

Does anyone own and use the fitbit ultra? And if so would you recommend?



  • 4ckmkj8
    4ckmkj8 Posts: 18 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. I did see where Dr. Oz had it on a recent show and recommended it.
  • AliseIrvine
    AliseIrvine Posts: 6 Member
    I just ordered one this afternoon! I have heard wonderful things about it. (I got the scale too) A friend of mine swears by it. She can keep it in her bra, yes her bra, and it will track her steps, cals burned, etc. I can't wait to try it and report back!
  • viki1123
    viki1123 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm on the website right now. It looks really cool and it's a $100. I looked at HRMs but that all seemed so... complicated? Expensive? Intimidating?
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I like mine. It is a motivational tool. It does not give what a HRM does. It will keep you motivated on the steps but it cannot tell the exertion so you get "credit" for steps and stairs but if you do them really fast, it doesn't matter.

    Mine gives me the extra push to get past the 10,000 a day mark and then the competition with myself to see if I can break the previous high. Kind of like a video game when you are trying to beat the high score.

    If you are looking for something that you can use to accurately eat back your exercise calories this is not it.
  • viki1123
    viki1123 Posts: 30 Member

    If you are looking for something that you can use to accurately eat back your exercise calories this is not it.

    THAT is what I needed to know! You are so helpful!
  • SarahClaireB
    SarahClaireB Posts: 20 Member
    thanks everyone, still not sure whether to get one or not as they are £79.99 in the UK

    how accurate are they? I just want an accurate pedometer but think £80 maybe to much money for one
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    I find mine highly accurate. I wear it in the middle of my bra or on my hip. I LOVE my Fitbit!! I lost mine last week and was devastated. I lasted 48 hours before I bought a new one :) I figure even if you only used it for 3 months, it works out at $1 a day which is less than a cup of coffee... and it just keeps getting cheaper. I'm also really glad I have it for when I go on holiday in a month because I'll have a better idea how much I can eat without putting on those dreaded holiday kilos.
  • SarahClaireB
    SarahClaireB Posts: 20 Member
    have gone for it and just ordered one!

    am quite excited now hope it gets delivered quickly

    thanks again everyone x
  • vancy31
    vancy31 Posts: 6
    I am also a Fitbit lover! I have had mine for a few weeks now and I use it religiously. I realized really quick that I was not moving as much as I thought I was before I had the Fitbit. I find the steps counter, distance tracker, and stairs counter all to be really accurate. It does NOT accurately count calories when you are working out though. I wear both the Fitbit and my heart rate monitor when I HRM will tell me I burned 600 calories but the Fitbit will only say 200. But I go into my profile here on MFP, put in how many calories I actually burned according to my HRM and the info immediately transfers over to my Fitbit. Also, the sleep tracker tool is really, really cool. And I'll agree with another commenter that this device is a great motivator. It may not be super precise down to the exact calorie you burned in a given day, but it is great for estimating and giving you an idea of how much (or little) you are moving. It is also great when you have friends on the Fitbit site so you can challenge each other in steps and activity points. And if nothing else, I am moving a lot more than I was before I had it. To me it is well worth the $100, in fact I'm getting one for my mom for Mother's Day :)
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    I know a lot of people use and love the Fitbit, but I have a new product called a Striiv and it is awesome. It tracks your movement, but also has so many ways to motivate you to move more. It has done a great job motivating me - I'm forever looking for those few more steps.

    Check it out!
  • cyndist
    cyndist Posts: 43
    I have a Fitbit, HRM and now the Stiiv. I wear the HRM for working out only and the other two all day. I just received the Striiv so the jury is still out on how close it is in steps and cals burned compared to the Fitbit. The Striiv was under about 23 steps but I did adjust my stride length. The Striiv looks like a lot of fun. You have challenges and if you have friends that have one you can connect with them or something like that and compete.
    From Amazon:
    A Walkathon in Your Pocket
    Helping others provides powerful motivation. At no cost to you, Striiv and corporate partners donate on your behalf as you walk. Just walk, earn, and plug into your computer to donate. It's that simple. You have the choice of three charities--donating water to families in South America, polio vaccines, and saving the rainforest. The more you walk, the more sponsors give.