally do almost daily (which I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing) and the scale showed 130 lbs. I've had it! I don't want to be the chubby girl in the picture anymore. I want to be the girl who feels good about herself, inside and out.

    I'm looking for all the help I can get here and reading everyone's stories makes me realize that it's much easier to do it with encouragement and understanding than trying to do it alone.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    My breaking point came after seeing a picture of me that a friend posted on her FB page a few years ago....

    I was sucking on a bottle (at a baby shower- playing one of those stupid games) and the purple shirt I was wearing made me look like Grimace. Double-chin, buddha-belly, rolls-upon-rolls....WHAT A PORKER!!! From that point on, I vowed to get healthy! Since that day, I've been consistently losing weight; although, the biggest results came when I started MFP.

    I look back at that disgusting picture and think....NEVER AGAIN!!!!
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    My breaking point was last October. I volunteered at a 5k race that my sister was walking. I was supposed to be walking right along side her. Instead I had to use my mother in laws walker because I couldnt carry my own weight on my knees. I sat on the walker at my post and cried while all the fit and not so fit flew by me. I decided right then and there that I had hit rock bottom. Took a couple of months before I really did anything other than join WW to lose the weight. Now I am working out at the gym with a personal trainer and loving it! Weight is coming off slow but that is ok with me. I feel amazing and actually mowed the lawn tonight with no pain or shortness of breath1
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    My Breaking Point: 98% of everything in my small walk-in closet didn't fit, and naked was not pretty!
  • hstjohn
    hstjohn Posts: 6
    Welcome! I hope that everyone you meet here is as encouraging as my MFP friends! My breaking point was when I got on the scale at the doctor's office and it said 169. I'm 5'1" with a big frame, but that's unhealthy. I was facing an unknown opponent in the female region. Doctors still don't know what's wrong with me, but I knew my weight wasn't helping. My whole family is big and I'm the skinniest one, so it was easy to ignore how big I had really gotten. I'm terrified of the damage I've done and would have continued to do to my body if that scale hadn't jerked me back to reality. Good luck in your journey!
  • esselltee1156
    esselltee1156 Posts: 29 Member
    Mine was when i ate a bacon cheeseburger from whataburger at least 3 times a week.

    mine was when i was eating one 3 times a DAY! lol
  • anthemforagirl
    I fell down a flight of stairs; broke and dislocated my ankle, broke my fibia, and tore all the ligaments.

    I was told that the damage wouldn't have been so bad if I wasn't at the weight I was.

    I almost missed graduating from college on time and I realized, very quickly, that it was only going to get worse if I didn't do something now.
  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    Went on a cruise to Alaska with my girlfriend and her family... we were taking a helicopter to a glacier. We were listening to the safety instructions when a young woman approached me... she asked me to follow her then mentioned that they would need to weigh me... there was a weight restriction for the helios... 250lbs. I had to stand on a scale that looked like it should have been used for cattle... I was at 245. But that wasn't the end...

    A year or so later, I went to Colorado to visit my gf's folks... felt like I was drowning the entire time... couldn't catch my breath for the four days I was there... got home... got on the scale... and it went beyond the zero... I was 276. Now, I'm 6'2, and have never been a litt'lin... but getting winded walking up a flight of stairs scared me.
  • Aquaduckie
    Aquaduckie Posts: 115
    My breaking point was when I (finally) got on the scale and it read 199. I am only 5'2" and 200 pounds just wasn't an option for me. I didn't want to break into the 200's. So I got on the wagon. I had been slowly putting on weight over the course of the last 3 1/2 years. I have been living overseas; things have not been in my favor with the way things are here (we live in Okinawa, Japan). We will be moving back to the states this summer and I want to be more fit when I get there. It's embarrassing to see friends you haven't seen in 3 years and you've gained 50 pounds. I won't reach my goal before we get there, but I am on my way, at least.
  • chroniclesofadime
    My breaking point was when I got a health screening at work, and realized that my scale at home was off by roughly 7lbs. And, that I had gained an inch plus in my waist since I have been dating my boyfriend. Plus, I'm nearing 30, and my metabolism is slowing down. I thought it was time to take control and do something about it, so I joined MFP. :)
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    I broke long before I had the ability to fix myself. My living situation had become so bleak that I contemplated suicide, a lot. And because of those awful feelings, and an inability to change what was causing them, I crammed them down and filled myself with food instead.

    Once my situation changed I figured I'd be able to get my eating back on track, but then every meal became a celebration of my (our) freedom.
    Then one day I was looking ahead to my 30th birthday, a date I had long dreamed would greet a thin and happy me, and I realized that if I didn't get my *kitten* in gear, I would be neither thin nor (as) happy (as I could be) on that momentous occasion.

    It was like a switch flipped in my head. The changes I made in that first week caused a domino effect that has expanded beyond my diet, to my fitness and even my social life. It's pretty awesome.

    I've thought about this a lot, so thank you for asking the question... for once the story doesn't start at rock bottom, but feeling better about myself has motivated to make my self better.

    (there's a more detailed version here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/esphixiet/view/the-more-things-change-195005
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    for me it was when i looked in the mirror before a shower just after christmas last year and actually asked myself who am i looking at? cause it wasn't me but then i realized it was me but bigger and that needed to change. and so here i am 25 pounds lighter in 5 months
  • JBearsMom21
    JBearsMom21 Posts: 90 Member
    My breaking point was looking through all the pictures I had of my son and realizing that we did not have ONE picture together and that I was hiding from the camera because of my weight. My son is only 9 months and since his birth the hospital picture is the only one we have together. I do not want these years to go by and not have any pictures of him and I to put in the scrap book.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    when i stopped wanting to go out so i didnt have to be photographed
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    When I realized if I didn't do something about my weight I be...well not here.

    It was around the time I realized I was over 230 pounds.
  • dementedtink
    mine was when i was in a ridding cart (cuz i hurt my back a few years ago and mu lungs are not to well) a young thin girl said " what the heck is taking so long?..... oh never mind i see. that fat lazy girl in the cart is buying out the store... (then she and a few more people laughed)" it hurt and sent me in to tears. i couldnt beleave some one would say something like that. she couldnt be more then 18 years old, i am 30 and i was raised better then that. but when i heard everyone laugh i said i am going to change even if it is the last thing i do.
  • mrscvan
    mrscvan Posts: 5
    My breaking point was when I went to see a surgeon for a consultation before hernia surgery. I was undressed from the waist down so he could examine me and he said, "do you mind if I lift up this flab so that I can take a look at those cesarean scars?" I said "sure, whatever you need to do." As he lifted the flab that is my abdomen, I just stood there with silent tears running down my face. I said to myself - "that's it, this is the most humiliating experience of my life. I cannot live like this anymore." The doctor wasn't trying to be cruel and when he saw that I was crying he wanted to know why and I told him. He felt really bad for hurting my feelings but, the truth is in the flab.
  • jerseyjenus
    jerseyjenus Posts: 103 Member
    Mine was when I was a party and was speaking to my girlfriend's husband and the topic of weight came up. I mentioned to him that before I had my first child at 34 years old, I weight 118 lbs and he said "You were skinny?!"

    I felt like crying and I just never realized how much weight I had gained.

    So, I am turing a new leaf and will fight my weigh back down to 125 lb!