
Has anyone tried A.C.E.


  • haitysmom
    haitysmom Posts: 4
    i am currently taking and selling A.C.E.
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    Interesting stuff. Seems to have similar ingredients as some of the 5 hour energy shots ( caffeine and B-6) in differing amounts with some other stuff. Just an interesting side note though, It does contain 1,3-dimethylpentylamine
    which is one of several synonyms for Methylhexanamine. The FDA is actively trying to ban the use of this in all supplements. I'm not sure to what extent though, Some companies are resisting, but others are ceasing the sale of all supps that contain this. Seems to be some controversial anecdotal evidence that it has some harmful properties. It's harmful properties may in reality be a load of bunk, but someone's got it i their crosshairs. Just an FYI.