appetite control help

How do you control your appetite? Please help me. I am constantly hungry during the day, and so I eat when I am hungry which is quite often. I already drink a ton of water... Everyday, I reach my calorie goal before dinner. What is wrong with me?


  • andrea9873
    andrea9873 Posts: 171 Member
    i'm trying to get an answer for this as well. hopefully others will chime in with some wisdom.

  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Honesty I find water very helpful. Also foods that are low in cals but filling help. I try to eat 5 or so smaller meals during the day as opposed to 3 larger ones and that seems to help a great deal :)
  • 1nsanity
    1nsanity Posts: 95 Member
    drink more water. eat more fiber. eat more protein (especially in the morning).

    and drink more water.

    seriously many times you mistake hunger pangs for thirst pangs. eating a protein packed breakfast will help curb hunger throughout the day as well. there really isnt any "miracle" supplement to control hunger.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I can't see your diary, so it's hard to say. At a guess, you're probably not eating something your body needs, and your nutrient balance is off, so your body is really hungry for something and you're feeding it something else.

    When I started out, I was hungry a lot and snacked my way to zero-calorie conditions for supper. Constantly. It turned out I was eating too many carbohydrates for my energy, and not enough fats and proteins. My seemingly-healthy fruit snacks would boost my glycogen rapidly, and I'd be satisfied, but an hour later I'd be hungry again. I took out some fruit and added some lean meat (I actually had NO quality protein sources in my lunch AT ALL), and now I sometimes struggle to eat all of my food. Same calories, different balance. Plus my energy levels are much higher and I can sustain workouts that would have astonished me three months ago.

    Start tracking fats, carbs, and protein. Try to eat to your goal of each as much as possible. See if that helps.

    Also, workouts earn you more food. Log them and eat the calories, and if you're not working out, start now. Exercise calories taste the BEST!

    If none of this helps, you may have your calories set too low. You're only trying to lose ten pounds according to your profile. How aggressively do you have your goal set? Because you aren't going to lose two pounds a week with ten left, I'm afraid, or at least it's highly unlikely. Trying will just lead to hunger and a lower metabolism.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    1/2 tsp hemp seed on what ever meal you need extra help.

    Me on cereal in the am, and 3 pm i put on yogurt snack.

    Yes, plus drink your water ☺
  • breathless575
    breathless575 Posts: 140 Member
    How do you make your diary public?

    Thank you everyone for all the advice...Keep the suggestions coming!
  • bogle34
    bogle34 Posts: 107 Member
    I am glad I am not alone, I do drink more water, but sometimes that don't help & I also work out - so frustrating!!
  • mcknz121
    mcknz121 Posts: 44
    i find that the days i don't eat a lot of protein in the morning i feel like snacking all day. good breakfast choices are smoothies made w/ protein powder, whole wheat toast w/ peanut butter, greek yogurt with fruit, hard boiled eggs (yolk included).
  • Marie2601
    Marie2601 Posts: 2
    Don't the protein powders add a lot of calorie to the smoothies?
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    How do you make your diary public?

    Thank you everyone for all the advice...Keep the suggestions coming!

    "MY HOME" tab / Settings / Diary Settings / toward bottom there are options to select
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    A few things to try

    - make sure you're getting plenty of protein and fiber. protein it satiating and fiber is filling
    - try eating lots of small meals a day
    - if lots of small meals doesn't seem to work for you, try eating fewer (2-3) larger meals a day

    And this should be needless to say, but just because so many people on this site are into starvation diets, make sure you're actually eating enough. Sometimes we're still hungry because we actually need more food.
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    I split my calories total into six, so I can eat six times a day. The first two days were rough but now I have trouble eating g all my calories. U can add me and look at my diary if u want.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Green Tea...preferably Japanese Green Tea...higher caffeine...

    will suppress hunger and speed up metabolism...

    Like other's say...drink plenty of water...

    Another thing is eat carbs high in Fiber and make sure to get your protein in...

    OTher than these things...Hire a Food Nazi...or have more Self control
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    I find what helps me is to plan ahead.
    My normal routine is I take to work on Monday's enough fruit to last me for a week. I keep them in a basket at my desk. (Apples, Bananas, low maintenance type of fruit)
    I prepare for lunch for the week, on Sunday. (If i cook,I cook enough for the week) I have no problems eating the same thing every day. Some people do. If i get hungry, I will eat whatever is in front of me.
    I try to carry health snakes with me.
    I don't buy " Junk food" . that is my portions control....If they are around I eat them, If I have t go out to get junk food, it kills the urge.

    Yes, I fall off the wagon like everyone else. Today my fruit had all gone bad and I ran out....So junk food machine here I come.

    Hope that helps.
  • majija
    majija Posts: 1
    :drinker: Itoo have an uncontrolable appitie. i had someone suggest strawberry ketones vitimins. i am going to try this.:drinker: :drinker:
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    go tot the very top of the page to this "settings". there is a button there for "diary setting". close to the bottom is a button on the profile.
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    Intermittent fasting, water, tea, coffee, avoiding carb only snacks/meals, more fiber, more fat, more protein, less carbs, DON'T WASTE MONEY ON SUPPLEMENTS. The only real thing that works as an appetite suppressant (legal/otc) is caffeine, water and more food from my experience. :)
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    How do you control your appetite? Please help me. I am constantly hungry during the day, and so I eat when I am hungry which is quite often. I already drink a ton of water... Everyday, I reach my calorie goal before dinner. What is wrong with me?

    I heard that nuts can help. I find that strawberries really fill me up too...good luck, I'm in the same boat too, esp PMS time.:explode:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Are you sure it's hunger?

    We get into habits of eating at certain times or during certain events. Or, when other people are eating. It's hard to break those habits and in the mean time it can feel like hunger. For me, it's always been when playing board/card games, studying, and in training events (those ones where they have snacks on all the tables, ugh.... I have such a hard time!) My strategy is to chew gum instead for most of the time.

    Also, make sure that your meals and snacks have enough protein, fat, and fiber. It's easy to get into the simple carb and starch trap, because the calories seem lower, but they don't fill you up for long. Some great snacks I've found are a boiled egg, a handful of almonds, yogurt, ONE serving of corn chips (that's about 10 chips - I count them out) with salsa, and veggies (bell pepper, celery, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc) with ONE measured serving - 2 Tb- of ranch dressing.

    Don't drink your calories. A (measured, 8 oz) cup of milk a couple of times a day is okay, but it's really easy to go overboard. Juice, sweet tea, soda, etc are all just more calories - and usually empty carbs - and don't satisfy for very long at all. You will do much better drinking water and having those 120 calories (average per cup) in one of the above snacks.
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm been going through something similar where I just hungry all the time. Have tried water, fiber, protein, etc. Then when I exercise, it's worse. :-( Frustrating. I used to use and that gave me more calories to eat. Beginning to think MFP calorie goal way too low?